
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse

  Welcome to the start of Eclipse season! Beginning with tonight's New Moon Solar Eclipse, followed in two weeks by the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the27th, and finishing up with the August 11th, Partial Eclipse of the Sun in Leo, we are entering some powerful change flows. Eclipses only happen when the Sun and Moon line up exactly with the Lunar Nodes. Solar eclipses take place on New Moons, when the Sun and Moon align at the same degree of a sign and Lunar eclipses occur precisely at the Full Moon with the "Lights" in direct opposition to each other. Thank goodness these exact alignments with the Lunar Nodes don't happen at every New and Full Moon... or we'd have eclipses  twice every month.

   This Cancer New Moon Eclipse, earmarks a time of great potential for personal growth and/or major advancement both personally and professionally. Being a water sign, Cancer speaks to us from our emotions. Thoughts are not as important as feelings, especially as they involve home or family and emotional needs. Are you feeling supported, or are you still seeking the kind of love and acceptance that allows you to feel good about yourself and the direction you want to head in? This sense of needing something better can be experienced at work as well. Is your job fulfilling and stimulating, offering you opportunities for advancement, or are you feeling stuck because you can't express your talents? Look to where you feel the need for support and ask yourself how you can get it.

   On a larger scale, the news is filled with stories involving issues of refugees coming ashore everywhere in the world, with hungry children and fathers and mothers who just want to nourish and take care of their families, keeping them safe. This is just one example of where the changes reflected by this lunar cycle can flow. How are you affected by these concerns? What can you do... what will you do... to take care of yourself, your family or others'?

   The changes that societies and countries need to make around the compassionate care of all people... where we need to have the courage of our convictions and stand up for what is right, are boiling over and blatantly in our faces at this New Moon. The eclipse can help to jump-start major changes in attitudes if we each do our part in speaking up and saying "this is unacceptable". Courage, strength and inner fortitude are the tools to use for ushering in significant change.

   The chart for this New Moon shows a close opposition between the Sun and Moon with Pluto in Capricorn. That is not an easy aspect. One can feel powerless in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles coming from authority figures. It is necessary here to act responsibly in your own behalf, instead of just reacting to outside forces. Indeed, the changes you may need to make can be originating from within, with exterior reflections showing you your greatest tasks for claiming your own power. Outer circumstances usually teach us something valuable about ourselves and where we need to make changes. What may seem like someone else trying to take your power may be just the opportunity to realize where you've given it away.

   Another aspect to consider is the unseen, but felt beneath the surface, urge to let your creativity show itself. This is a Neptunian influence that can find expression once you've made some headway identifying what you can do, on whatever scale you can. Use your voice, your art or your music to uplift others and, at the risk of sounding cliche here... be the change you want to see in the world today!

   And remember, while keeping your head in the stars and your feet on the ground, that loving kindness always wins out in the end~