
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Friday, December 23, 2022

Winter Solstice & Capricorn New Moon December 2022

 The Winter Solstice on December 21st at 4:48pm EST marked the Sun's entry into the Cardinal Earth sign Capricorn. Capricorn is the sign of achievement, career, foundations, legacies and traditions. That includes building a business or a family... whatever defines success for you and is where you focus your efforts. Planets in Capricorn take things seriously and are willing to do the work necessary to accomplish their goals. This begins the season of active planning and growth.

The Moon left Sagittarius on Thursday when it began an overnight VOC period, before entering Capricorn early on Friday morning, when it then joined the Sun at 5:17am in the first degree/ 1°Capricorn 33'. This New Moon reminds us of the importance of respecting our bosses and authority figures as an extension of our values. If you can't do that, then it may be time to look for a position where your abilities and attributes are encouraged and respected.

This New Moon fosters positive growth for building new foundations that work for you! What are you trying to achieve and what are the steps necessary to move in that direction? Patience and hard work are two of the attributes you need for making this happen. Jupiter's recent move into Aries, the sign of courage, entrepreneurship and beginnings, is your support system. Look for opportunities that may previously have seemed unattainable but very desirable and apply some daring-do while taking a risk for yourself!

With five planets in Capricorn - the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Pluto, this is a great time to seriously consider your business plan, your home restructuring projects, or your path to building better family solidarity. Saturday, the 24th supports your efforts all day. Do keep in mind the fact that Mercury in Capricorn will go retrograde early on the 29th of December until January18th, overlapping with the final 2 weeks of Mars retrograde in Gemini. Best plan is not to sign on the dotted line or make promises you can't keep until these energies are both moving in direct motion, then it's full-steam ahead... Hooray, it's feeling like new beginnings are possible!!

Christmas is on Sunday and with an Aquarius Moon, it's a wonderful time for reaching out to others and incorporating some philanthropic or humanitarian activity into your day.

May this Holiday season bring you health, happiness and prosperity in the New Year!

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

New Moon in Sagittarius Nov. 23, 2022

It’s Sagittarius Season!

Venus and Mercury joined last night in the outgoing and optimistic Fire sign of Sagittarius. The archetype of beauty and comfort, as well as your financial picture, Venus entered this more expansive sign on Wednesday, the 16th. thereby increasing a sense of largesse and the feeling that there is enough to go around. Then on the 17th, the Messenger of the Gods, Mercury, breezed into Sagittarius also, helping to open up discussion about the bigger picture. Plans become more inclusive, while visions and goals for the future include educational or travel possibilities that increase your knowledge and awareness of the world around you.

Today, November 22nd, the Sun ingressed into Sagittarius for the next 30 days. The season of giving, abundance and the love of freedom, is upon us! What path to exploring opportunity and expansion of your mind is calling to you? Until the Moon enters Sagittarius to align with the Sun at 5:57pm on Wednesday, for the New Moon, we are still under the dark of the Moon. As we inch toward a change in attitude and perspective that is more forthright and optimistic, it’s a good time to consider what gives you purpose and meaning in your life. What have your dreams and subconscious been bringing to light lately?

This New Moon can give you a much-needed boost of possibility for new starts. And, thanks to Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius turning around from retrograde to Direct motion just after the New Moon tomorrow, you can begin to envision your personal or professional life goals. There is a note of caution here though… while it’s about time to imagine something pleasing, embracing the optimism, it’s necessary to avoid “pie in the sky” thinking on something that may be unattainable.

A square aspect between rambunctious Mars, retrograde in Gemini, and responsible Saturn can bring some leverage which allows you to be cautiously optimistic. Take care of business, communicate as clearly as possible and if you’ve done your homework/research, then feel free to proceed in the direction of gaining that which makes you happy. Overall, there’s an underlying influence in this New Moon chart that not easily seen and yet, has a subtle impact on hopes and dreams, and that comes from sensitive Neptune in Pisces being the “final dispositor” of all the planets in the signs. Translated… that means that it’s our higher consciousness and intentions that matter most now.

Happy New Moon in Sagittarius and Happy Thanksgiving~

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 11/8/2022

The 2nd Eclipse of this Fall season culminates on Tuesday, November 8th at 6:02am when the Moon in the 17th degree of Taurus opposes the Sun in Scorpio. The kicker of this lunar eclipse is that it is conjunct Uranus, the planet of surprises and upsets. These two energetic shape-shifters also oppose the Ascendant, Mercury and Venus in Scorpio, as well as it's own South Node, which is what makes a lunar eclipse in the first place.

While the Moon is exalted in the peace-promoting Earth sign of loving Taurus, the polarization to all those planets and points in the intense and often-times confrontational Water sign of relentless Scorpio, can be overwhelming emotional and psychologically damaging, which brings living in a crisis oriented world into high focus. Scorpio energy strategizes and isn't above subtle manipulation to get what it desires. Yet, Taurean energy is equally as stubborn in holding steady until others are attracted to their way of calmness and stability.

A T-square is formed from Saturn at 18° of Fixed Aquarius to the Lunar polarity with the Sun in 17°'s of the fixed Earth and Water signs, and triggering independent Uranus to upset the proverbial apple cart just when you thought things might be falling into place. Like a bolt out of the blue, this unsteady planetary aspect pattern leaves us open to sudden and difficult changes.

There's a spiritual and creative undercurrent to this Lunar Eclipse chart due to Neptune's positive interactions with the Sun, Mercury and Venus. Sensitivity connects the dots and provides a path of redemption during a stressful week. Stay calm, carry on and don't be intimidated by retrograde Mars' inclination to push your buttons or misdirect you on your path. This too shall pass.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Scorpio New Moon Oct. 25, 2022


 On Tuesday morning, at 6:49am EDT the Moon joins the Sun at 3° Scorpio to birth a 4 week phase that involves letting go, followed by a period of renewal. This is the first eclipse of the Fall season, to be followed by a Total Lunar Eclipse at 17° Taurus on Nov. 8th at 6:02am EST. These two Fixed signs want to build security, create growth and ensure economic recovery.

Let's look at how they can do that and who their supporting cast is.

