
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Sunday, September 11, 2011

On This Harvest Moon~

 The Full Moon occurs at 5:27am tomorrow - Monday, September 12th, with the Moon in the 20th degree of Pisces. As reinterpreted by Dane Rudhyar, the Sabian Symbol for this degree of the zodiac is a table set for an evening meal, which congers up the anticipation of meeting with others for nourishment. Further examination of this symbolism suggests fulfillment from the harvest of one's undertaking. There would be no Full Moon without it's dancing partner, the Sun, which finds itself opposite in the 20th degree of Virgo. The image here is a caravan of cars headed to the west coast implying a process whereby a group of persons link their consciousness and their energies to journey together and reach their goal.

  While harvests speak to reaping the fruits of our labors which are past efforts, the table is set for a meal that is to be enjoyed with others in the evening, it's something to be looked forward to with anticipation. The caravan also is about moving forward, away from the past, in a concerted effort to reach a particular goal. This symbolism speaks volumes  about what is being illuminated and presented to us on planet earth at this Full Moon. What has your hard work brought you? Is the table set so you can enjoy an evening meal? Where have your efforts joined with others' to attain a particular outcome?

  The Moon in this last, mutable sign of the zodiac is impressionable and prone to a heightened awareness of psychic or intuitive sensitivity. Often, people feel vulnerable as they connect more easily with the needs of others, sometimes losing sight of their own welfare. Spiritual insight is more readily attained when the Moon travels through Piscean waters and the feeling of wanting to withdraw from everyday activity is common. In times like we've been experiencing with the recent storm Irene and memories of past events on this date, nostalgia is rampant as feelings are stirred up.

  Midway through a lunar cycle is the time for honest appraisal of our perspective on how well we have done since the New Moon two weeks earlier, which happened to be a Virgo New Moon at the time Irene bore down on the East coast. I have personally seen many examples of organized clean-ups since the storm hit Vermont, as well as some serious "over-thinking" and worries about the future of our resources. These are indeed Virgo themes, but I like to remind people that we all have our limits and sometimes, we just have to ask ourselves, is this something I can do anything about, or is it someone elses' territory? I'm a big believer in one foot in front of the other and a day at a time in the button factory!! Plan A and Plan B also help in unsettled times.

  And now the Pisces Moon reflects our Oneness, our humanness as well as our Divinity. So, who have you gotten to know in your neighborhood or community recently, that you share something in common with? Amazing what you learn about people by doing a food drive, or sitting down to a long table set up on the town green for a meal together... or looking up the safest route for a caravan of vehicles to take supplies west. Pisces compassion aligned with Virgo refinement is all about adaptability and integrity. Being true to oneself while asking what you can do for another is an example of knowing we are all connected and still keeping healthy boundaries. We do indeed live in interesting times! Namaste~

Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!


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