
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Friday, December 25, 2015

Cancer Full Moon Christmas Day

  Merry Christmas everyone and happy Full Moon in Cancer, the sign of home, family and nurturing! The renegade planet Uranus, turns to Direct motion as well; there may well be some Christmas magic afoot, so expect the unexpected. Weather patterns can be affected by the turnaround of this outer planet that acts independently, especially as it is interacting with Pluto.

   Being the Cardinal Water sign, this Cancer Moon brings a full house of feelings to the table, feelings of love and acceptance and/or emotional instability. Try not to add to others' insecurity whether gathered together or not. Emotions will run deep around, whether it's different versions of the same family story, or a forgotten memory that comes to light, so resolve not to let things get to you! A feeling of stability and/or security is pervasive today. If you are working for the greater good, chances are you will have much to feel good about.

   In the Full Moon chart, communicative and sociable Mercury in Capricorn harmonizes with ebullient Jupiter in Virgo. Practical planning and saying what you mean without belaboring the point or becoming too critical will serve you well. Make some pragmatic business decisions or start a well organized course of action toward your goals. This is also a good time to pay attention to dietary health... yes, I know it's the holidays... and one less cocktail or slice of pie could help you set up new habits.

  Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground as you are enlightened by your emotional needs today~


Monday, December 21, 2015

Winter Solstice 2015

   Welcome to the Sun moving into Capricorn at 11:49 pm tonight, or, the Winter Solstice. This is the shortest day and the longest night of the year. As the days progress slowly toward the cross-quarter point of Candlemas, or Groundhog Day, the Light also increases, until day and night are of equal length at the Vernal Equinox. I always feel better knowing the Light is coming back, but first, we have to address the Sun at 00 degrees of Capricorn.

   The Light of the World, The Christ, The Son/Sun in the Cardinal earth sign Capricorn  brings attention to the necessity and responsibility of practical matters, resources, business and taking care of the body. Capricorn has ruler-ship over form and function and thus begins a time of increased effort to build solid foundations in these earthly realms.

   Where does Capricorn fall in your birth chart? What do you need to do to achieve personal stability and security in the world? These are necessary questions to ask at the start of this month long passage of the Sun through Capricorn as it sets the stage for your success. Ask yourself what is your response-ability to those who rely on you, whether family, community or the bigger picture on the world stage.

    What you begin now and work hard on will grow and increase your well being in the world. Take care of business, watch the daylight gradually increase and remember, Light always triumphs over darkness. See the Light, Be the Light and Spread the Light~