Scorpio's pursuit of intimate partnership lends itself well to working together co-creatively. When the Sun and Moon combine their energies here, they will go to the depths necessary to find hidden treasures that will help them strategize the best way to achieve their aims. This is where their creativity comes in. They know how to re-purpose and what not to throw out, thereby making the most out of every available resource. Resources include skills, talents and intuition, not just money in the bank.

Venus, sitting at the exact same degree of Scorpio, plays an important role at this New Moon. Her powers of subtle seduction are a key factor in getting what she wants out of a project, partnership or enterprise. Her calm nature draws you to her, especially in the fields of art, nature and spirituality. A word of caution here... no matter where you sit in the equation, know that emotions are strongly felt and feelings can be easily hurt. Kindness, honesty and gentleness will build trust.

 Mercury plays its' role through common sense, listening and asking questions, while Mars in Gemini has a lot of balls in the air, trying to capture first this one's, then that one's attention. Watch out what you say or agree to, because if you haven't done your homework, you may find yourself literally eating your words for the next several months, scrambling to take it back, or asking for forgiveness. Mars is going retrograde on the 30th through January 12th, 2023 and there's going to be a lot of review going on. 

The key to this time frame, right now, is to work hard on any important project, put your energy into that troubled significant relationship, or become your own best friend, while avoiding un-necessarily pushing someone's sensitive buttons.

Remember, keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Aries Full Moon Oct. 2022

 The Aries Moon culminates in an opposition to the Sun in Libra at 4:55pm EST on Sunday, Oct.9th. This Full Moon feels like a reset or a do-over, an opportunity for a new beginning, especially as it relates to the healing of relationships. The Sun's influence in Libra can shine a light on partnership, beautification, harmony or lack thereof. There's a can-do spirit of independence that allows individuals to take a stand for themselves, especially in relationship. The caution here is not to be so impulsive or argumentative that you cause more of a separation.

Libra is the sign of fairness, equality and socializing. In general, these natives are gracious, kind and want to please others, which can cause them to take care of the needs of others and neglect their own needs. The imbalances that Libras experience are often because of the difficulty they have seeing both sides of a situation and being honest with themselves about how to achieve inner peace. This adheres to the Sun's transit through Libra also.

 This Full Moon is all about going not going overboard in our mind or emotions. The Moon in Aries is conjunct the centaur Chiron, otherwise known as the wounded healer or the rainbow bridge, because it's path around the Sun is between Saturn, representing necessity and the body, and Uranus, signifying uniqueness the rights of the individual. The Moon is making a harmonious aspect to Saturn, allowing us a window of opportunity to meet our responsibilities to others, while also taking care of our personal needs.

A Full Moon also begins the Third Quarter phase of the lunar cycle letting us see where we are, and how we're doing in the scheme of things from the Libra New Moon 2 weeks ago. (Reread my Libra New Moon Blog.) This is the period of aligning our efforts for achieving our plans and bringing them to fruition.

With the Sun halfway through Libra, we have the opportunity to look at where we are out of balance in our personal lives and work to re-align ourselves over the next 2 weeks. We get an assist from loving Venus, and her attracting power, as she sits alongside the Sun in the sign she rules. Find ways to enjoy the people you're with and really listen to each other.

 Mercury is direct now and will enter Libra on the 11th for only two and a half weeks, so make the most of your loving and kind words and love the ones you're with! This is the lead-up to Mars in Gemini going retrograde for the remainder of the year. Avoid making mountains out of molehills or letting others push your buttons. The real purpose of Mars in Gemini is to spread love wherever you go, so remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground and watch where you're going!

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Libra New Moon Sunday, Sept. 25th

 The Moon catches up to and joins the Sun, newly entered into airy Libra, at 5:55pm on Sunday the 25th. It truly is all about the balance of inner and outer at this pivotal time of the year. The Sun seeks connection outwardly in relationships and equality, while the Moon turns inward for feelings of harmony. This is the ultimate test of give and take and how to maintain self in connection with other. True balance begins when the inner self is aligned with the higher self, attracting partnership that resonates on all levels.

Venus is the ruler of Libra and has a strong need for pleasing others in order to get what it wants. The attracting power of sophistication, enjoyment and pleasant company is Libra’s secret weapon. Just how much one has to give often depends on how much one wants to receive and that’s the important job for Libra’s balancing act. The real secret is moderation… not over-doing or under-doing, but finding a way to keep maintain inner harmony.

Libra is an air sign and that means communication and interaction through give and take, listening, as well as talking, weighing your options and knowing that it’s not just up to you how harmony is achieved. Partnership isn’t always fair, sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down on the seesaw. Whether in business or personal relationships, the key is to try and maintain a sense of fairness.

Wherever you are experiencing the need for balance in your life, remember that change happens best in moderation and strike a balance between your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.

The Sun Moves Into Libra at the Fall Equinox

 Tonight, September 22, 2022 at 9:04pm EST, the Sun leaves earthy Virgo and moves into the Cardinal Air sign Libra. This is the pivotal point of equal day and night hours. The solar focus shifts away from organization of schedules and daily details, to balance, harmony, beauty and relationship. For the next 30 days, we get to ask ourselves, where am I out of balance... am I working too much and not enjoying myself enough... how can I create more beauty and harmony in my environment...?

We are also at the halfway point in the zodiac, which requires assessing how we are doing and how far we have come on our journey. In order to move ahead with more harmony and insight, Libra uses it's charm to initiate social activities that can bring desired connections. The challenge for Libra is to see both sides of a situation and to avoid a tendency to tip the scales in their favor for the desired outcome. It's important to consider our loved ones, co-workers and anyone we have to engage with in business or personally, in order to maintain fairness and equality. It begins  with personal honesty which filters out to others in our communities and beyond.

As you consider how best to utilize the energy of this Venus-ruled sign, remember that creating beauty around you is an important piece of the Autumnal puzzle.  Remember to recruit loved ones in your projects, because everyone benefits from both inclusion and enjoyment.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Pisces Full Moon September 2022


The Full Moon culminates overnight tonight at 12:42 am on the 10th. It takes place at 18° Pisces, the Sabian Symbol for which is: "In a gigantic tent, villagers witness a spectacular performance." This symbol speaks to the collective appeal of an individual's skill and/or oratory and the time for self-dramatization.

