
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Monday, December 31, 2012

From Winter Solstice To Illumination And Dissemination, We Move Into 2013

    There are many myths or historical truths about why this is an auspicious time of year, but suffice it to say, the Winter Solstice is the key point in the year for collectively celebrating the rebirth and return of the Light. Various cultures had celebrations, festivities and holidays beginning on or around December 21 and continuing for five days.  Saturnalia was celebrated by the ancient Greeks as the Festival of Kronos and their Roman counterparts commemorated the Temple of Saturn, celebrating from December 17 - 23rd; these five days "outside of time" stemmed from a 12x30 day calendar. The important thing to know here is that Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn, the zodiac sign that the Sun enters at Winter Solstice. Saturn symbolizes focus and concentrated energy, even limitations, that allows the personality to evolve through discipline and responsibility - attributes necessary for manifestation!

    Jesus of Nazareth came to be given much of the recognition that was previously given to a sun god, or Sol, during the celebration of the Sol Invictus Festival. The Festival of the birth of the Unconquered Sun was introduced in the 3rd Century Roman Empire by Emperor Elagabalus to be celebrated on December 25th and became so popular that under Emperor Aurelian, it was promoted as an empire-wide holiday.

    From Winter Solstice on December 21 until Christmas on the 25th, tradition and myths combine to bring us the holidays. This time period is what really heralds in the new year and not the arbitrary date of January 1st. Let us now consider the planetary influences carrying us over the threshold into the new year, beginning with the Sun's entry into the Cardinal Earth sign Capricorn at the Winter Solstice. The solar force here supports all practical matters of business and career as well as physical structures and the skeletal system, including teeth, skin and bones! Make those appointments in January with doctors and dentists, accountants and tax people to make sure you start the year off on solid ground. The Capricorn New Moon on January 11th pulls together this pragmatic energy when the Sun (outer) and the Moon (inner) align to take care of business increasing the focus on material matters. Hard work and responsibility are what it's all about under Saturn's influence!
    This past Friday's Full Moon concentrated on safety and security as it took place at 8 degrees of the signs Capricorn and Cancer. This polarity highlighted nurturing, food, the nest, and family, as well as responsibilities, work, perseverance and the necessity of conserving resources. It is this focus that is emphasized as we transition into 2013 under the Disseminating Moon. While we are quick to note the Full Moon's placement in the zodiac each month and what it highlights, we sometimes need a reminder to reflect on the energy available during this particular phase of the lunar cycle. The Disseminating phase is about follow-through and the best use of your efforts as revealed at the Full Moon. What do you want to continue to build on? I'm going to quote a brilliant Photographer, Greg Davis, whom I met with my daughter recently in Austin Texas, and say "Do not look back, you're not headed that way!"

   Today's Moon in Leo can bring out the sunny nature of the kid in all of us, or the teacher, or the benevolent leader, or the drama queen - which one will you be? Which one are you willing to let lead you into the New Year? Be wise, be safe and be loving as The Moon can go either way after 4:52 pm when it begins to travel void-of-course, making the path a bit more adventurous and uncertain. Wait for new starts and declarations of any kind until after the New Moon, if you can!

   January 1, 2013 comes in under a Leo Moon influence, but Luna quickly moves into Virgo, creating an opposition to Neptune in Pisces. Here's what you get with this particular Earth/Water polarity: discernment, orderliness, practicality and assimilation of information on one side of the coin (Virgo) and compassion, understanding, receptivity and intuition on the other side of the coin (Pisces). If you work too hard, are overly analytical or worry too much, take the day off to relax and enjoy an old movie. If, on the other hand, you tend toward escapist behavior, (ie. drinking, drugs or denial...) or a lack of boundary-setting, perhaps you'll want to clean out your system, closet or cupboard and replace an old bad habit with a new healthier one. Small steps... This is the energy available to us now, under the Disseminating Moon, as we move into 2013.

   I want to wish you all a healthy, happy new cycle of joy and prosperity!! Remember, keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground. Blessings~


Friday, December 21, 2012

Winter Solstice & The Return Of The Light

   The Winter Solstice, and much discussed date of December 21, 2012, is here I am writing this post in a hotel in Austin Texas while my son and daughter still sleep upstairs. The Sun entered Capricorn at 7:12 a.m. CST and I couldn't stay in bed, I had to get up and get to work on finishing this blog post! Today is the shortest day of the year, yet it heralds the turning point for gradually lengthening days... and I will always celebrate the return of the light!!

   Capricorn is the Cardinal Earth sign which expresses as responsibility, work and practicality. With its' concentrated focus on attaining great heights, the mountain goat can achieve success in whatever s/he does. If too rigid or pessimistic however, Capricorns can feel held back, when all they need to remember is to enjoy themselves all the while they are being reliable. A good symbol for this is the Seven Dwarfs, who whistled while they worked!! The Sun remains in Capricorn until January 19, 2013, making this the best month to focus on business and career. Wherever you put your focus this next month, and apply all the elbow grease you can, you will see positive results in the future.

     We are just after the First Quarter Moon yesterday, indicating it is time to reassess the progress we are making  with the goals we set for ourselves at the Sagittarian New Moon on the 13th. The increasing build-up of energy to the Cancer Full Moon on Friday, the 28th, will highlight home and family, when safety and security issues and emotional needs are in the spotlight.  In the meantime, review your efforts and responsibilities for this coming week and make adjustments today so you can enjoy the more placid cosmic weather of the next three days under a Taurus Moon.

   Christmas Eve looks to be calm and bright while the Moon is still in Taurus. The cautious energy of the Bull is more laid-back with Luna gently exerting her influence here. It is wise to conserve one's resources and not go overboard on last minute expenses that will possibly upset the financial apple cart later on  down the road. This is especially true Saturday evening when Venus ( love and money) opposes Jupiter (excess and abundance); don't go to extremes or you could fall overboard!

   Mars, representing energy and direction, moves into Aquarius on Christmas Day, ratcheting up the excitement of connecting with others for original new experiences. It's a great day to try something new, but not to take too big of a risk or make sudden changes as the monthly square of the Sun to Uranus on Christmas night can bring unexpected consequences. Cautious optimism and calculated risks make good companions then.

   Saturn, Capricorn's ruler, harmonizes with Pluto on December 26th for an opportunity to make headway with self-change and transformation. The Gemini Moon that day brings lots of communication and interaction, so make the most of your connections! The Moon is void-of-course from 1:50 am until 3:06 pm on Thursday, the 27th, when it moves into watery Cancer. The VOC theme is continued from Friday at 9:43 am, just after the Full Moon, through early Sunday morning when the Moon finally enters sunny Leo. A note about Friday's planetary energies - try to go with the flow on and not burn any emotional bridges with challenges coming to a head shortly after the Full Moon, when Luna then opposes Pluto. Instead, resolve to look at both sides of a situation for continuing the process of self-change started by Saturn on Wednesday.

   Wishing you and yours a Blessed Holiday with abundant joy, good health and prosperity in the New Year, I remain your faithful guide to the cosmos, with the reminder to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~




Monday, December 10, 2012

Keep On Keeping On At This New Moon In Sagittarius!!

   Being on the dark side of the moon, as we are now, and being a Sagittarian, I am looking forward to the New Moon on Thursday when the Sun and Moon come together for new starts in this forward-looking  and fiery sign of the zodiac! Mercury leaves Scorpio tonight having uncovered the secrets and mysteries we needed for understanding how to  co-create our lives. As the Messenger of the Gods heads into the Archers' territory re-fortified, he goes forward with great enthusiasm and renewed hope.

   Mercury is actually happiest in Gemini, Sagittarius' polar opposite, sharing tidbits of information and not having to worry about the ramifications of idle chatter. While in Sag, he has to consider the bigger implications of what he now knows. Mercury here waxes more philosophical than usual and has to look in the direction of spiritual momentum rather than short-term gains. This is harder for those in a hurry, or those who think the end justifies the means, than those willing to spend more time on sacred ground, knowing that integrity needs to align with intention on this part of the journey.

    The good news is, that Sag's ruler, Jupiter, is in Gemini and Gemini's ruler, Mercury, is in Sagittarius - what we astrologers call "mutual reception". In other words, they are visiting each others homes and while there will be on their best behavior! So enthusiastic Jupiter (the teacher), won't mind all the details that  Mercury (the student) will lay out in front of him because a new horizon awaits. Story-telling can be very poignant as long as the broadcaster isn't just telling tall tales... Witty dialogue and humor are apt to be rampant throughout the rest of 2012. I'm not saying we can't take things seriously, just that humor may help the medicine go down. It's the difference between "The News" and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

  As Mercury squares impressionable Neptune tomorrow, we also need to ask ourselves, "is it real, or is it Memorex...?" The answer may surprise you, so, if you don't want to know, don't ask! There is the contingent that says, what you don't know can't hurt you, but I am not of that school. If you want to know the truth, ask yourself if what you are hearing is real or not, then listen to your body or your spirit and you'll know the answer right away!! Because Mercury rules the mind, you could go round and round with reasoning, one minute believing this, and the next minute, believing that. Meditate for clarity and wait until after the New Moon to decide anything.

   Wednesday is an adventurous day with lots of happenings; set some time aside to spend outdoors in nature to address the wanderlust. The New Moon takes place in the wee hours of the morning on Thursday, when Sun and Moon come together in Sagittarius setting the stage for the month ahead. Long-range goals, including travel, higher education or spiritual pursuits are to be taken into consideration. For those writers out there, you may want to take some steps toward publishing or sharing your words with a much larger audience. If you keep things to yourself, how will you know where you might have gone?

