
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Sun In Leo, Venus Into Leo & Mercury Into Virgo,Then A Leo New Moon

  Yesterday the Sun entered it's rulership in the zodiac sign of Leo. If you know any Leo natives, you know they are fun-loving, courageous and willful. Take the lion's lead and they will show you an exciting time, but ask them to let you be the leader and you might as well retreat to the hills as they sound their mighty roar! This kind of strength and power is what the Sun's energy is all about - think of how far away the sun is from earth and how it warms us nonetheless. If you are fortunate enough to be loved by a Leo, count your blessings because standing within their circle of light will make you feel special.

  The sign of Leo is elemental fire with the modus operandi of being fixed, which means that when the Sun is in Leo, we can experience the clash of strong egos, especially among leaders or heads of state. Watching a political drama play out is like observing two children who both want their way - neither wants to back down, but if both would give a little, they could find a creative way to have fun. It's that child-like response to life of   either "we'll do it my way" or "hey, let's do this..!". When good old Sol moves through this part of the sky, we want a playmate to have fun with and if that's not possible, we can muster up the strength to go it alone.

  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are under the influence of the Gemini Moon. As Gemini is an Air sign, this is a good time for writing down your ideas, thoughts or memories. It's also the time for communication and negotiation. If there's something important that needs to be agreed on however, wait until after 1:05p.m. Monday when the Moon is firmly in Gemini and not making a trying aspect to Neptune, which can lead to confusion. Tuesday is the best day of the week to continue a meeting or discussion with others and to really accomplish something work-wise.

  There is an occultation of Mars by the Moon on Wednesday at 12:55 p.m. that's like an eclipse. It can add stress to your words and a sense of urgency, so no pushing allowed! This occulatation of Mars is only visible in Samoa, French Polynesia and the southern half of So. America, except for the very tip.  A few hours later, tbhe Sun harmonizes with Uranus for insight and new energy, so if there's something you need a fresh look at, Wednesday afternoon will provide you with all the right ingredients, especially if you have to ask a boss for their assistance.

  Thursday has two big events as first Venus moves into Leo in the morning and Mercury enters Virgo in the early afternoon. So what does that mean for everyone? Well, Venus holds the planetary energy of beauty and love and it has to do with the power of attraction. Some of her symbolism is affection, friendship, pleasure, art and values. With this Goddess of Beauty in the fiery sign of Leo, things can heat up in the romance department or at the beauty parlor with new looks abounding as people give in to their self-indulgent tendencies. Remember all the attributes I talked about above, having to do with the Sun in Leo...?... well, with Venus here, it becomes more personal for the next month. Oh, it can also be that girls just want to have fun!!

  As the Messenger of the Gods, as Mercury was know by long ago, moves into Virgo, one of the signs it rules, thinking becomes more directed toward specific ends. Mercury has to do with the intellect and reasoning and being in this analytical sign, it strengthens the mind's ability to learn and retain information. Just remember this, Mercury will retrograde on August 3rd, moving back into Leo on August 8th, so if you need to hammer out the details on anything before the retrograde cycle ends August 27th, get it done this week, otherwise, you'll be doing this in September when Mercury re-enters Virgo for the second time.

  The Moon in Cancer is active on Thursday and void-of-course on Friday. There are more opportunities for emotional entanglements Thursday with the possibility of hurt feelings, especially after Mercury moves into Virgo and the Moon encounters Saturn that evening. It's all about "just the facts" and not about how anyone is feeling. If you can express yourself on Friday the impact will be less likely to do long-term damage. Being in tune to others' needs as well as your own will go a long way as the Moon is in it's darkest phase right now. Trust your gut and to know your own emotional priorities right now.

  Saturday finds the Moon going to join the Sun for the Leo New Moon at 2:40p.m. EDT. This brings the inner and the outer together with a need for recognition and warmth and defines the tone of the month ahead. Appreciating loved ones, especially children, having fun and expressing your love are high on the list of things to do. Leo is dramatic energy so invite friends in for a game of charades or go see a play with your favorite niece or nephew - you're sure to enjoy yourself if you remember what it felt like to be a kid!

  That's enough from me for now, but you ought to know that when the Sun moved into Leo Saturday, I joined friends for a night out, then went dancing in the street in Barnard VT - where I expected to see more friends than I did, but no matter. I had fun watching the kids swim in the waning moonlight while the teenagers danced with their girlfriends and boyfriends and the adults boogied and swayed to the delightful sounds of a kick-ass band. It was a magical night for a moon-dance indeed!

  Until next time, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!



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