Neptune rules Pisces and has dominion over the seas, fog, film, illusions, drug, alcohol, fantasy, art, and music. as well as our dreams, sensitivities and psychic abilities. Whatever feelings are rolling around in your subconscious or dream state is where you need to pay attention now. With Neptune sitting next to the Moon in the 7th House of others, we may have trouble dealing with what is real and what is just for "show".

A Full Moon always allows us an opportunity to take the opposite viewpoint and that's where the Sun currently resides in Virgo. Attention to detail, weeding out, taking care of our health and well-being is what we need to consider during this polarity. In the chart for the Full Moon, the Sun sits on the Virgo ascendant in a trine aspect to Uranus, where it can have a strong and unusual influence on people. Perhaps, someone's meticulous research into a matter of necessity brings an unexpected breakthrough or surprise to light.

There is a "Mystic Rectangle" in this chart, connecting the elements of Water and Earth through the Moon and Sun in Pisces/Virgo and the lunar Nodes in Scorpio/Taurus. Awareness can come through the opposition of the Lights, bringing understanding through the trines to the Nodes and a practical opportunity for finding a way to integrate these harmonious energies through the complimentary sextiles between the Moon and North Node and the Sun and South Node. I know this may be confusing to some of you, and I'm asking you to just sit with this information and let it percolate through your heart and mind. You'll get what you need from it.

Saturn, the planetary archetype of hard work and responsibility, is heavily invested in this Moon cycle, forming as it does a T-square to the Nodes. Self-discipline and a commitment to working within the framework of a group or organization to effect necessary change is the challenge here. Perseverance and elbow-grease will help move you to your desired goals.

Enjoy the moonlight, bathe in it's exquisite serenity and absorb her message of connection to the whole world, but avoid building castles in the sky without a solid foundation. In other words, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Virgo New Moon

 This New Moon in the mutable Earth sign Virgo takes place on August 27th at 4:17am EDT in the 4th degree of Virgo, with the closest aspect being a separating square to Mars in airy Gemini. Discernment around the ideas and/or food that we're currently digesting is highlighted here. Are we being overly assertive, too critical or taking in information so fast we can't decide what to do with it? Are we eating on the run and not getting the best nutrients out of our food? Or, are we paying attention and being discerning with our choices?

Mercury is the ruler of both Gemini and Virgo and it's in the first degree of Libra, another Air sign, making a trine aspect to Mars, assisting in the processing of all the details and talk swirling around us. All things in moderation is the reminder. 

At the same time, Mars is forming a harmonious connection to ebullient Jupiter in his own sign of Aries, which makes new possibilities show up as opportunities. Weed out the ones that you don't resonate to and select what will move you in the direction of your goals.

Another consideration in this New Moon chart is the Moon's trine to the Mid-heaven, which signifies career, reputation and legacy among other things. Use the Moon's intuitive rudder to guide you toward what gives you a sense of security for building a solid foundation, one lunar phase at a time.

In the meantime remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Mars in Gemini 8/20/22 - 1/12/23

     Mars Moved into Gemini 8/20/2022

  From Now until March 25, 2023, ardent Mars exerts his energetic 

focus in the very adaptable sign Gemini, much longer than his usual zodiac sign visits of six or seven weeks! Mars is leaving Taurus where he was a bit more laid back and this change will affect us peronally on many levels and in different ways.

The modus operandi of Mars is to be aggressive and go after the ob

ject of his desire, He is fearless, forceful and fiery, and knows how to direct himself toward his goal. Insert this vibrancy into the sign of communication, interaction and thinking and you'll begin to understand what Mars in Gemini is going to activate.

Whereas we may have been a bit lethargic or lacking the zeal to engage with others when Mars was in Taurus, we will have no lack of ideas, passion or interest while he travels forward and backwards, going retrograde from Oct. 30, 2022 through January 12, 2023.

There are so many different directions our minds can go in Gemini, the archetypal sign of duality. Watch out for Mars firing up the rumor mill and avoid listening to or starting gossip. Instead, direct your energy into "the Twins" characteristic curiosity and do your research. Engage with and get feedback from your closest associates. This is a perfect time to take that study course you've always wanted to do, or take up a new pastime that involves learning strategy... like chess. On a more physical level, you may find a sport that engages your interest and fires up your vitality.

Whatever you are enthusiastic about pursuing, you can create a new sense of purpose that adds vibrancy to your life and the lives of those around you. Watch your words, bite your tongue before expressing anger and know that you can choose to be assertive without hurting others by what you say. Words and thoughts are things and they go out and bring back the intentions we radiate.

Individually, we can each make a difference with our intentions and our words, in our daily lives and in the bigger community. Mars in Gemini is a great time to stand up for yourself and others. Be assertive and as John Lewis said, "make good trouble".


New Classes in Astrology and Tarot coming mid October! Stay tuned & check my website for information.



Thursday, August 11, 2022

Aquarius Full Moon August 11, 2022

    Welcome to today's Full Moon at 20° Aquarius, taking place at 9:36 pm EDT.  This Moon is highlighting ingenuity, group energy, humanitarian concerns and individual rights. Aquarius is a Fixed Air sign however, so individuals can get stuck in their own thoughts and ways of looking at things, hence the need for input from others in the group. It's reflective of a democracy where each person has a say in the bigger picture.

   A Full Moon is always about the polarity of the Moon and the Sun, the inner and the outer, self and other. What we see reflected back at us can also be a projection of what others are seeing in us, just as what we see in them can be a similar projection. With the Moon in the Fixed sign Aquarius, the polar opposite is of course the Sun in the Fixed Fire sign of Leo. There's a feeling of the introvert wanting to hide in the middle of the group versus the extrovert wanting attention center stage! Yet, an Aquarian individual is unafraid of standing up for the right to be themselves, so there's a tug-of-war taking place between self-expression and acting on behalf of the greater good.

