
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Scorpio Full Moon In The Time Of The Covid19 Pandemic

   The Full Flower Moon culminates at 6:45 tomorrow morning, in the Fixed Water sign of Scorpio. This is also the highly celebrated Wesak Moon in Buddhist tradition when the spirit of the Buddha is said to return to the Earth.
We know that Full Moons can be overwhelming and we know that Scorpio tends to be very intense, so the amount of emotional energy behind this Moon looks to be all-encompassing.

   Scorpio Full Moon is highlighting two main things - death and finances. That's its' realm, along with creation, regeneration and transformation. In the chart for Washington D.C. which as the Capital of the United States, shows the picture of primary concern, and challenges or opportunities, we find Taurus Sun in the 12th House opposite Scorpio Moon in the 6th. This is the healing axis, as well as daily schedules and where we experience confinement, such as in hospitals and prisons, or where we work to adjust to changing situations.

   What is everyone consumed with right now... opening businesses and getting back to making money, as opposed to people dying from an unseen yet potent enemy, the Covid 19 virus. That speaks to the Full Moon rather succinctly! With the Sun (leaders) in Taurus (Fixed Earth) in the 12th house of healing or un-doing, opposing the Moon (public sentiment) in Scorpio (deep emotions)  in the 6th house of daily life, you have to ask yourself, what is most important right now? Let's try to be more respectful of each other, even when we don't have all the information about others' lives and motivations.

   Instead of becoming fearful of what we can't control, we have the option to be loving and work together to get to the bottom of this pandemic's hold on our daily lives. I've said it before, many times... there are two basic emotions - love and fear. If you're not coming from one, you're coming from the other. What do you chose? Watch out for anger arising in reaction to situations or people pushing each others buttons. With both the Sun and Mercury making an harmonious aspect to Neptune, there's an opportunity to interact with others out of compassion and understanding. Healing can take place.

   This chart also shows the very recent movement of the Lunar Nodes from the Cancer/Capricorn axis to Gemini/Sagittarius for the next 18 months. We go from the emotional need for security (Cancer) and the focus of the status quo (Capricorn) to acquiring knowledge and being flexible (Gemini), along with the wisdom of seeing the bigger picture (Sagittarius). That's an elemental change from Water and Earth into Air and Fire. I will write more about that in a separate blog.

   In the meantime... remember to wear a mask around others, keep a social distance of 6 feet, and let's all try and be more respectful of each other. Then we can truly say we have our heads in the stars and our feet on the ground. Many blessings until next time~



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