   Finally we can speak to the meaning of the Sabian Symbol for 22 degrees of Sagittarius, the degree point in the spotlight at the New Moon; it is A Chinese Laundry. Dane Rudhyar say this is about maintaining one's own identity in situations which neither give value for, nor favor what one basically is. The necessity here is self-containment and good humor! Having my sun on this degree, I can relate. Avoid feelings of inferiority and stay alert to opportunities to relate to the bigger society.

  Another planetary energy to be aware of this week is revolutionary Uranus turning Direct shortly after the New Moon on Thursday. Let the dust settle around you, or out-in-the world, and prepare to seize the day on Friday when the Capricorn Moon  brings an opportunity to begin to achieve a work or career goal. How hard you work and how badly you want to make something happen of lasting consequence, will bring significant benefits down the road. Saturday evening is a time to enjoy shared values and social opportunities, especially if they involve humanitarian concerns.

   Remember, keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mercury Direct and The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Gemini

  I know many of you are rejoicing now that Mercury is Direct again, and I want you to know that whatever mechanical malfunctions or agreements went awry in the previous three and a half weeks, it may take until about Dec.13th for things to be fixed or work themselves out. Until then, the Mercurial energy will be passing back through the areas where things went haywire, putting a clearer spin on things and then you will know what direction to move in, particularly as it relates to shared resources and/or joint projects. The good news is that things are looking up!

   Another factor in straightening out issues surrounding money and resources is last night's Venus/Saturn  conjunction in Scorpio. Knowing where we stand in our entanglements with others and understanding our responsibilities is just part of the acceptance of duty or necessity. When both parties know what the expectations are, they can follow through accordingly and hopefully see the gains they anticipated be realized.

   Communication, writing and research are all gaining momentum with the lunar energies approaching tomorrow's Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. What do you have to say? What do you want to learn? Is there something you need to express or share with others? These are the issues to be addressed when the Full Moon occurs at 9:46am tomorrow morning. Eclipse energy can move us ahead very quickly if we harness the momentum of the available vibrations. Big gains can be made that are highly effective in the next six months. If not aware of what needs to be said or done, the Eclipse can also highlight where our thoughts and words have been frittered away. There is no time like the present to say what you mean and mean what you say! Take it from Horton the Who... one of my favorite literary characters.

   Two other planetary influences color this Full Moon. The first is Venus, symbol of beauty and love, making a harmonious aspect to Pluto, the Transformer, bringing an opportunity to change our financial circumstances. Again, it's about putting our ships out to sea to bring back the goods and resources we need! If you have been wanting to make a big change in your economic picture, this is a great time to step up to the plate and make a difference. I'm not talking about risk-taking here; I am talking about practical agreements, joint ventures or sound steps to building/increasing your savings or resources. This aspect of planetary opportunity building only happens once a year. The next time it occurs will be as Venus moves away from Pluto sometime in late February or early March and that's when you'll get to see how well your efforts are working.

   The second influence I mentioned is giant Jupiter in Gemini coming under the beams of the Full Moon early tomorrow night. Jupiter expands, increases and includes and in his arbitrary way of doing this, doesn't distinguish between good or bad. In other words, he'll make a BIG DEAL out of whatever thoughts or words you stay focused on. If you gossip, spread lies or cheat, expect it to get exponentially worse. If you make sincere compliments, speak only the truth if it's helpful, or seek true understanding with another, you can expect to reap the rewards at some point. Your choice, but a potent one indeed. Filter your thoughts and watch the words coming out of your mouth... they will act as little magnets to bring you back what you sent out from your mind. This is Mercury's influence after all is said and done, so avoid deceit and stay in your integrity, no matter what!

   "remember, keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground" ... this is Suzanne Keating and I approve this message!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Pathways Astrology: Solar Eclipse Scorpio New Moon Starts The Cycle Of...

Pathways Astrology: Solar Eclipse Scorpio New Moon Starts The Cycle Of...:    Tuesday, November 13th will bring the next New Moon and it's a doozey! First of all, when the Sun (outer) and Moon (inner) come together ...

Solar Eclipse Scorpio New Moon Starts The Cycle Of Rebirth!

   Tuesday, November 13th will bring the next New Moon and it's a doozey! First of all, when the Sun (outer) and Moon (inner) come together in the intense and Fixed Water sign, Scorpio, we can expect deep emotions to surface. These emotions can be hiding wounds, secrets, desires or needs which we fear won't be discussed, acknowledged or met. Scorpio deals with joint and shared resources and our desire natures. What are you willing to give up to be in the relationship(s) that you're in?  The positive side of Scorpio is the ability and tenacity to rebuild and co-create, but it takes brutal honesty and willingness to get there. If both partners are willing and able, a new life can unfold; if not, one may decide to move forward, reclaiming their power.

   The good news is that it is all right! Whatever it took to get you to this point is in the past and you now have the resources to examine, acknowledge and release what's been holding you back. Yes, it takes a lot of determination, stamina and some humble-pie to deal with the ties that bind, and this Scorpio New Moon is the time to plant seeds for your release. The added boost of the Solar Eclipse can bring healing, release and a rebirth anytime over the next six months. I say why wait, bless it and release it now! Please know that I only suggest tools and processes that have worked for me and that I am sharing them here because I know they work.

   First, you have to go into your heart center and sit with the beauty of your own divinity, the spark of life within that is always there to remind you that you are safe and connected at all times to your Higher Self. Then, invite in any of the Higher Selves of anyone you have given your power away to or who has taken it and still has power over you - just their Higher self, not their Ego, nothing to fear here! Hold them in the Light and tell them how you feel and that you forgive them for their part in whatever you felt held you back; forgive yourself while you're at it... no matter how stupid or scared you feel. Tell them you're moving forward and releasing them of any power they, or you, thought they had over you. I don't care if it was mental, emotional or physical, the important thing is is to decide to let it go.

   Just in case anyone reading this is struggling with an actual safety issue in the present, please get help now! There are plenty of resources available when you want to stop struggling. The hardest thing is making the decision to do it because change is scary. But change is inevitable and necessary for you to reclaim your power and move into your brighter future! The current planetary energies support you.

   The double whammy here, just to put the icing on the pity-party, is Mercury Retrograde!! The "Messenger of The Gods" goes so fast most of the time, that he/she needs to slow down in order to process all the information coming in and to deal with all the machinery, cars, etc. that need repair or replacement. It seems that right when you make up your mind to replace that printer or cell phone, it breaks before you've done all your research and you get the most convenient replacement. Well, fingers crossed, let's hope you don't have to get another one during the next Mercury retrograde cycle in about three and a half months. Be patient, do the research and read the fine print!

   Another consideration on Tuesday is Mercury interacting with Neptune, impressionable ruler of the seas. Neptune can enhance spiritual guidance or escapist tendencies, depending on whether you are willing to take the high road or just go with the path of least resistance and escapism. Bringing traits of idealism, intuition, artistic creativity, deceit, compassion, sentimentality or impracticality together with Mercury's own tendencies of adaptability, cleverness and indecision cautions one to examine one's motives and chose wisely which traits will guide you through the stormy seas. It's your choice~

   Remember, navigating by the stars requires keeping one's head in the stars and one's feet on the ground.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Scorpio Energy, A Taurus Full Moon Building & Mercury Retrograde Approaching

   Are you ready to look at the depth of your own needs, emotional or otherwise? With the Sun in Scorpio opposing the Moon in Taurus tomorrow afternoon, there is a lot of energy that will be dealt with, having to do with personal values, possessions and the earth. Fixed water (Scorpio) and fixed Earth (Taurus) relate to stuck or stored emotional (water) or physical (earth) energy - think resources. When someone, or something, else stirs up those intense feelings of gain/loss or security/the unknown it's better to fully dive into your "stuff" than to try and avoid it.

   What you keep in the bank, your pantry or your heart, are all forms of stored energy - like a battery, waiting to be used. The Full Moon in Taurus highlights the security you feel, aka your comfort zone, and it can show you where you are stuck or being stubborn. Tauruses tends toward practicality and comfort and while their loyalties are strong, they can fall into the "I won't budge from my beliefs, or these are my things" category. The Sun in opposing Scorpio shines the light on these attitudes through deep feelings of shared resources or values and how secure you actually feel. Wherever you have Scorpio and Taurus in your birth chart is where you will experience this polarity.

   The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon at 7 degrees of Taurus is "The Woman of Samaria at the Ancestral Well." Dane Rudhyar says the keynote here is the meeting of the traditional past and of the creative spirit pointing to the future. Paraphrasing Rudhyar here: In the Jesus mythos, he met a Samaritan woman at an ancestral well who was not only part of a tribe despised by the Jews, but was unmarried and considered on the fringe of her own society. As religious history records, it was to this woman, who had already repudiated any narrow subservience to the old order, that Jesus could reveal he was the Messiah, "I am He". The old order never is open to the new Revelation until it has accepted disorder in the name of that power which subsumes all forms of order... Love. A new factor transcends the collective past and reveals a new quality of being which renders old patterns obsolete!

