
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sun In Pisces, Mercury Retrograde & A Virgo Full Moon... Time To Stay In The Moment And Go With The Flow~

   The Sun entered the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces, on February 18th, bringing an overflow of creativity and inspiration to the forefront that will last until March 20th. As the mutable Water sign, Pisces usually operates behind the scenes and prefers not to be in the limelight. You may feel the undercurrents of Pisces' fluidity as intuition, impressions or even a feeling of being off balance. Use this time to explore your own creativity in the arts, whether music, painting or photography. Also, feel free to take a break and retreat when emotions become overwhelming.

   Giving yourself permission to not always know what is around the bend, but to flow into it, is the Piscean way to go. It's also a great time to discover talents hidden beneath the surface, buried perhaps in echoes of the past. Many are uncovering the joys of painting or music that they relished in years, or lifetimes, gone by. Music and poetry are other examples that can be released when listening to your inner muse. People are generally more sensitive and compassionate under Pisces, making this a good time for sharing and understanding. It is also easier for those with escapist tendencies to get lost in fantasy, drugs or an alcoholic fog, so use your discernment along with your intuition.

    The much maligned Mercury retrograde phase began yesterday and continues through March 17th. The turn-around of this mercurial energy is necessary for regrouping so that mental processes aren't worn too thin as we jump from one plan to another. The problems that arise from delays, breakdowns in communication and mechanical or moving parts create the frustrations that have given Mercury retrograde such a bad name. Just remember, we can't be fast-forwarding all the time without some time out to review, redo and renew! If you research what you think you need to buy, or need to arrange, and dot all your i's and cross all your t's, you could feel better about this reprieve.

   Treading water in Pisces means that Mercury can connect you with your inner knowingness as you explore the subconscious realms. It may be a bit unsettling to those who are used to being more clear-cut and direct in their communications. However, actually allowing situations to unfold as they will, then intuiting which action or direction to take will help you to find the right words when you need them. It's an especially ripe time for writers to be more creative or for anyone looking to find another approach in their interactions. Nostalgia can run rampant, so digging out the old photos and actually putting them into that album that's collecting dust on the shelf, would be a wonderful pastime while Mercury flows retrograde through Pisces.

   Tomorrow's Full Moon in Virgo, the mutable Earth energy, serves to balance out all the water flowing from its' polar opposite place of the Sun in Pisces. Virgo illumination brings a chance for scrutiny and to see how well you've been organizing your dreams and visions. It also puts the spotlight on health and nutrition, as well as boundary-setting and skill-building. So take some time to see where you may need to tweak your hopes and dreams to ensure that you reach your goals proficiently. The lunar phase
 we enter now asks us to consolidate and make use of what we gathered as we began two weeks ago, not to start new projects, but to continue perfecting and polishing. Just don't be too hard on yourself in the pursuit of perfection or over analyze your every move or you may find yourself tossing and turning during many a restless night. Strike the balance between dreams and practicality!

   Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!



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