   The most striking aspect pattern today is a Grand Cross, or square, from the Moon conjunct Saturn to the North and South Nodes, Mars, and Uranus, all on the Taurus/Scorpio axis, and square to the Leo Sun. This is also known as a Fixed Cross, because the planets/archetypes/energies are in each of the  4 Fixed Elements, Fire/Leo, Air/Aquarius, Earth/Taurus, and Water/Scorpio. Their "modus operandi" is to hang on to, store and use whatever is at their disposal, whatever they have acquired and don't want to relinquish. There's some positive and negative attributes to each of these signs, but the process of change isn't easy and there will be repercussions. 

    Just look at current conditions around the world and you can see the upheaval, suffering and dissatisfaction of mankind represented by the individual, versus the status quo or authority figures who want to hang onto power at any cost to the greater good. There is indeed a whole lot of shaking going on! This time and these travails are necessary in order to rebirth a new reality. 

   For individuals, we need to remember that we are in a battle of wills and what is at stake is our sovereignty as human beings and as authority figures of our own destinies, Being assertive, not aggressive, being responsible to the whole, and being the embodiment of awareness and enlightenment for the future isn't an easy task, But it is how we survive in these times that test our souls.

   So, as you join together with like-minded others to effect positive change in your environment, your community or your home, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!

Thursday, July 28, 2022

New Moon in Leo 2022

 Welcome to the Leo New Moon day, always an exciting or fun time! The Sun is of course the most powerful energy in our solar system and this is especially true when Sol is at home in Leo, where it returned on Friday, the 22nd. Added to this upbeat feeling, is the Moon's alignment at 1:54pm today, enhancing an inner sense deserving of self-expression and joy. The effect lasts for the next few weeks.

Leo is an expressive and creative sign, enjoying the spotlight of attention. The ego and will of a Leo native is well known. They like to have their way, but want to include friends and loved ones as well. Anyone who loves a lion or lioness can relate to the generosity of spirit they will provide, especially in the parties or events they make possible. They also know that it's alright to laugh with a Leo, but never at one, because their ego can be quickly hurt and they'll swat the offensive one away.

During this glorious month of fun-in-the-sun, relaxation and vacations, people are drawn to the drama of music and acting on different stages, whether as performers or artists. The Sun is shining and those who can provide the drama and attract attention are in full-performance mode! If you are a Leo, have a Leo ascendant or a Leo Moon in your birth chart, notice where today's New Moon is and where you can shine! Giant Jupiter is in a harmonious trine to both the Sun and Moon, increasing all of these optimistic or egoistic attitudes; enjoy but try not to go overboard!

Other aspects today involve a challenging square from curious Mercury, also in Leo to the stellium of Mars, the North Node and Uranus stirring the pot in stable Taurus. So many ideas, so much desire for comfort and independence... instead of fighting the need to be heard, try asking others what they're thinking and share your creative solutions. Things are shaking loose both physically and mentally and it's important to apply some self-discipline and restraint until you see what your options are.

Happy summer everyone! I hope you get to look up at the Milky Way one night soon and appreciate all the splendor of the stars above us and maybe dig your toes into the sand at the edge of the shore!

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Capricorn Full Moon July 2022

 The Full Moon at 21° Capricorn 21' takes place this afternoon at 2:38pm EST. This is the closest Supermoon for all of 2022, which means it is the point at which the Moon is closest to the Earth. It's a BIG, beautiful Moon and if you didn't see it last night, try to get out tonight. We know the Sun and Moon are in an opposition between Cancer and Capricorn and this polarity positions us to view the impact of emotions and family versus career and business concerns.

Sometimes it's a family business that's highlighted during a Capricorn Full Moon. Sometimes it's the eldest or the head of the family that receives the Moon's light via the Sun's reflection. Whatever is going on around you, or in your life, it will have the theme of home, tradition and/or family concerns. 

The chart for the Full Moon shows an alignment of Mercury with the Sun in Cancer prompting us to talk about our feelings. Some people may be more guarded or deflect the conversation, so as not to have to share their feelings. Others may become very emotional and find it more difficult to focus on anything but what is going on with them.

As we know, Pluto has been traveling in Capricorn for many years, shaking up the status quo and breaking down structures that are decaying. Today's Full Moon is conjoining Pluto and bringing intensity into the conversations and interactions that are taking place in our communities and close relationships. Try to avoid going to extreme highs or lows so you're not overwhelmed, and if you're feeling that way, ask for help. 

 Difficult changes are occurring that we are having to adjust to. I'm seeing a lot of the Tower card in readings lately, which is a reminder that we don't have control of all the sudden changes in our lives, that the best we can do is to observe, then see what we have to go forward with and start again.

While remaining present and taking care of business/doing what you have to do, give yourself permission to feel your feelings and express them. That's one way of taking your power back! Remember that no matter what is going on, this too will pass... so keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Cancer New Moon June 2022


The night sky is darker at a New Moon and makes a great backdrop for the planets, such as is seen in the photo above. Tonight's New Moon in Cancer has a very homey feeling to it because the Moon rules this water sign. People tend to want to be with family, friends and loved ones, and often it involves sharing food and reminiscing about their favorite memories.

With the Sun and Moon aligned at 7°23' Cancer, Jupiter sits in a waning square at 7°18' Aries. There may be a push from an excitable person, or a hot topic, situation or event that stirs the pot and causes emotional upset. We all know there is a lot going on in the world that can trigger many different feelings, especially sadness, anger and hurt. There seems to be no lack of negative incidents to chose from. But how do we find the positive?

Sometimes it takes a bit of reading between the lines or stepping way back to see the bigger picture in order to get a calmer perspective. Getting tangled up in arguments or shouting matches only serves to throw fuel on the fire. Try spending time away from the news, social media or that friend that likes gossip. Instead, gather with a few close friends or family members and share quieter moments cooking outside, playing active games or doing something creative and fun!

We have an opportunity with an aspect between Mars (gas) and Saturn (brakes), to apply a bit of focused momentum and express ourselves in a way that allows for growth without overdoing it. Consider the feelings of everyone involved and/or those who will be affected by your efforts. 