   There is so much relevance in this one symbol that we can relate to today and I won't presume to know what it means for you by pointing out my interpretations. I just offer it to you for your contemplation. Another symbol to consider is the Sun's position at the opposite point of the Full Moon. Before I even looked it up in Rudhyar's Astrological Mandala, The Cycle of Transformations And its 360 Symbolic Phases, I had written the first paragraph about diving into your "stuff". Here is the Sabian Symbol for 7 degrees of Scorpio: Deep Sea Divers and the keynote here is the willingness to explore the hidden depths of all experiences and to search for primordial causes. Rudhyar says this is the coming to terms with the collective Unconscious and its contents and it symbolizes a quest for "under-standing", for what lies under the surface waves of daily living. Isn't this interesting and timely?!

   So we have the power, determination and confidence of the Sun to dive deeply and the receptivity, sensitivity and intuition of the Moon to transcend the collective past for a new revelation and a new way of being in the world! Another thing to consider here is the Moon's comfort in the earth sign of Taurus; the Moon after all, is a satellite of the Earth and has sway over the ebb and flow of her tides and our emotions. How can you access the vitality of the Full Moon in a transformative way that allows you to move forward and not get stuck in the past? One way is to identify your comfort zone and what you need for your self-worth and to take care of your physical needs on the earth. Then, unflinchingly, dive into what it is about your own desire nature that is either holding you back from your own truth or that you are afraid of asking for because you worry your needs won't be met.

    Let's look at some of the other planetary factors that are in effect now. Venus, symbolizing love, beauty and values, moved out of Virgo this morning and into Libra for a less critical and more balanced view of what we need in relationships as well as how we can maintain our finances in a more even manner. Surrounding ourselves with the beauty of nature and appreciating the people in our lives that we feel good with are another of Venus' objectives through November 21st. Be careful not to overdo with finances or going to extremes in your associations and this can be a very enjoyable time.

    Mercury moves into Sagittarius for a broader world view tomorrow, but goes retrograde in motion on November 7th, returning to inquiring Scorpio on the 14th. If you must buy a new car or computer (they have a tendency to break down during Mercury retrograde...) do your research first and try to resist buying anything or signing contracts until after the 26th when Mercury turns direct again. In the meantime, know that people on soapboxes may make a BIG noise to distract you from thinking for yourself! Oh, and in case you didn't notice, it's Election Day on the 6th, so we'll see if Mercury turning retrograde that evening adds to any confusion over clear communication, counting of ballots, etc. let's hope any snafus are cleared up by the time Mercury (also known as the Messenger of the Gods) moves forward.

   Enough for today. Those of you in the Northeast with an eye to Hurricane Sandy's approach may be interested to know what Astrometeorolgist Carolyn Egan has to say about the impact in New England. You can visit her site here: http://www.weathersage.com/

   Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground. I might also add today, keep an ear to the ground as well~


Monday, October 15, 2012

Libra New Moon And The Chanticleer's Voice

   New Moons are seed times and today's new moon in Libra heralds the possibility of new beginnings, especially in relationships. The energy increases as the moon waxes to Full, but we plant our seeds in the dark, not seeing the thin Crescent until 2 or 3 days later. There is much to be considered here. Libra is the halfway sign of the zodiac, teetering at the fulcrum of the seasons and reminding us to consider what is not only timely for ourselves, but for others as well. As the Cardinal Air sign, Librans seek harmony and balance, preferring to schmooze  and keep the peace instead of upsetting the apple cart. We can use this energy to interact and socialize with our partners as long we consider both their needs and desires as well as our own. The danger here is bending over backwards to please others and not getting our own needs met!

  The Sabian Symbol for 23 degrees of Libra is The Chanticleer's Voice Heralds The Rising Sun With Enthusiastic Tones. A rooster crowing at the break of dawn announces the new day and those who rise with the Sun may be enthusiastic in trying to get others up and moving. It's great to be excited, but you don't want to become annoying to others not needing to be disturbed. Let your own confidence carry you into this new lunar period while allowing your significant others to experience their own joy. This isn't to say you can't speak up when needed, just be aware that you are responsible for your announcements and they for theirs. Some reading this will have news they want to share and others will be waiting to hear your news.

   Another important thing to know about this lunar phase is that Scorpio has a lot of sway over this New Moon chart, as it it the rising sign and Saturn is newly moved into Scorpio, conjunct the Sun and Moon, giving added weight to the need for balance. Saturn will focus our attention on joint and shared values, resources and projects for the next two and a half years as it travels in this Fixed Water sign. Co-rulers of Scorpio, Mars and Pluto, both interact with Uranus in fiery Aries, bringing triggers to uncover secret motives and/or hidden treasures. It could be interesting trying to maintain harmony with so many possibilities for change.

   This can be an extremely rewarding time if you are first honest with yourself, then in your relationships. Watch out for crowing too loudly as you attempt to make an informed decision in your life. First put on your detective hat and do some sleuthing to get as much information as possible for making the best choice possible when it comes to finances and shared resources. Better to be sure of who you want to be enmeshed with, at least for the next month and possibly a lot longer, because you don't want to regret your commitments with the Lord of Karma (Saturn) in Scorpio.

   Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Getting Personal At The Last Quarter Moon

   Do you feel it yet? There's something in the air and it's not just the leaves falling from the trees. With the three inner/personal planets, Mercury, Venus and Mars, having all shifted into new signs this past week, the energies are expressing themselves in new elements and modalities that we are experiencing as subtle changes in our daily lives.

   Let's look at affectionate Venus which moved into the critical Earth sign Virgo on Wednesday. As a receptive energy, Venus operates best through attraction, but in this analytical sign, she may become too focused on perfection. A wise use of her power of gentle persuasion would be to engage others in setting up a budget by pointing out where money has been going for the last several months. Also, organizing and beautifying your environment, as well as putting the gardens to bed for the winter, are other ways to effectively utilize the Venusian energy as she expresses herself in practical Virgo.

      Mercury's move on Friday, into secretive Scorpio for the next three weeks, signals a time to put on your detective hat and uncover hidden mysteries or find misplaced items. The hidden treasures may be in the deepest recesses of your being, so take time to have an inner dialogue with your more knowledgeable self. Also, the answers to long-held  questions may be revealed during the following weeks. If you need to research the worth of something and/or do some comparison shopping before Mercury goes retrograde in November, this would be the time to do that. As Mercury's job is to oversee the coming and going of thoughts and information, agreements, etc. you really want to do your homework before complying with someone else' terms. Does what you have to pay or exchange for what you want, make sense fiscally and emotionally?

    Now that Mars has left one of his favorite states of being, Scorpio, and moved into Sagittarius on Saturday, let's hope that the Martian intensity of aggression and determination will be tempered by traveling through the more upbeat territory of Sagittarius. Mars in Sag expands vision to include a wider spectrum of ideals and belief systems or seeks to expand horizons through travel or study.  It also brings the desire to experience adventure at the drop of a hat! This new fiery expression gives a boost to projects that may have met a stalemate while Mars gathered battle scars in fixed Scorpio. No more time for sulking as you look to the future and apply some elbow grease with all the drive and determination Mars has to offer; just avoid taking up arms or proselytizing and losing track of your goal. 

   Today's Last Quarter Moon, a square aspect between the Sun in Libra and Moon in Cancer, signifies a challenge to accept what has been brought to light at the Full Moon while we prepare for a new start at the Libra New Moon on the 15th, in a week. The Moon is at home in watery Cancer so we need to pay attention to our emotions while finding some kind of balance for ourselves out in the world under Libra's influence. This might be a good "sick" day for some people to lay low and take care of themselves, but for most of us, we need to take care of tidying up the loose ends that have to be finished before we can have a clear path to the next Lunar phase. Make this week, which starts with 2 days of Leo's sunny Moon influence on Tuesday and Wednesday, for expressing oneself joyously or creatively and moves through Virgo's organizing days Thursday and Friday, finishing up the week Saturday and Sunday in Libra, about keeping things on an even keel as we enter the dark of the Moon just before rebirth next Monday.

  As always, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!


Friday, September 28, 2012

A Potent Harvest Moon

   What do you want to create? What do you want to let go of?! These are the very important questions getting attention as we lead up to the Full Moon on Saturday night. Have you been dreaming of your future and catching occasional glimpses of it? Today is a great time to grab hold of those fleeting images and make them real! Be very careful what you focus on or wish for over the next forty-eight to 72 hours, because the potential to manifest will be very strong. Think only good thoughts and banish the negative ones!! This will be a fairly long post with some important information; I hope there is something for everyone in the reading.

   Please read Lynda Hill's post on today's Sabian Symbol for the Sun here. I am including three of the Sabian Symbols here with my paraphrasing of her interpretation of the symbols meanings.

   The Sabian Symbol for tomorrow night's Harvest Full Moon, at 8 degrees of Aries, is  A Woman's Hat With Streamers Blown by The East Wind. Lynda Hill says this implies the winds of time and change shifting our perspectives and attitudes. The Eastern practice of meditation and contemplation can steer your mind back to the right path if you become unfocused. There is an element of protection imbued with this symbol, as the gentleness of the wind only blows the ribbons. However, you need to be wary of being blown off-course or changing your direction for social gains or conflicting ideals, as the danger here is getting lost in other's opinions.

   The Sun's position at 8 degrees of Libra at the opposite point of the Moon, is A Blazing Fireplace In A Deserted Home. This implies warmth, security and love held in the hearth of the home or the heart; whether or not you are there all the time, you can return to the security of this hearth, banishing a sense of isolation. I'd like to remind you here that the inner flame of your heart center is always available and can be accessed at any time by quieting the mind and connecting to your spiritual core. Keep a candle or a light burning for those feeling lost. During these trying next few days, make it a habit to return to your heart center at least once daily.

