
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

February Full Moon in Virgo & Chiron in Aries

  Todays' Full Moon in Virgo is also known as a Supermoon because of its' closeness to the Earth. Interestingly enough, Virgo is a Mutable Earth sign and its' ruler, Mercury, is very active in this chart for the Full Moon.  The Sun entered Pisces yesterday and the Moon enters Virgo at 9:47 am, setting up their 01 Pisces and 01 Virgo opposition precisely at 10:54 am this morning. 

   The awareness of the Lights opposing each other in complimentary Earth/Virgo and Water/Pisces, has us recognizing and dealing with the stresses in our lives that we need to take steps toward healing. This is a powerful Moon, acting as the handle of a Bucket pattern in todays' chart, swinging us around with new ideas and directions we could take. Thanks to Mars being in early degrees of Taurus (Earth) in a supporting role to the Moon, we have added drive to take necessary action. Uranus isn't quite in Taurus yet, but at the last degree of Aries, doesn't want to be left out of this opportunity to add fresh insight and possible ingenuity in courageously moving forward.

   Ask yourself where you need to take action and clear space in your head or your house, or your office to make room for the new beginnings you envisioned at the February New Moon. What is cluttering up your mind, or your desk, that needs to be addressed in order to achieve the goals you set two weeks ago? Virgo's domain involves digestion of ideas as well as food. Filtering what we eat and how we think are very important to this Full Moon. Keep space around you and question boundaries, be discerning in what you let in or let go of!

   Even though Mercury is in its detriment in Pisces and conjunct Neptune, we have to understand the inherent power here of being in touch with our subconscious mind and the gems offered us through meditation or dreams. Being aligned positively with Venus and Saturn, the power of the mind to connect with others in a a complimentary way, while recognizing the seriousness of the time, gives us the ability to work together and compromise. Try to avoid making promises you can't keep or going too far overboard with your ideas.

   At the end of this lunar cycle, on March 5th, Mercury goes retrograde at 29 Pisces and 6 minutes, backtracking to 16Pisces08', where it is now. That gives us two months while the "messenger of the Gods" moves both backwards and forward through this retrograde and shadow phase to understand the significance of the above on our relationships.

   Yesterday, Chiron, considered a planetoid, whose orbit runs between Saturn (the body) and Uranus (the unknown), otherwise known alternately as "The Wounded Healer", entered Aries, where he will remain through 2027. Being courageous, honest and open in dealing with conflict, whether personal or out in the world, is Chirons' process of healing through new experiences. In myth he is half horse, half human, a Centaur closely aligned with Sagittarius in the Zodiac. For me, Chiron shows us how we hurt and how we heal and where we can become the teacher to others going through similar hurts. But Chiron can also get self-righteous if not completely honest with his own level of healing. There is a strong connection here to physicians and therapists, and for that reason, I like to invoke the following... "physician, heal thyself"... first.

   Remember, while doing all this excellent mental, emotional and physical house-cleaning in preparation for something greater, to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.





Monday, February 4, 2019

New Moon in Aquarius

  Today's New Moon comes in at 4:04 pm in the intellectual and progressive sign of Aquarius. This Fixed Air sign of the zodiac has qualities of stubbornness and persistence, giving it the ability to make new forms into permanent structures. Aquarius brings people together in groups and committees to brainstorm the best ideas for the overall good of the whole. It is, in my opinion, the secret to " Oneness".

   Isn't it time to feel supported in your personal and/or professional efforts? Are you hanging out with the right people who can be there for you, or are you just melting into the background waiting for another time to express yourself? A New Moon is the time for a new beginning and an Aquarius New Moon is an encouraging time to start something new, especially as it connects us with others and allows us the individual freedom to be a part of something innovative that both supports us and serves a greater purpose.

   The chart for this New Moon shows positive alignments between the Sun, Moon and Jupiter. This allows for the networking of groups with original and inventive ideas that can expand in the world. With Jupiter in his ruling sign of Sagittarius, these opportunities can come through study, law, travel or spiritual connection. Expanding the mind can come about in different ways for different people. Be considerate in letting others follow their own path(s) to enlightenment; after all, both Aquarius and Sagittarius cherish independence.

   Another opportunity presenting itself at this New Moon is the ability to envision new structures, thanks to a short-lived alignment of responsible Saturn with imaginative Neptune. It isn't often that the disciplined energy of Saturn and the escapist tendencies of Neptune play well together. At the very least, take some time tonight or tomorrow to write down five practical steps to manifesting your dreams.

Remember to keep your head in the stars (Neptune) and your feet on the ground(Saturn)~