Remember that caring and feeling are the hallmarks of this New Moon and take some time to do your own inventory along those lines, while also keeping your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Sagittarius Full Moon June 2022


                                             Sagittarius Full Moon

The Full Moon culminates on Tuesday, June 14th at 7:52am EST, in the 24th degree of Sagittarius. The Sabian Symbol for this degree of the zodiac is: "A Bluebird, A Sign of Good Luck & Happiness, Is Standing At The Door Of The House." Good luck, blessings and happiness are the potential of this Full Moon symbolism. 

Sagittarius is the optimistic Fire sign that looks ahead, not letting whatever darkness abounds hold one back from forward movement. Philosophy, education and travel are some of the ways that Sagittarius helps to expand our horizons.

With helpful aspects from the Moon, and the Sun, to Saturn, we have an opportunity to use common sense to set goals, while building self-confidence and taking care of our responsibilities. Knowing you are doing your best, whatever that is at the moment, beats ignoring what needs to be addressed and letting problems grow.

There is a moody and/or confused sense in the air coming from the Sagittarius Moon squaring off with Neptune in the mutable water sign Pisces. Both planets are operating through a changeable aspect that can feel quite ungrounded and/or unreal. Try to introduce logic and reasoning to your fantasy idea of how to tread water at this Full Moon. Better yet, pick up a pen, paintbrush or your drumsticks and get creative! If you are more spiritually oriented, find a group of like-minded others to meditate with.

Whatever outlet you choose to reflect on the path you want to follow, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!

Sunday, May 15, 2022

May's Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

 The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse takes place overnight on May 16th in the Eastern time zone, at 25°Scorpio 18'. This is a powerful Eclipse for letting go, especially because the Moon is closely aligned with the South Node in Scorpio. And for added emphasis, the Sun is of course opposite in Taurus and conjunct the North Node. This polarity of Fixed Water, Scorpio, and Fixed Earth, Taurus is about finding harmony so that new growth is possible, whether in business or personal relationships.

Scorpio Moon has us reacting to emotional stimuli in order to release past hurts and disappointments. There's an aspect between the Moon and Saturn in Aquarius that wants us to focus on brainstorming together in order to purge what no longer serves us so that we may use our inner strength and resilience to build stronger foundations. 

With the Sun in Taurus also squaring restrictive Saturn, we are challenged to overcome inhibitions that don't allow for growth. The Sun lends strength to practical abilities that we have learned can serve us well when we direct our attention to what we are trying to build.

Another strong player in this Full Moon scenario is Mars, who is still treading water in Pisces and yet, encourages self-motivation and confidence. By recognizing opportunity and stepping up to the plate, you can build forward momentum! Adventure, and outdoor or water sports may be calling, but because Mars is aligned with foggy Neptune, you'll want to avoid hazy situations, so you don't do what I did today on a backroad drive. I was a bit too confident and ended up in a very large puddle, only to get stuck in the middle... for a few hours... until the tow truck arrived as water seeped in up to the brake pedal... an adventure I would happily not have experienced!

The good news about Neptune is that it is aligned with both the Scorpio Moon and Taurus Sun, allowing creativity, sensitivity and intuition to flow, especially in artistic or spiritual pursuits. Since Taurus rules the throat, take this opportunity to express yourself verbally through conversation or singing. Otherwise, any joint project will benefit from sharing your individual talents.

We cannot forget Pluto, the modern ruler of Scorpio here because he's interacting with the Moon and Sun also. Powerful emotions can provide momentum for purging the old or outdated detritus whose time has finally come to be discarded. Use the strength and leadership qualities you have built up to apply yourself to the task at hand.

Remember to keep your head in the stars, stay out of puddles and stick to the ground~

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Mercury Retrograde & Jupiter in Aries

   Mercury is stationary retrograde today at 04°52' Gemini and retrogrades back into Taurus on May 24th until June 3rd, when it will turn direct at 26°05' Taurus. During this period, and during the shadow phase from April 16th to June 19th, Mercury will revisit the discussions of financial and personal security that you had started in the last week of April. 

   Take the time to review your plans and see if any need adjustment. Make sure you have all the information you need to make pertinent decisions. Then when Mercury leaves its shadow phase on June 19th things will look clearer, communication will flow more easily and agreements and plans can be made effortlessly, providing you did your retrograde homework!

   Giant Jupiter leaves watery Pisces today and enters fiery Aries where he will embolden you to initiate something new from now until October 27/28th. If you've been needing a bit of oomph to get something started, optimistic Jupiter will provide it! What will you be motivated to begin? Wherever you have Aries in your chart is where you'll feel this burst of energetic bravado. 

   They say fortune favors the bold and Jupiter in Aries is out to prove it! As I've said before, this larger than life planet can make a big deal out of whatever it comes in contact with, whether that's the sign it's in or the other planets it contacts by aspect. Aries is the sign of the entrepreneur, governed by Mars, and when ebullient Jupiter arrives here, fresh out of watery Pisces, he's ready for action - bold, courageous and willing to take a risk. This reminds me of the Tarot card, the Fool, in the Major Arcana, bravely striking out on his/her own at the start of a new journey.

   Jupiter can get carried away and have you jumping in with both feet and asking questions later. Pause and ask yourself what are my dreams and how much energy and resources do I have available to begin this journey. Think of the last 5 months as Jupiter traveled through Pisces identifying your dreams. What is emerging from your subconscious realm to spark and inspire you? 

    Let a positive momentum carry you forward as you keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.



Saturday, April 16, 2022

Libra Full Moon 4/16/2022

       The Moon is Full on April 16th, at 2:55pm EST, 26° 46' of Libra, Cardinal Air and the 7th sign of the Zodiac. Why is it important to know that the Libra Full Moon is in the 7th sign, because its' polar opposite, Aries, is the 1st sign, and we had a New Moon in the first sign of the zodiac to jumpstart our (astrological) new year, on April 1st, two weeks ago. The Moon moves at about 2.5 degrees a day, so she has covered 1/2 the signs in roughly half the month, which she does every month, acting as our emotional/spiritual gauge.

   Aries begins things, sometimes impulsively, but always courageously and ready for new inspiration, jumping in without abandon, When we get to this point, at any Full Moon, it's necessary to slow down and take stock of our progress. In Libra, that means assessing our relationships and how we are doing with harmony, balance and moderation. Did we consider our impact on others when we began our latest venture? Are we putting more effort into our project than we are with shared concerns involving loved ones? This is the time to find our inner fulcrum and an even keel.