   Back to a discussion of the Harvest Moon and some of it's other challenging interactions. As we know, the Full Moon illuminates our progress on the path from the New Moon in Virgo two weeks ago. A Libra Moon desires action in relationship, or seeks to restore harmony where things have gotten off kilter. That could be in your relationship to your job, your partner, your finances or your goals. In opposition to the Sun in Libra, the Moon in Aries will push to make something happen. Let's hope that balanced minds prevail and you don't blow them out of the water or burn all your bridges, unless of course that has been the problem all along (indecision) and you do need to make that decision to take a stand!

   Some of the other concerns coming out of this potentially life-changing period are the opposition from the Sun (life force) to Uranus (extremes) in Aries and square to Pluto (destruction and transformation) in Capricorn and the alignment of the Moon (instincts and emotions) with Uranus in Aries and square to Pluto as well. OK, I'm breaking it down here: The chart for the Full Moon at 11:19 pm. on 9/30/2012 shows 9 degrees of Cancer rising and that's Cardinal Water. The ruler of Cancer is the Moon in Cardinal Fire/Aries, conjunct Uranus, (also in Cardinal Fire) and both square Pluto in Cardinal Earth/Capricorn, with an opposition to Uranus in Cardinal Air/Libra. Don't forget we still have that Cardinal square between Uranus and Pluto well-entrenched in the mix!! Cardinal signs like to make things happen, they do not wait around for someone else to take action and here we have all four Cardinal signs involved in this very potent Full Moon.

    I am aware that some of you will be engaged in your change already, while others may be anticipating that change is on the horizon and worried about what will happen to them. I suggest that those in the second category spend some time today and tomorrow envisioning the best possible scenario for themselves and the direction (Aries) they want to move in. Trust your feelings (Moon), pay attention to signs of what has decayed and is ending (Pluto) and what direction is opening up for you, and take action when the crest of the wave appears (Uranus). Above all, trust yourself to know what you need, even if you don't know what the new path reveals when the wave crashes to shore. Do not look back or hesitate when you know it's your time to ride that wave! Oh, and no negative thoughts - they will pull you under.

     Years ago, when I operated the Meetinghouse Bookshop on Nantucket, one of the popular books was You Can't Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought, by Peter McWilliams. It has been revised and I would highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to move forward in their life. I would also recommend that you read this post again now and over the next three days, to remind yourself of just how powerful our thoughts are in creating our reality. I am simply reminding you of what you already know and what has been written and spoken so many times. Now is the time to take positive action for yourself.

   Remember... keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fall Equinox And The First Quarter Moon

  Yesterday, the Sun moved into the airy and sociable sign of Libra and was squared by the Moon entering earthy and practical Capricorn shortly afterwards. There is more here than meets the eye. A First Quarter Moon is about releasing obstacles from the past so we can move in our desired direction. If the past isn't released now, the pattern that holds us back will persist through to a new lunar cycle. Let's talk about what we are offered to work with in dealing with the current planetary energies.

   The discerning and organizing energy of Virgo has done it's work and the Sun is now shining in the area of the zodiac having to do with balance, harmony and relating. Libra is sociable, refined, fair-minded and diplomatic in its quest for balance. Known as the sign of "the iron fist in a velvet glove", Libra is a Cardinal sign that will do what it thinks necessary to achieve their idea of harmony, as they abhor discord. Therefore Librans are not above making something happen to tip the scales by showing both sides of a situation because truly, they haven't made up their minds yet!   

   Back to the Capricorn Moon squaring off with the Sun in Libra... both of these signs head up their own seasons - Libra ushers in the Fall for the next three months and Capricorn brings the Winter for the following three. Cardinal Air seeks the fulcrum between one season and the other by relating ideas that connect people, while Cardinal Earth wants to establish the foundation of practicality through necessity. Both are essential expressions for survival.

   Here is the dilemma of earth and air... one needs to move and wants to share while the other wants to conserve the resources it has, and each wants to be in charge - Libra in charge of relationships and fairness and Capricorn in charge of business and resources. What you need to ask yourself today is where do I need to listen and who do I need to partner with to get my basic needs met. Partnership and shared beliefs is powerful, especially when made up of strong individuals. The ideas they have to share can build more resources if coming from the heart and not reacting in fear.

   With the second Uranus/Pluto square that occurred on the 19th, we have seen ideologies and sudden events come to a head and we will be dealing with the fallout for some time to come. The thing about these BIG squares is, if we truly listen to each other and then our own inner voices, we will know what is right for us and can have the break through we have long sought, but may have been in denial about, concerning our part in perpetuating the battle. I am not advocating giving up, rolling over or putting on your battle armor. I am advocating finding new ways of relating and/or letting go of the old ways that clearly are not working.

   More later this week... I am making changes of my own and have to get back to my other work now. Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Virgo New Moon... Business As Usual? I Think Not!

   The moon joined the sun in Virgo on Saturday night for a New Moon focus on integrity, organization and child-like innocence. How does Virgo equate with child-like innocence, you ask...?! Think "out of the mouths of babes... truthfulness and purity of thought... or, no ulterior motives"... We can all relate to Virgo's propensity for cleanliness and analyzing but it's harder to get back to the beginning of a thought, when it started out pure, before everyone started adding their trappings, before we tried to make it "new and improved" and ended up mucking it up with attachments, whether physical, mental or emotional.

    So, this month can be about clearing out the cobwebs in your mind, or the clutter in your closets, or the dark shadowy places in your heart. A way to begin doing this is to get quiet and ask your Self, what do I need to let go of? You'll recognize the answer when it comes, but try not to bury it under another thought or sweep it under a rug. Denial and darkness will help it grow into a BIG fat resentment, an ache or a pain somewhere, or maybe... it could win you a guest spot on a Hoarders show!

   Besides the New Moon influence in Virgo, we have some other planetary movement that will impact your world, which is a good reason to de-clutter and organize your environment, so you know where everything is and where you stand with others. First of all, that moody, distant and dark planet, Pluto, turns around tomorrow and begins moving in Direct motion at 6 degrees and 57 minutes of Capricorn. To give you an idea of how slowly Pluto moves, it has been at the same degree and minutes since September 13 and will remain there through September 22nd - that's ten days of smoldering plutonian energy! The energy indicated by Pluto is of the nature of transformation and regeneration. It is symbolized by decay, destruction, disease and /or elimination. Being in Capricorn, the ruler of practicality and necessity, Pluto is facilitating the breakdown of business and structural foundations that are not working. We are already aware of the need for change in our government and financial institutions in this country and in others.

    Wherever Pluto is transiting in your personal chart, you are experiencing a gradual decline, decay or breakdown in what you thought was the foundation of your personal identity, relationships, work, goals, etc... this is a necessary process for you to re-build in that area where you are ready for change. Just remember that Pluto works gradually! The fly in the ointment is the challenge that is coming from the square to revolutionary Uranus. Because these are both "outer" planets with a long orbit around the Sun, they will interact in this manner six more times, (for a total of seven squares; the first time was the end of June) starting tomorrow, Wednesday, the 19th. Expecting challenges, sudden changes of plans and revolutionary events outside of one's control would be the indicators of what is reverberating under these major planetary energetics!

   My suggestion for working with these energies, is not to react to button-pushing so as not to escalate a potentially volatile situation, nor to allow bullying from anyone who wants to take your power away. The second one is harder because bullies perceive themselves as entitled to all the power, including yours, so they generally react badly when someone they perceive to be weaker stands up for themselves. Another suggestion is to rely on the old adage of "strength in numbers". Groups of like-minded individuals with the same goal or needs have more power than one individual. However... in all of these uncertain times, what is often most effective is to adopt a wait-and-see attitude and/or to allow situations to unfold with a watchful eye to what your next move might be. Avoid over-reacting, assuming and jumping into things to try and affect a change prematurely!

   That's enough information for several weeks, not just one or two, so let's stop here. Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Pisces Full Moon & Virgo Sun At The End of Summer

(The beginning of this Blog is a copy of what I wrote in my Newsletter which was emailed out on the first of September. I have been very busy organizing and have had little quiet time for contemplation or writing, so please excuse the shortcut!) I don't know about you, but I am ready to organize, weed out and sort through the unnecessary stuff in the corners of my closets and cupboards, as well as my mind. With the Sun traveling through this part of the zodiac until September 22nd, the focus is on organization and discernment, as in, "what shall I keep, do I use it, is it time to let go of this item, habit or thought...?!" As Virgo holds the earthy energy of a practical mind, it is very conducive to gathering facts, analyzing them and deciding how to adapt to the conditions of the time. Virgo desires perfection as well as being of service, and having rulership over the intestines, wants to utilize our food to serve in the most efficient and healthy way possible. A clear head and a clear digestive tract are good things to concentrate on for the next three weeks. The Full Moon in Pisces on Friday, August 31st is also a "Blue Moon", meaning the second Full Moon in the same month. Full Moons highlight our growth and efforts since the New Moon and illuminate the progress we have made. A Pisces moon is nostalgic and emotional, bringing highs or lows depending on the emotions and energy surrounding us. Pisces rules the oceans, fog and film, drugs and alcohol and this is where we may see issues arise in both our corner of the world, as well as around the globe. The unseen threads of compassionate connection are in the Piscean realm; art and music can flow making links to others that create new bonds. The danger is feeling too much "at one" with everyone around us and not setting good workable boundaries. Avoid overuse of mind-altering substances under this Full Moon and just let the music of the spheres carry you. This is where Virgo's propensity for clear discernment comes in handy! On Labor Day Monday, action-oriented Mars joins up with that Lord of the Underworld, Pluto, early in the morning, so energies will be revved up to get things done, make changes, let go of dispensable things and make room in our lives to turn over a new leaf. Be aware that the rush people find themselves in can create problems on the highways or between strong personalities both vying for their own agendas and act accordingly - in other words, drive defensively and keep out of the argument! Another aspect occurring today involves Venus and Saturn which will feel like restraint on all our resources, including wallets and bank accounts. Good thing the banks are closed today... Both of these planetary energies deal with earth elements and Venus has a receptive quality while Saturn's is restrictive. The message is to use what you have and to be cautious with your personal things. Take some time to notice what needs repair or a new coat of paint and make a plan now for how to achieve this project within your budget. Don't over-extend your physical or monetary limits; you can actually live with less than you think you need. Have a great rest-of-your-weekend and I'll be back with another Blog in a couple of days! Remember also, to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~

Friday, August 17, 2012

New Moon in Leo... Finally!!

