
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Friday, December 30, 2011

Working WithThe Sun, Uranus And Pluto As We Transition To 2012

   Happy "almost" New Year everyone! As we say goodbye to the past year, it's important to remind ourselves of the progress made in 2011 and how it is helping to propel us forward in to 2012. Please reread last week's post to get the Capricorn energy firmly in your mind. This is an important time to jump on board any business or career changes on your horizon. And no, you fellow Sags, you can't wait a few months... 2011 is being shaken loose as we move at light-speed toward the future that is 2012!

   That powerhouse of energy, light and warmth, known to us as the Sun, met up with regenerative Pluto, the astronomically demoted planet of transformation that works through disintegration and elimination, early yesterday morning, to bring some kind of healing catharis. Then both planets  interacted harmoniously with the Pisces Moon to help you identify what needs to go and what you need to give new life to. We are often reminded of celestial alignments in physical form and are given the opportunity to move ahead through stuck places if we are paying attention to the symbols in our daily lives.

   I suggest you work with any insight you received yesterday and last night, for taking action that allows you to let go of the past and move into the future. Today's void-of-course moon in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, provides the perfect time for meditation and reflection to focus on the past and release any residual sticking points. Celestial aspects get more challenging Saturday with the Moon in Aries triggering revolutionary Uranus in the morning and transformational Pluto in the afternoon, providing the right mix for either a break-down or a break-through, either way opening a new door for turning things around on Sunday. Avoid extreme behaviors, people and/or decisions this New Year's Eve.

  January 1, 2012 starts the new year under an Aries Moon making a square aspect to the Sun, known as the first Quarter Moon. This is a key time for tweaking plans, being persistent and steadfastly re-focusing on your ambitions! There are still opportunities to make progress toward achieving your business or career goals this first week of the year until the Full Moon on January 8th. A reminder - from New to Full Moon, energy increases and you want to work with it, then from Full to the next New Moon, energy wanes and that is the time to follow through on what was already started.

  Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground, especially now. All the best to each of us in the year ahead~

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Winter Solstice 2011: Going Within And Welcoming The Return Of The Light

   The Sun entered the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn just after midnight today, signaling a focus on business and career and the return of the light as the days gradually get longer. This is the Winter Solstice when each individual has to look at their ability to effectively take responsibility for the power they are about to claim as they assume authority for some part of their life. (paraphrased from Dane Rudhyar's Astrological Mandala for the first Capricorn Sabian Symbol) We are in the darkest hour just before the New Moon and there is a strong need to go within and meditate for clarity to know just where our responsibility lies.

    The New Moon in Capricorn takes place as the Sun and Moon come together at 1:06 pm on Christmas Eve day at 2 degrees and 34 minutes of the sign. We read the Sabian Symbol for 3 degrees as "A Human Soul In Its' Eagerness For New Experiences, Seeks Embodiment". Wow, talk about symbolism for the birth of the Christ! My beliefs allow for the Christ-light within each of us to be embodied in this time of new beginnings. Prayer and meditation people - focus on what you want to see in the world, not that which you do not want. Energy follows thought and word, so set your intention to create what you want to grow. Be the Light that you want to see in the world!

    Jump on the bandwagon beginning Christmas day, up until the Full Moon on January 8th, 2012, to begin any new venture, partnership or business you want to see grow in 2012. This is a really important time to take care of business and FOCUS on that which you want to see grow and reap results in the year ahead. Please, do not miss this opportunity to make things happen!

    Another auspicious celestial event on Christmas is the Direct station of expansive Jupiter, the cosmic Santa Claus and largest planet in our solar system, as it stops, turns and starts to move forward once again in Taurus - the earth sign that has to do with money, values and personal self-worth.  Jupiter brings abundance, opportunity and good luck, as well as abundant opportunities to mess up! How can both be true, you ask? Well, Jupiter expands whatever he comes into contact with and doesn't discriminate between positive or negative opportunities.  In Taurus, we want him to save lots of money and grow what we have, not risk it all. If you're wisely using your resources and abilities and have gained insight through your self-reflection, you'll know which possibilities are open to you and in your best interest!

    I want to share something which I have to remind myself of on occasion and it is this: "Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative and don't mess with Mr. In-between."

And remember, keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.


Monday, December 5, 2011

December Delights and Dilemmas

  We begin the month under the spell of Mercury retrograde until the 13th. As most of you know, the "messenger of the gods" relays information from the divine cosmos to the human mind. This important planet has the responsibility of communicating and  transporting information, people or things from place to place, via cars, phones, letters, etc. When Mercury is in retrograde motion, delays, breakdowns and snafus can affect said movement. This period lasts for 3.5 weeks and usually occurs three times a year, sometimes four. It is a really good time to do research or review a project you've been working on, anything that needs finishing up or study before you put it out into the world or make an agreement to begin something new. Things to avoid are car, computer or major purchases, signing contracts and/or beginning a big new project.

  December 1st saw Venus,( love, money and values), joining forces with the transformational powerhouse, Pluto, in the earth sign of shakers and movers - Capricorn. This intense union brings up issues of where we place our most important investments of time, love and money. Everyone has been asking themselves the pertinent questions of what to do with their personal resources and who to partner with in professional, business or personal endeavors for the past week or more. Now that these energies have aligned, you ought to be getting a definite picture of the answers to these questions. You need to take charge of what is, or is not, working for you. Knowing where you stand is an important piece of the puzzle which can allow you to make more informed choices about how to take back, or stay in control of, your finances or personal affairs.

  Today's liason of Venus, representing beauty, attraction and aesthetics with Mars, the out-going energy of desire and physical assertion, may bring things to a new boiling point for lovers and those wanting a deeper connection. For the rest of us.... it may have to do with values aligning with energy which gives us the impetus to get moving and do what we love! Whatever your situation, I hope you thoroughly enjoy this really good energy after a few days of uncertainty. The next few days are under the influence of Venus, as ruler of Taurus, where the Moon will spend time on Tuesday, Wednesday and half of Thursday, making practicality, reliability and patience the keywords mid-week. Enjoy the natural beauty of nature, maintain your financial well-being and enjoy completing projects you have already invested  your resources into.

   Thursday, Friday and Saturday bring a strong emphasis on ideas, socializing and planning as Luna wends her way through airy Gemini - just don't assume that these days will be a breeze though! The energy ratchets up as we move closer to the Full Moon in Gemini on Saturday morning, which also happens to be a total Lunar Eclipse, and a feeling of restlessness and ambiguity predominates.  The culmination of the waxing Moon in opposition to the Sagittarian Sun at 9:36 a.m.highlights what we think we know and the process of gaining wisdom through study or travel to sacred places of higher learning or understanding.

   The Lunar Eclipse point at 19 degrees of Gemini has as its' Sabian Symbol "A Large Archaic Volume Reveals A Traditional Wisdom" which speaks to the underlying wisdom of our human minds and the "seed-knowledge" of our growth on this earth. It is suggested that small groups of like-minded individuals gather together in meditation allowing new ideas to grow or be shared as we connect to ancient wisdom in this process of knowingness.

   So, we can see that Mercury is the planetary force to be dealt with this week - picking, choosing, socializing, deciding, learning, study and the mental process. A detailed review of what has worked this year and whether you're where you want to be in your process goes hand-in-hand with practical efforts and small steps toward your goals.

   As always, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground... quite apropos this week, wouldn't you say?!