   In  Dane Rudhyar's book, An Astrological Mandala, he gives us a reinterpretation of the Sabian Symbols as set down by Marc Jones through the mediumship of Elsie Wheeler in 1925. In Rudhyar's Cycle of Transformation, the Sabian Symbol for 27° Libra is: An Airplane Sails, High in the Clear Sky. This symbolizes the consciousness that transcends the conflicts and pressures in our personal lives. We each have the capacity to gain a new perspective through contemplation and cooperation in order to attain unity above and beyond polarity, to reach freedom and peace. What this Full Moon offers is a stage of Transcendent Realization.

  I seldom share the actual Sabian Symbolism in my Blogs, but that doesn't mean I am not considering them in my writing at the times of the New and Full Moons. This degree symbol (27°Libra) seemed especially applicable to me for the times.

   A few more thoughts on this Full Moon... self-motivation and inner confidence are available to the individual now, thanks to harmonious aspects between the Moon and Mars and the Moon and Saturn. Building security and a firm footing while working with others serves everyone involved. Pluto's square to the Moon drives home the need for a greater sense of purpose and regaining our true power. As much drama as there is out in the world, the more we settle our inner demons and gain control of our emotions, the more likely we are to receive rewards of inner peace and a sense of our own power.

   As you contemplate what is out of harmony in yourself, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground. 

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Aries New Moon

   Welcome to the Aries New Moon on Thursday, March 31st, or Friday, April 1st depending on your time zone. Here in New England, that's overnight on Friday at 2:24am, EDT. This New Moon culminates at 12° 31' of Aries, the Cardinal Fire sign that leads us into Spring and brings new° energy to wherever we have that degree in our birth charts. If you don't know how to find that, just ask me!

  This New Moon is of course aligned with the Sun at the same degree and these two "Lights" are joined by the planet Mercury, at 9° 33' Aries, as well as the planetoid/asteroid Chiron, at 12° 18' Aries. That is a lot of focus on jumpstarting the self with a spark of inspiration and/or excitement! What area of your life is feeling this cosmic prod, again depends on what House you have 9 to 12°s Aries in.

   Mercury, as the communicator, emphasizes our need to speak for ourselves in all our interactions, but to avoid talking too fast, or too furious. The time is right to be assertive where we need to be and yet Chiron's role here is towards self-healing and compassion. Chiron is one of the Centaurs and he is known as 'the wounded healer'. We have a reminder now to do our own work first before we can jump in and tell others how to make their lives better.  Healing is a process... there is no shelf-life on how long it takes. If you are ready to find harmony in a significant relationship, make sure to enter the water slowly. After all, you do not want to dive in too fast and burn your bridges.

   When the Sun and Moon are in alignment, they represent the coming together of the inner emotional body and your outer drive in life. Emotions are key now and expressing your feelings is very important to getting the people you need cooperation from to understand where you're coming from. But it's not a one lane road. Others are experiencing this same need to be heard and understood in order to make something happen.

   I have heard from a few people lately that they are feeling a lot of sadness and/or grief. With giant Jupiter expanding our sensitivity and spiritual connections in Pisces, very close to Neptune in Pisces, "Oneness"... it is no surprise that we are feeling each others' angst. This is both a positive and potentially negative set of circumstances. Given the amount of people suffering in the world and the increased level of intuition currently flowing through the ethers, we are bound to experience a sense of connection with all beings. 

   The good news is that there are so many caring individuals in the world who truly want to end pain and suffering! The caution is not to become overwhelmed and succumb to lethargy or escapism that involves living in a fantasy, or checking-out with drugs or alcohol just to feel better. The other part of this is all the fiery Aries energy that can and does provoke some egos to lash out in frustration at others. 

   It's an exciting New Moon with lots of potential to begin again, start something new or focus on selfcare. How you choose to use this energy is up to you, but you never have to do it alone. If making a new start means reaching out to another for help, take the courageous stand of a true Arian Warrior and do the hard thing that you know will make a difference in your life!

   And remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground... or at least leave a trail of bread crumbs so we can follow you on your new adventure!

    Below is a chart of this New Moon for Eastern Daylight Time.



Thursday, March 17, 2022

Virgo Full Moon

    My blogs usually highlight how current planetary transits are affecting us as individuals and our choices at dealing with them. However, this Full Moon demands we pay attention to the world and our connections to each other. Of course, the bigger picture is always reflected in each person, situation and event currently affected. Therefore, my musings today have a more universal perspective and appeal than normal.

   The Full Moon @ 28°Virgo takes place at 3:18am EDT on Friday, March 20th. This polarity of the Sun in Pisces and Moon in Virgo symbolizes the accord felt between identifying the wound (Virgo) and healing (Pisces). This is the polarity of service and suffering. Much of the world's attention is on the war in Ukraine and the need for humanity to step up and ascertain what is unacceptable. In the larger picture, that is the willful destruction of a country, it's culture and people by an obsessed ruler of a neighboring country for his selfish gain. On the individual level, it is the Piscean compassion flowing from the realization that we are all connected.

   As I look at the chart, I see this Virgo Moon rising above a container that holds the rest of the planets, with Pluto in Capricorn on the leading edge and Uranus in Taurus creating the other border. The Moon in Virgo asks, how can I be of service? There are three planets in Aquarius and four in Pisces. That is a pronounced emphasis on the need for transformation away from destructive patterns and into more inclusive and compassionate ways of coexisting in the world, despite our heritage or cultures.

    Put another way, we have more than an opportunity to transform our world, we have the absolute necessity to move in a new direction!  If we are going to save the Earth and all her inhabitants, we need to stop thinking someone else will fix things, whether it's injustice, global warming or war. Each one of is being called on to take a moral inventory of where we stand and what we can do. There's the individual piece.

    Feeling overwhelmed? That's understandable, but not conducive to making a positive change. Now is not the time to cave in or give up. It is time to create harmony in our homes, neighborhoods, communities and countries and to visualize world peace. We need to turn things around for the better. Each of us has the capacity to make a difference. Be kind to your loved ones. Smile at your neighbors and lend a hand if they need it. Reach out to those suffering in your community and around the world, doing what you can. 