   Today's New Moon takes place at 11:54 a.m. as the Moon joins the Sun in its' glory in Leo. The most wonderful time of year for fun in the sun is upon us, but there are other things to consider as well. This has been a tough week for a lot of people, with hard aspects from Venus (love or money) to Pluto (transformation) and Mars (aggression) to Saturn (responsibility) on Wednesday and an overnight square into Thursday of Venus to Uranus (the unexpected). When the Moon moved into dramatic and fiery Leo late Wednesday it worked hard to lift our spirits, reminding us to let the light back in to our lives and to have a bit of fun as Luna supported optimistic Jupiter in Gemini. That was just the prelude to the Moon  joining the Sun today for a new vision of possibility when the inner and outer can come together!

   With Mars and Saturn still in Libra, we are reminded that not everyone is on vacation, some are hurrying to their destinations and some are hurrying to work. When these two planetary energies collide we see their impact on relationships all across the board. Mars wants to poke and prod and stir things up, while Saturn shakes a finger and scolds, saying you must do it this way, which only makes Mars react with fight or flight and then Saturn gets more stern, tightens the reins and shuts down. With these two pulling in different directions we can have difficulty knowing what to do, but the secret lies in Libra, seeking balance and harmony. Remember, Saturn is exalted in this air sign and when we truly strive for fairness, not just having it our way... progress can be made. Slow down, breathe and put one foot in front of the other; you do your part and let others do theirs. You may not like their choices but you can choose how and whether to respond, or not.

    In the very wee hours yesterday morning, Venus in Cancer (home, feelings, water) squared off with Uranus in Aries (innovation, sudden changes, new starts) and may have made it harder to sleep through the night. I hope you wrote down any good ideas when you awoke, because Uranus will present them but they are fleeting if not captured quickly! Don't worry that you may be considering a quirky new way of dealing with an old issue, as that may be just the answer you need and you won't know if you don't at least try it.Venus in Cancer cares about home and family, making beautification projects top priority; try not to sulk if things don't exactly turn out the way you had planned.

   We'll see an inactive Moon at 1:55pm before it enters practical Virgo tonight at 8:33 p.m. While we want to ride the coattails of a Leo New Moon, wait until Saturday, or better yet, Monday afternoon or Tuesday, to begin anything important. Virgo is good for organizing and focusing on things that really need close attention to detail, so if you've been putting off a particular project you can get completely absorbed in it this weekend. Just know that the Moon is once again in a long void-of-course phase all day Sunday - better to follow through, do spiritual work or try completely relaxing for a change!

   The late degree of the New Moon, 25 Leo 08, means that the Sun only has five more days to express itself in this creative and strong fire sign before moving into Virgo on the 22nd. I hope you get to carve out some FUN time to be playful and encouraging with your loved ones, especially the children in your life. The fixed nature of this dramatic sign can come across a bit pompous so watch out not to let your pride get in the way or exclude anyone from feeling your warmth and generosity of spirit.

   Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Last Quarter Moon Reminds Us To Evaluate Before We Eliminate

   Today, the Moon in Taurus pushes away at a ninety degree angle from the Sun in Leo to close out the monthly Lunar cycle. Just don't give up yet, because this is the time for evaluating where you stand and there are several factors that could make this a valuable turning point. You set a goal at the New Moon on July 18th and your progress was shown one way or the other at the August 1st Full Moon. Now you have to evaluate what needs to be dealt with, tweaked or let go of, as you clear the field for a new direction at the New Moon in Leo on the 17th.

   Because we're heading into that "it's always darkest just before the dawn" time, there's often a sense of urgency to chuck the old and cut ties so we can begin again... too soon! Really look at what you've achieved, accomplished or learned and decide what's important to keep and what you can now let go of. Throwing the baby out with the bath water only causes more problems down the road. Evaluate, eliminate and extricate to make room for the new; besides, Mercury just went Direct two days ago and is still bringing things up to be dealt with.

  Speaking of mercurial Mercury, how many disappointments did you experience in the last three and a half weeks?! I know I had a few about-turns myself, so I can relate to misunderstandings and agreements falling through. The retrograde started at 12 degrees of Leo and went all the way back to 1 degree and 27 minutes on Wednesday. Mercury is s-l-o-w-l-y moving forward and is at 1 degree, 31 minutes today and will start to move a degree a day by the 15th, finally passing it's shadow point late on August 22nd, when clear sailing ought to prevail again!  In the meantime, take care of the details that need to be addressed and stay in the moment as you do.

   The last aspect Taurus Moon makes today, before she moves into Gemini late tomorrow afternoon, is the Last Quarter square to the Sun and that begins a more than 24 hour void-of-course moon period. Here's a reminder about the VOC moon - Luna is traveling under the influence of the last aspect she makes as she moves toward the end of the sign. This is a time when we can't tell what direction to move in and need to trust our inner compass to guide us. Centering, meditation, grounding, following through on things and just putting one foot in front of the other as you surrender to the mundane tasks in front of you, will see you through this period without false starts and unexpected outcomes! You don't want to be disqualified for jumping the gun... Olympics are still on... :)

    At any rate, the best course of action for the week ahead, is to follow through, finish up and clear out. Also, take time to just enjoy yourself while the Sun (vitality) is still in Leo (child-like fun), Venus (love) is in Cancer (family and feelings) and Mars (energy) is in Libra (relationships). There's a summer recipe for backyard cookouts or beach fun with family and friends! I am reminded here to "accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative and not to mess with Mr. In-between".

    Another consideration to keep in the back of your mind, that I think falls into the "I have no control over" category, except for my choice of how to react, is this: The period between August 15th and the 20th marks the 90 day point after the May 20th Solar Eclipse at 1 Gemini and from August 28th through September 2nd is 90 days after the June 4th Lunar Eclipse at 15 Sagittarius. These can be make-it or break-it periods if triggering natal planets or points, depending on how we perceive obstacles that may arise during those periods. My advice would be to pay attention to how you feel, what you have learned (Gemini) and where you want to go (Sagittarius) before you respond or react to any changes from the Universe.

   In the meantime, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground, and call your astrologer if you need help unraveling the information for your best timing.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Full Moon In Aquarius

   Welcome to the Full Moon and Lammas, one of the Quarter Festivals celebrating the first offering of the harvest! Based on the ancient ways, this is a time to be thankful for all that you have and celebrate with your kin and neighbors. In astrological terms, tonight's Aquarian Full Moon highlights the relationship of the individual to the group, as the Sun in fiery Leo is opposed by the Moon in this Air sign, often mistaken as a water sign because of it's symbol as "the water-bearer". Aquarius spreads ideas around, especially as they relate to the freedom of the individual; it is that pouring out of information that is the hallmark of this sign!

   Pay attention to your associations and connections as they relate to the common welfare at this time. You can be friendly and sociable without a lot of emotional ties right now, so go ahead and explore new groups that you've been interested in, particularly groups that have similar spiritual, social or intellectual beliefs. Aquarius is a Fixed sign so be careful not to become too rigid or dogmatic and remember that Aquarius rules the knees and the ability to bend - if you can't change your mind, you can't move forward. Remember that Mercury is still moving in retrograde motion until August 8th, so no big commitments just yet.

   Other highlights of this week include last nights trine (harmonizing) of Venus (values) in Gemini and Saturn (necessity) in Libra. This is such a productive and positive indication that connections can be turning around for the good. If you've put in the effort, applied "elbow grease" or worked very hard  (Saturn) to achieve something or move toward your goal, you may be starting to see the rewards coming your way. This is the culminating trine of these two planetary energies before they join up in late November for a conjunction in Scorpio, which will be the green light for joint associations and projects, new financial agreements or regeneration of any intense desire. In the meantime, pay attention to present associations and shared responsibilities.

   Giant Jupiter in Gemini also harmonizes with this Full Moon, expanding our connections and communication. Make sure to filter the words coming out of your mouth, because you won't be able to retrieve them easily, once out of the gate! On the other hand, this is a good time to express your appreciation to loved ones, friends and people in your everyday life. Been meaning to write a thank you note to your Aunt or call your old friend on the other coast...? Anytime tonight, tomorrow or Friday is a great time to do that; just don't wait until Saturday when the Pisces Moon throws a whole lot of nostalgic feelings into the mix to possibly muddy the waters.