Believe in a better world. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Pisces New Moon

   The Pisces New Moon culminates on Tuesday, March 2, 2022 at 12:35pm EST. This monthly alignment of the Sun and Moon are coming together in the last sign of the zodiac before the Spring Equinox in March. They align at 12°06" Pisces and are in a conjunction with expansive Jupiter at 14°16" Pisces. These three planetary archetypes of "The Hero"/Sun, "The Divine Feminine"/Moon and "The Great Benefic"/Jupiter, are creating a much bigger picture than the reclusive Pisces is used to, unless in a fantasy! This means we can use our ability to creatively visual the future we want to see.

   Pisces represents the mutability of water and has as its' task the distribution of Earth power generated by cardinal Capricorn and concentrated through fixed Aquarius. The compassion and understanding of the Piscean for all creatures and all of humanity is in effect for the next month. Yes, the Sun entered Pisces on February 18th, but it is the joining of the Sun and Moon at the New Moon that seeds these two energies, the inner and the outer, into a cohesive unit for growth and expansion. And Pisces wants to bring a new season of caring to planet Earth.

   The tendency for escapism in times of upheaval and challenge, is an automatic response mechanism that can lead to living in an unrealistic realm of fictional proportion, that may involve drugs, alcohol or fabrication of a fantasy world. On the more constructive side, the flexibility of feeling another's pain and not being absorbed by it, can lead to genuine acts of compassion and caring for those around us and our environment.

   It is the largess of Jupiter's expansive ability to go out into the world and gather information that colors this New Moon with possibility. It is of course this same predilection for growth that can feed addiction and illusionary beliefs. To truly connect with the power of Pisces, one ought to pause and reflect on one's own abilities and boundaries before trying them out on unsuspecting others. An alignment from Jupiter to Neptune, the traditional to the modern ruler, of Pisces allows space for a spiritual path of reconciliation that can foster development of practical answers in these trying times.

   We may know a thing is wrong, sad, dangerous, unfair, inequitable or unjust, but we really need to know ourselves and be clear of intention before setting off on a righteous crusade to save the world. Prayer, meditation, connecting with others of like-mind, spending time in nature and using our artistic gifts to create beauty in the world are all antidotes to crisis and change. Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Leo Full Moon

 The Moon in fiery Leo opposes the Sun In cool and airy Aquarius, at 27°60’ on Wednesday, February 16th at 11:56am EST. Then the Moon becomes inactive until it leaves Leo and enters Virgo at 3:42pm. It’s as if the dramatic Moon says “you had better take a good look at me, because I’m out of here!” Virgo is a practical earth sign, not prone to liking attention, and it’s the discerning step after exiting the stage. That this transition from Leo to Virgo happens so fast after the Full Moon, means we can be assured that no matter what excitement has taken place this morning, we get a chance to put the pieces back together again quickly, or at the very least, figure out how to make sense of it all.

But first, what might we expect of this Leo Moon energy? Maybe a bit of fun, maybe some self expression, maybe some creativity… any of these is highlighted now and with the Moon sitting on the cusp of the 4th house, we want to have fun with our loved ones or just enjoy ourselves like we did, or wanted to, when we were children. A Full Moon is always a polarity, a seesaw, a seeking to balance the inner feelings of the Moon with the outer drive of the Sun. Perhaps we shine at home but blend in when in a large group. The trick here is not to give in entirely to either our ego or our will! It’s called moderation, seeing both sides and not going to extremes.

Let’s look at what else is going on at this Lunar cycle. The first thing I noticed in the chart for tomorrow, is that these two Lights, the Sun and the Moon, are pretty much just shining on each other, or more accurately, the cold, hard light of a wintry Aquarian day is reflected in the Moon’s desire to create warmth from within and express it outwardly in its surroundings! The dance they’re doing takes place on the Midheaven and the IC, technical terms for the entryway/cusp of the 10th and 4th Houses. Dance like no is watching, but remember someone always is… and endeavor to make a difference through your behavior and in consideration of others so you leave an impression worthy of your reputation and character.

Venus and Mars align together today in the Cardinal Earth sign Capricorn. You can totally make a difference in this world by using your ability to attract what you need and who you need to assist you, by combining charm with self-assurance and not being too pushy. After all, the desire ought to be building foundations that acknowledge lessons learned from the past, while living in the present moment and having hope for the future. Without any one of those things, what do you have to aspire to?

Remember to engage in your passions, enjoy your blessings and enhance your relationships with love and support as you consider the starry skies and walk on the beautiful earth.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Mercury enters Aquarius

    Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, the "Light" that gives life to our solar system. It is also the fastest in its' orbit around the Sun, with the exception of the Moon, which counts as the other "Light" and has it's own relationship to the Sun as the Earths' satellite. We know Mercury moves quickly, spreading news and seeking answers in order to get plans in motion. But we just experienced a Mercury retrograde cycle from January 14th to February 3rd. 

 Today, Mercury left the rocky terrain of Capricorn for the higher vibrational energy of airy Aquarius, where it will move through the first 10 degrees that it had traveled in January before turning retrograde, making this the third pass through those ten degrees. 

   Think of it this way, we started something exciting or made new connections the first two weeks in January, then when Mercury went retrograde, our plans stalled and we had to revisit the previous steps we had taken, in order to reassess or redo our plans. Now, we get to use the insights we gained since January 3rd to start the ball rolling again with our groups, friends or in our technological interactions. Mercury stays in Aquarius until March 10th when it enters the mutable water sign Pisces.

   Over the next month, focus on your agreements, marketing, sales and writing projects and reach out and connect with those who have similar interests or can help you with their technology skills. Also, pay attention to your friendships and any organizations or  associations you have that may need some of your feedback, or vice-versa!


Monday, January 31, 2022

Aquarius New Moon

 The New Moon at 12° 20' Aquarius occurs just before 1am overnight, early Tuesday, February 1st. This is the start of possibilities for new connections that can help forge solid foundations What does that mean to you? Consider the nature of airy Aquarius, ruled by the ingenious planet Uranus. Air connects ideas through interactions with others, especially in scientific, technological and metaphysical realms.