   As always, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Last Quarter Blues, Snafus & Breakthroughs

   The revolutionary planet Uranus, turned retrograde July 13th and will travel in "backwards" motion until December 13th, revisiting the degrees between 8 and 32 minutes of Aries back to 4 degrees 37 minutes. Any planets you have near those degrees in the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn could be triggered by a sudden encounter with this cosmic force for innovation and change!

   Mercurial Mercury is also retrograding tonight, as it does a few times a year, standing still at 12 degrees of Leo and 32 minutes, back-tracking to 1 Leo and turning Direct on August 8th. Leo is the fiery Fixed sign of summer and Mercury here opposes anything in nearby degrees of Aquarius, while challenging similar degrees of the other two Fixed signs, Taurus and Scorpio.

  We're more familiar with Mercury's retrograde shenanigans causing delays, breakdowns and miscommunications, than we are with Uranus' about-face. More than a few people have blamed Mercury retrograde for stalling their efforts, especially in commercial pursuits. While this period is NOT the time to initiate any new projects, it IS a good time to work on advertising campaigns, cleaning up mailing lists and re-visiting and tweaking those things that haven't been working in the last few months. Then, after Mercury turns around, you can institute the new things you've been working on! Suffice it to say that Mercury Rx is the time for research, re-dos and paying close attention to the details of any negotiations, plans or necessary repairs.

     Now, on to the retrograde effects of Uranus... no one knows what to expect!! I may be half kidding, but Uranus is an out-of-the-box, surprise, quirky kind of energy and when retrograde, the direction you thought you were moving in can change... again! Uranus has reign over genius, inventions and sudden new connections. It is said to be the higher octave of Mercury, bringing insight in a flash, the kind of aha! moment that comes like a bolt out of the blue, sudden and unexpected! So, what is the affect of this energy standing still for several days then turning around? Think, who let the cat out of the box?  or "what do mean, you want that mock-up NOW, I thought we threw that out weeks ago?!" Well, yeah, you did, but it seems someone woke up with a brilliant idea about how to make it work, so you'll be spending the next few months changing things up to make a go of it!

   New ways of thinking create new ways of doing for new ways of being. Use this time to brainstorm unique ways to become unstuck, making sure you connect with others for their input and staying open to innovative ways to deal with old issues. A new way of dealing with an old issue may be the answer you need, especially if it's something you haven't tried before; if you're sick of being stuck, just do it!

   In the larger picture, group energy can have a profound affect on the greater good. Revolutionary Uranus in fiery Aries gives an opportunity to make change happen. However, if you don't grab hold of the change you'd like to see and make it happen, you may be surprised at what the outcome is when the dust settles. Take nothing for granted! These are indeed, changing times and working with your intuition can facilitate the shift.

   Now, about the Last Quarter Blues that I mentioned in the heading... wouldn't that make a great name for a band?! The time after the Full Moon when the Sun and Moon form a square with each other, is the last quarter phase of their monthly relationship and we are smack in the middle of this week before the New Moon on the 19th... between culmination of one cycle and the beginning of another. Often, what is experienced is some sort of crisis of consciousness after the awareness shown by the Full Moon brings realization of the effectiveness of our efforts in the present cycle... or not! It's like twisting and turning in the hour before dawn when excitement or worry wakes you too early and you know it's too soon to get up. The next New Moon in Leo will bring a month of enthusiasm, possibly some drama and a month of creative risk-taking, and now is NOT the time to go out on a limb. It is the time to patiently follow through on things, gently tweaking what you can and getting prepared for renewed energy after the 19th.

   In the meantime, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Capricorn Full Moon & Mars in Libra

  The Sun and Moon culminate their monthly dance at tomorrow's Full Moon when they oppose each other at 13 degrees of Capricorn/Cancer. The Sabian Symbol for the Moon's degree is "A Fire Worshipper Meditates On The Ultimate Realities Of Existence". Lynda Hill says about this symbol in her book, The Sabian Oracle:360 Degrees Of Wisdom, that this speaks to the sacred fire needed to be kept glowing in our homes, our hearts and our minds. She also speaks to the need to harness our personal resources as we contemplate life and its meaning to create magic.

  I am personally reminded of two things with this symbol - standing in a circle with about 20 other fire worshippers and  meditating on a large bonfire twenty-one years ago, which I subsequently walked over a few hours later when the fiery red coals were raked out. This experience freed up my mind to believe that we are more than limited human beings and it showed me the power of mind over matter as I walked unscathed across very hot coals and leaped into the air with a cry of freedom bursting from my throat. I have walked across hot coals three times, but that first time was exhilarating on so many levels! I am reminded to apply that same inner strength whenever I want to create a new reality and one of those times is now.

   FYI: Fire-walking is not to be approached without expert guidance and hours of meditation and preparation. Please do NOT think I am advocating doing this on your own, or even that it is necessary in order to gain the insight symbolized by this degree, that is not my intent. This is just my personal example of coming to a huge revelation about the reality of my existence. In lieu of that, perhaps you can do a candle meditation where you gather with like-minded others, sitting in circle and gazing with eyes half-closed at the candle's flame as you seek the wisdom of your hearts' intention. Ask yourself, what is it that I desire to achieve for myself at this time? Then listen for the answer or look for your progress to be reflected back at you in some way in your daily life. That is Capricorn's purpose - climbing upward to secure practical goals.

   The second thing I am reminded of is that Lynda Hill says Magian is another word for Fire Worshipper and can be used to denote an astrologer. I am a Sagittarian astrologer and that means I have a lot of fire to share. I share it through my belief that we are divine spiritual beings who have come to this school we call Earth to learn about our souls' journey. I also share it by writing this Blog that is meant to inspire and elevate your life. It would be my great joy to assist you with a personal reading at any time, either in person or over the phone, to help you harness your own inner resources and create the magic you seek in your life at this time.

   The degree of the Sun is 13 Cancer: "A Hand, Which Is Held Out Receptively, Is Remarkable For The Suggestion Of Character In Its Prominent Thumb". What this symbol represents is the ability to extend oneself to others with a strong sense of determination, yet receptive to accepting their grasp of the situation as well as their input. The receptivity in no way implies weakness; an inability to extend ones hand would perhaps show a lack of character and this would weaken your position.

  Mars leaves Virgo tomorrow at long last, and moves into the Cardinal Air sign Libra, directing our energies toward relationships and restoring balance in our lives. The Virgo analysis and skill-building phase is over and it's time direct our actions (Mars) in ways which support new growth and harmony in relationships (Libra). Whether your introspection and analysis over the last several months have led you to the decision to move on or to move ahead in any partnership,  it is now time to face the direction you want to move in. I think of Mars in Libra as a kind of armchair quarterback; someone with the bravado but who sits in a chair, not running plays out on the field. Mars can get bogged down in Libra only if he forgets it takes effort to make what he wants happen. Apply the effort to what you already know you want to do and let the rest of the details fall into place as you go.

 ...and remember, if you keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground, you'll make progress...


Friday, June 29, 2012

Moving Forward With Treasures From Venus & Saturn

   Now that Saturn (necessity and responsibility) and Venus (beauty, love and money) are both moving in direct motion, having completed their retrograde phases, it seems that circumstances surrounding business and the exchange of money or affections could start to improve. The caution (Saturn) here is not to be too gung-ho for a change or overly self-indulgent (Venus) that one loses sight of any progress made in self-understanding over the last several months.

   Why am I lumping these two planetary energies together? Perhaps because I find it interesting, as in "there's no such thing as coincidental", that they turned direct within a couple of days of each other. My mind likes to find connecting threads between closely occurring geocosmic cycles and events. And while I am not always successful in this endeavor, the process often unearths a nugget or two of insight for me to share. Keeping that in your mind, I invite you to take a walk with me.

   First of all, Saturn is exalted in Libra, the zodiac sign of refinement and harmony which is ruled by Venus. Saturn went retrograde on February 8th giving us all a chance to focus on our relationships, all of them, especially the one we have with ourselves - you know, the little self and the big Self, the human and the divine. Then Venus went retrograde May 15th in Gemini, the mutable sign of inquiry and communication, causing us to look into our own mirrors at who and what we attract and why. Are you still with me here?  OK, good, on we go...

   Both Libra and Gemini are air signs which are concerned with mental energy like sharing of ideas, communicating and interacting. The other air sign is Aquarius which operates through interconnectedness, like groups and the internet, but we will allow Aquarian energy to remain in the background today, connecting us through this Blog yet not up for discussion. So, the last several months of saturnine Saturn backtracking through the final seven degrees of Libra have highlighted the need for introspection in the area of human relationships. Some of you have been seeking the ideal relationship for yourself, only to discover that getting to know yourself better, was the key to experiencing balance and finding true relationship happiness.

   I have seen this process in action with a couple of clients over the past two and a half years as Saturn has traversed Libra, and I have watched as one client, previously desperate for a marriage partner, stopped dating to do some intense inner work, which allowed her to recognize her partner when he showed up. Conversely, I have also seen a couple of clients so eager for the "perfect" relationship that all of their projections of perfection onto the partner only bounced back images of imperfection. They are still working on the balance of self to Self before Saturn moves into watery Scorpio in early October putting the emphasis on deep emotions and co-creativity.

   Now, let's look at Venus in Gemini, where she took up residence on April 4th for an extended visit that doesn't end until she moves into watery Cancer on August 8th. That's over four months of getting up-close-and-personal with your thoughts, agreements and the people closest to you every day, four months of putting your money where your mouth is and four months of re-thinking how much you need to actually live every day. Throw in the New Moon Solar Eclipse five days after Venus went retrograde May 15th, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse June 4th and the Inferior conjunction of Venus as she was eclipsed by the Sun on June 5th and that's a whole lot of pressure to get right with your values and how you communicate them!

   What I hope you have learned these last two months is patience and trust, trust that as long as you have applied yourself to identifying and working toward what you truly value, you will make progress. The caution here is impatience, over-thinking or losing your focus. The energy of Venus is receptive and now that she is in direct motion again, you need to avoid taking too many opinions or keeping your needs to yourself. The time for gathering information was during her retrograde period and now is the time for letting others know what is important to you as you begin to move forward on your decisions. Some of you may share this information verbally, others through writing and still others by investing your time, resources or talents into projects with family, neighbors or co-workers. Venus rules beauty, money and love and in Gemini, she wants to spread some of it around - just remember not to waste any time or resources on anyone or anything unworthy of all that insight you've gained!

Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

New Moon In Gemini - Again; Summer Solstice And The First Uranus Pluto Sqaure

  Today's New Moon in Gemini is the second time we get to plant the seeds for a month-long lunar cycle focused on sharing ideas, communication and writing projects. Last months' Solar Eclipse New Moon took place at the first degree of Gemini, so you may want to re-read Sunday, May 20th's Blog for a reminder of the Gemini influence, along with today's Blog.

   It's an interesting thing, this New Moon at 29 degrees of mutable, airy Gemini influencing the month ahead, because it immediately becomes void-of-course for two and a half hours before Luna enters  the cardinal water sign Cancer. What are the unspoken things you need, or want, to say or do that seek completion at the threshold of a fresh start? Is there anything that needs to be clarified from a month ago, or let go of, in order to step through a new doorway? State your intentions with a clear voice so there are no more misunderstandings. Allow your ideas to be spoken aloud so that others may give you much needed feedback or support.

   On Wednesday, June 20th, about a day and a half after the Sun and Moon come together, we see the Sun entering Cancer for the Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere and the Winter Solstice in the southern hemisphere. In the north we celebrate the longest day of the year and rejoice at the return of warmer weather, cookouts and visits to the beach. With the vital energy of the Sun in watery Cancer, the Moon's territory, we find emotions run high and family concerns, home and security interests are at the top of the agenda. Nurturance on all levels of mind, body and spirit need to be addressed while the Sun is in Cancer for the next month.

   Epitomized by the ebb and flow of tides as well as the emotions, Cancer, thanks to its natural ruler, the Moon, is symbolized by the Crab, and its evasive side-stepping. Cancer natives can be very sympathetic, caring and supportive, but will display their outer shell with a show of protectiveness if they feel the need. Their secretive and cautious natures can make it hard to warm up to them right away - be patient and notice which way the tide is flowing to know what their mood will be!

   The much anticipated Uranus/Pluto square, a 90 degree aspect which will be exact on the 24th, is already being felt strongly. These two outer planets of revolution and innovation (Uranus) and decay and destruction (Pluto) will square off with each other for a total of seven times between now and 2015! The first square ignites the 8th degree and 23 minutes of Aries (Uranus is there) and Capricorn (where Pluto presently resides) and will cause reverberations in all the Cardinal signs, including Libra and Cancer, at those degrees. If you have personal planets or personal points in your natal chart, at or near these sign degrees, you can expect to experience CHANGES in those areas of your life where those signs hold sway.

   Outwardly, the effects of these two planetary energies can cause sudden breakdowns in government and power structures, as well as infrastructures, like bridges, buildings and highway systems. Remember that Uranus in Aries is like a lightning bolt striking a tree and setting it on fire and Pluto in Capricorn is like a giant bulldozer completely changing the landscape we once knew. Having to navigate this new territory, literally and figuratively, is the challenge we face as individuals. How well we react to the changes around us and within us depends on the choices we make to stay awake and aware and claim our power for ourselves, or not.

   Do I believe the impending changes can have positive as well as negative impacts - you bet I do and I'm counting on it! Because, you see, we are merely continuing the cycle Uranus and Pluto started at their conjunction back in the early Sixties when progressive ideas and uncertainty were birthed. I was a scared little college freshman marching on campus to protest the Vietnam War and hoping I wouldn't be shot by the National Guardsmen called in to protect the University's property against us radical thinkers.

   Well, it's come back around a quarter-turn to this square and our beliefs are being put to the test, about who has power over whom, and what did we learn about fighting wars for profit. I may be forty years older but I am stronger in my belief that war is NOT the answer to anything, anywhere, anytime. I'd also like to think I'm a bit wiser too and I've learned that if you want to see change you have to implement it for yourself and there are ways to do that, sometimes with quiet fortitude and self-assurance. Uranus and Pluto are offering us the opportunities we need to create a new world that includes peace and prosperity for everyone. Embrace the change you want to see as the Light illuminates the cracks and you step in to claim your birth right as a sentient being on the third rock from the Sun.

   And while you're taking that all in... remember to stay in the moment, stay in your heart, and keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Last Quarter Moon in Pisces & Jupiter Enters Gemini

  Today's Moon in Pisces, the Mutable last sign of the zodiac,  is just one of a growing number of planets in adaptable signs for the week ahead, so why bring it up? Because... tomorrow's Last Quarter Moon in Pisces, squaring off with the Sun in Gemini can bring feelings of uncertainty regarding who to talk to, what to believe and who to trust. Nebulous Neptune has ruler-ship over Pisces and mercurial Mercury has it over Gemini; both are Mutable signs that bridge the gap between holding firm in Fixed signs and taking action in Cardinal signs. Mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces give us the space and time to ask the questions, what is right for me to do and when is it the right time to change my course of action?

   Three things are happening tomorrow that will attempt to shake us loose from indecision by bringing new information to our attention in preparation for making the changes we already feel coming. First is the Last Quarter Moon, that time in the monthly lunar cycle when our awareness has been piqued by the recent Full Moon and we now have to tweak our plans as we prepare for the next lunar cycle at the subsequent New Moon. The second is giant Jupiters' ingress into Gemini, expanding communication and inquisitiveness, where it will remain for one year. Expect your interactions with siblings, neighbors and co-workers to increase along with the mental machinations they bring!

   The third thing I see about tomorrow's atmosphere of adjustment is that Mercury, ruler of Gemini, is forming challenging aspects to both Uranus (extremes) and Pluto (transformation). As if it wasn't enough to have peace-loving Venus retrograde in Gemini, causing us to question our values and those we interact with, we also have to deal with the outer world by adjusting to changes we have no control over. Welcome to planet Earth!! The best thing to do right now is to take in information, filter it and wait for your correct time to be decisive. That time is not now, but it may be right around the corner. Listen carefully for sounds of change and be prepared to make your move.

   Tuesday and Wednesday see the Moon in out-going and active Aries - you can use this energy to get moving on anything you have been waiting to take action on, everyday things, like mowing the lawn or fixing the fence, not things like telling the boss where to go. Especially avoid doing that kind of confrontational thing on Wednesday when both the Sun and Moon interact with Saturn, emphasizing the necessity of constraint and a focus on career or business.

   Thursday,Friday and Saturday are the calmest days of the week with a Taurus Moon smoothing the way for outdoor picnics or projects. A bit of pampering may be called for, but remember that Taurus also rules your resources, so don't squander already limited funds. Instead, try building on what you already have or beautifying your environment with the flowers nature has provided around your house. Queen Anne's lace and wild irises make a lovely bouquet this time of year. We have a kind of go-with-the-flow day on Saturday when the Taurus Moon is void-of-course all day making this a good time to chill out or just follow through on things that need finishing.

   Until next time, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius & The Transit Of Venus

  Well, if your mind hasn't been working overtime this past week, I expect it will kick in to overdrive now that the Moon is in Sagittarius and about to oppose the Sun in Gemini early tomorrow morning, at 7:12 am! The Mutable axis of Airy Gemini (communication and interaction) and Fiery Sagittarius (enthusiasm and inspiration) will be highlighted by a Lunar Eclipse at 14 degrees 14 minutes in the sign of the Archer. So many thoughts, ideas and directions to go in... what's a sentient being to do?! Perhaps one could quiet the mind in contemplation and patiently await the answers.

   The Sabian Symbol for the Moon at 15 degrees of Sag is "The Ground Hog Looking For Its Shadow On Ground Hog Day". Lynda Hill says of this symbol in her book The Sabian Oracle, that "a lot of projection is happening here as the animal is not consciously doing anything."  there is a need to acknowledge our "shadow" and to see how others see us in order to gain clarity. Don't read too much into things as the answer is closer at hand and easier to perceive! Lynda also cautions "Be careful not to rely on the same solutions without consideration of changes."  Think on this symbol and consider its meaning for yourself.

   The Sun's position at 15 Gemini has the following Sabian Symbol: "Two Dutch Children Talking And Studying Their Lessons Together". This symbolizes "the need for clarity and those of like mind to share and communicate spontaneous and creative ideas". The importance here is of sharing with a like-minded friend for "learning valuable lessons of relating and companionship". The caution is "failing to communicate in depth" or "not hearing the words of others to understand how the world works".