   The traditional ruler of Aquarius is Saturn, the Lord of Karma who operates through commitment, hard work and perseverance to build solid and long-lasting structures. Interestingly enough, Saturn is currently at home in Aquarius and sitting alongside the Sun and Moon adding great strength  and determination to this New Moon. 

Saturn is also being challenged by Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius. These two co-rulers in Fixed signs, have been at it for the past year, pitting tradition and upheaval with each in a way that is growing old. What they need to do is to find a creative way to work together and create something that functions better than the outdated models that only served certain interest groups.

   I asked you above, what new possibilities and foundations you can envision. If you can accept that Saturn gives us boundaries and limitations that allow us to build within a framework containing security and focused on manifestation, and that Uranus offers the freedom to try new things while exploring different avenues of possibility, then perhaps you are ready to think outside of the box and work with this New Moon.

   Take some time today to gather your thoughts and make a list of a few things you can do to initiate a brave new beginning. Your concerns and approach will vary depending on what it is you envision for the near future. Venus' attracting power and Mars' drive are aligned in Capricorn, so if your goals are career or business oriented, you have the fuel you need to work with Saturn. This is not an opportunity you want to bypass. Focus, imagination and determination will move you steadily in the direction you want to go.

   In the ensuing weeks, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.


Saturday, January 15, 2022

Mercury Retrograde & A Cancer Full Moon

    Mercury came to a standstill at 10°19' Aquarius and turned retrograde on the 14th, continuing to move in apparent backwards motion until February 4th. During this retrograde phase, Mercury re-enters Capricorn on Jan. 26th and conjuncts Pluto at  for the second time on the 28th; the first time was December 30, 2021. Once in direct motion again, Mercury will make it's third and final alignment with Pluto on February 11th. 

   What does that all mean?! Well, we know Mercury is the archetype of the mind and Pluto the archetype of transformation, so when they come together, we have a strong desire to get to the bottom of things. Sometimes, that involves doing methodical research or asking probing questions. In Capricorn, it has to do with authority, business or career concerns. Utilize this next few weeks to scrutinize your plans, fill in the gaps and/or ask the hard questions before you set anything in stone.

   From a broader perspective, it has long been apparent that since Pluto entered Capricorn on January 27, 2008, traditional structures have been decaying worldwide. In the US, we have been dealing with issues around finance, housing and a breakdown in our system of democracy. The US is having it's Pluto return and the power grab for our Republic is in full swing!

   The Full Moon on the 17th of January at 27° 52' of Cancer, highlights the opposition of emotions and practicality, not just opposing the Sun in Capricorn, but intense Pluto as well. Conflicts can result in relationship issues, especially if there are hurt feelings. Resolution comes through flexibility and changing how we view the situation. 

   Neptune lends a helping hand with a compassionate approach to the Cancer(feeling) Moon. Being sensitive to the needs of everyone involved, and what they may be going through, can ease up on a potentially volatile situation. Creativity and intuition are useful tools at this Full Moon, giving you leeway to funnel your efforts into an artistic or spiritual direction. The Ascendant sign for this chart is Leo and Leo wants us to have some fun, or at least schedule some downtime or enjoyment into our lives.

   Doing what needs to be done, then making time for yourself is what Saturn in Aquarius, the ruler of Capricorn, is asking us to consider. There are want-tos and have-tos... take care of the have-tos first and the want-tos will come easy. Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

New Moon in Capricorn January 2022

    Welcome to the New Year and a New Moon in Capricorn! The Sun and Moon meet at 12° Capricorn 20' in the 8th House of the chart for the New Moon at 1:33pm EST, putting emphasis on the need for pragmatism and responsibility, especially in matters of joint resources, creative projects and financial ventures. Because this is the start of the year, whatever you want to accomplish begins here... now... so if you haven't already done it, today would be a good time to write your Capricorn New Moon Wish list. Take some time organizing your thoughts, then write down 5 to 10 practical steps for the year ahead that you can start to take beginning after the New Moon. 

This is the time to focus on what you want to achieve whether personally or professionally. It may involve some kind of legacy related to your parents that you are tasked with managing or sharing with the world. You may be thinking of your own legacy and what you want to leave for future generations. Whatever you are serious about achieving  for yourself, you want to work on building the foundation now. With the Sun, Venus and Pluto all in hard-working Capricorn, be specific as well as concise.

 Mercury moves into Aquarius today as well, so use all the technological resources and connections available to brainstorm and gather new information. A trine aspect from the Sun and Moon to independent Uranus in Taurus lends a helping hand as it asks you to work with your unique ideas, while giving you the freedom to envision your future in a new and exciting way. Use this opportunity to think outside the box and structure steps to creating your individual reality, the one that reflects what you want to see. Hope is on the horizon.

   Venus is retrograde in Capricorn until January 29th and even after she turns direct, she'll be retracing her steps right through to the beginning of March. This is a time of asking the important questions around money matters and making adjustments to your budget as necessary. But Venus also rules love, so this is an ideal time to focus on what is needed in your personal relationships. If there's an imbalance of harmony or issues of power and control, these two months are devoted to finding some resolution. If another party isn't willing to do their work to meet you partway, then this may the point of parting ways. 

   We are still feeling the effects of the three Saturn/Uranus squares in 2021, the last one culminating on Christmas Eve. Changes to the status quo in government and financial institutions, the pandemic, and massive weather changes resulting from the rapid pace of global warming are issues that aren't going away too soon. Yes, Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius last year helped with new and effective scientific measures that are beginning to get a handle on the virus, but it is likely to be another year before it is consistently applied worldwide. Severe weather patterns are a big problem that are only going to get worse and are reflected in a combination of  Uranus in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces aspects. Unfortunately, it will probably take more catastrophic events for world leaders to finally make headway in lessening the causes of these serious problems.

   However, Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces give me hope for the realization that we are all one planet, even though those realizations come at a cost. Raising awareness, consciousness and the compassionate vibration on the Earth... for the Earth, her atmosphere, the air we breathe and the water we drink and all her inhabitants is the only way forward. We have our work cut out for us and change is in the air.

Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.