   If I understand this polarity correctly, the connecting link is clarity in order to better see oneself and our choices and the key to that understanding is through communication, not just with others but with the divine. I love that the outgoing Sun is situated on the degree that reaches out and the subconscious Moon is at the more reflective degree! Gemini can become overly identified with disseminating and/or receiving information, as in texting and facebooking, and needs to periodically quiet the mind for true understanding, not just superficial chatter. Going to the other end of the spectrum in this polarity for some peaceful contemplation, can provide you with the clarity you seek.  A good exercise might be asking oneself, "how important is it that I stay in constant contact with so-and-so and how often do I do this with myself",  and when you get the answer, set aside some time to be in contact with your own knowingness. You already have the answer, you just need to listen for it!

   Now consider that this is also a Lunar Eclipse and the results of your efforts will likely be seen in three months time, with either a breakthrough or a new challenge/opportunity to tweak your connections, plans with others, etc. for a greater period of insight in early December. I suggest taking advantage of this eclipse energy to connect to divine wisdom and jump-start your goals!

   So, there's a lot of talk about the Venus transit of the Sun on the 5th... why? Because, it's a big deal, that's why! Venus relates to love and beauty and is a receptive planetary energy that seeks harmony, especially in relationships. While Venus is retrograde in Gemini, we have the opportunity to go over our agreements and relationship habits for letting go of the past and moving forward.  A more balanced communication in all aspects of daily life would be wonderful, wouldn't it? Venus is pleading for a return to meaningful dialogue to restore some sort of harmonious discourse in our world, rather than the bickering we hear in the news and between political and religious factions. Venus retrograde lets us change our thoughts from incendiary words into expressions of love and forgiveness.

    I am reminded of something my mother often said, which I didn't get at the time but understand now, and that was "charity begins at home." In other words, if we talk nice to ourselves and those loved ones, family and friends in our daily lives, we are starting a kind of domino effect of people listening and really hearing each other. Then they go out into the world with this attitude of being heard and they can do it for their co-workers and people they interact with every day. A right relationship of self to Self allows us to go within and then to embody the love and harmony we seek. By intentionally radiating these emotions of acceptance and generosity of spirit, we can potentially restore balance and harmony on the earth as we interact with others.

   June 4th is also World Invocation Day when meditating together can help facilitate this restoration. Here is a link to The Great Invocation, a powerful prayer that has been said over and over  to bring more Light and Love to our planet: http://www.lucistrust.org/en/service_activities/the_great_invocation__1

  Remember, keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~

Sunday, May 20, 2012

New Moon Solar Eclipse In Gemini

  Later this morning, the Sun enters the Mutable Air sign Gemini for a month, focusing on curiosity, messages, writing, language, agreements and sharing information. The adaptability of this sign is sometimes mistaken for an inability to focus on just one thing at a time - not true, a Gemini can have two simultaneous thoughts, keeping one in the forefront of their mind while the other is on the back burner. Don't be fooled into believing that a Gemini would ever forget what you said you'd do or what you were talking about, whether it was two weeks ago or two hours ago - they will remind you! With that in mind, filter your thoughts carefully before they become written or spoken words and if you are a writer, write!!

   The Sun's energy expressed through air is a great time for applying mental focus to planning, negotiating, writing and connecting with siblings, neighbors or co-workers. Yes, there may be reasons to reconsider this plan or that, while Venus is retrograde in Gemini's territory, but careful consideration will show you what is truly important. In the period before all is revealed, adopt an attitude of flexibility while you brainstorm your options.

   Today, Luna makes her last aspect in Taurus, a conjunction to Jupiter at 8:35 a.m.,  beginning a day-long void-of-course period before entering Gemini at 7:05 p.m., quickly catching up to the Sun, who only arrived there at 11:16 a.m. These two "lights" align for a New Moon at 1 degree of Gemini at 7:47 p.m. for an Annular Solar Eclipse, the first in this series, Solar Saros 128, since May 10, 1994. This eclipse will be visible from the western United States as it makes its' way across China, Taiwan and Japan. Those are the details of the more pertinent of tomorrow's astronomical events, now let's look at their astrological significance.

   The Sabian Symbol for 1 Gemini is "A Glass Boat Reveals Undersea Wonders" and the visual here implies a window on an otherwise unseen world. This could be your inner vision allowing you a glimpse  beneath the surface into the collective unconscious and the richly appointed spiritual world we're all connected to if we but take the time to concentrate on opening this window. What delightful wonders await you within?!

   The glass also symbolizes reflections, an apt metaphor for the solar/lunar relationship. The Moon has no light of it's own, it merely reflects the Sun's light in their monthly dance from New Moon to Full and all through its' eight lunar phases before returning in complete darkness to the next New Moon.  Think about that for a minute... complete darkness at a New Moon... now add in the solar eclipse and the Sun is blocked by the Moon from shining it's light on the Earth.

   The Moon symbolizes the inner, the subconscious - the feminine, and the Sun symbolizes the outer, the active principle - the masculine. Each person on Earth (matter) carries these energies of the relationship between spirit (Sun) and personality (Moon). How do these lights reflect on you, in you and from you? That is the question the Eclipse occurring in early Gemini is asking of you with its' focus on communication. Mercury is known as the Messenger of the Gods and this messenger has rulership over thoughts, so take some time to go within and catch a glimpse of what your personal message is from the divine. Remember, while you may be the observer, you are also the observed, so don't be too aloof from whatever reflection you catch in your inner mirror. Even Peter Pan had to connect to his shadow!

Enough... remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground... until next time.


Monday, May 14, 2012

First Mercury Retrograde, Then Venus In Gemini, Now Venus Retrograde... What's A Person To Do?!

So, Mercury, the "Messenger of the Gods", finally went direct in early April, then moved into fiery Aries the middle of the month and sprinted forward so fast it burned up the phone lines, made instant connections and promises it probably couldn't keep, started projects like an entrepreneur gone mad... and just came to a grinding halt as it entered earthy Taurus yesterday. After exerting all that energy to get things going, we now get to slow down and consider which projects are worthy of our time, commitment and resources. No more running here and there to find the right thing, it's already right in front of you, so get busy making it real. It's important now to take the time to fine-tune the next step as you put your plan to work. I really feel that with a focused concentration(Mercury in Taurus) on what you intend to achieve, combined with hard work and patience, you will see results sometime later this year. Now, on to Venus, goddess of beauty and lover of harmony. How have you been using your powers of gentle persuasion, attraction and socializing to get what you want? As Venus has been moving through the adaptable Air sign Gemini for a month now, a lot of attention has been drawn to our agreements, especially as they concern financial matters or matters of the heart and getting our needs met. It's possible that words may have been used in haste, or promises made in the last month that will soon need attention. With Venus slowing down to go retrograde tomorrow morning until June 28th and remaining in the dual Air sign of Gemini through the first week in August, it is important to remember two things. The first thing to remember is that plans can and will change and if you based yours on what someone said to you since early April, you may have to make adjustments. Or, if you based your budget on what you thought was going to happen in the financial world, you may be scrambling to re-figure things. It isn't that people intentionally misled each other by saying what they thought the other wanted to hear, it may have been from trying to please too many people... from just being nice. The second thing to remember is it is very important to pick and choose your words wisely. With the attracting power of Venus and the duality of Gemini, you may get more than you bargained for, or ambiguity could run rampant, or you find your resources being scattered to the four corners of the earth. Try not to commit to anything you haven't already done the research on and like during Mercury retrograde, if you have to buy a car, read the fine print! Most important, be mindful of your values and intentions aligning with what you are willing to spend your money on and with whom you chose to spend your time. Communication is a must in key relationships for the next month and a half. Avoid idle gossip, and as always, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~

Friday, May 4, 2012

Sun In Taurus & The Scorpio "Super" Full Moon

   With the Sun currently in the zodiac sign of Taurus, ruled by the planet Venus, we have an emphasis on beauty,  the earth and nature. For natives of this sign that often translates to a very solid, practical and down-to-earth  demeanor, prizing loyalty, harmony and beauty around them. Creating and preserving a beautiful environment are positive attributes of this Earth sign. Less positive Taurean characteristics include a tendency to stinginess, stubbornness and a reluctance to change.

   Under Venus' influence, money concerns and matters of the heart come to the forefront. It's important now to take a close look at what we value and what we want to preserve. Of course, these issues involve others, especially those we are committed to through love or in financial bonds. Taurus is a Fixed Earth sign and the Sun here will oppose the Moon in the Fixed Water sign of Scorpio late tomorrow night completely bringing these issues into focus. Who do you love? Who are you indebted to? Is the exchange rate worth it to you? In other words, are you getting back something or getting your needs met, for all that you put out or do in this relationship/partnership?

    This Full Moon is also known as a "Super Moon", due to the fact that it is at its closest approach, (perigee) to the Earth in its monthly cycle. The average distance between the Moon and the Earth is 230,000 miles. At perigee this month, they will be within 221,802 miles of each other, making the Moon appear 14% bigger and 30% brighter than usual!  Let's hope the rain and clouds clear away here in the Northeast so we get to see this spectacular sight. For all of you photographers out there, this presents an excellent opportunity to capture a beautiful geocosmic (earth/universe) event.

   So, what does this Full Moon translate to for us mere mortals? Well, given that we know we are halfway through the lunar cycle between New Moon in Taurus and Full Moon in Scorpio, I'd have to say that all of the issues I brought up above are what will be highlighted all around us this weekend, at home and in the news. A Scorpio Full Moon can also bring up secrets or issues of power and control, as well as helping us to put on our detective hats and find things we lost.

   Sometimes, what we we discover is that what we once thought was so important, no longer has meaning to us or has outlived it's usefulness and maybe it's time to let it go, whatever it is. If you uncover a crucial piece of information or realize a buried feeling, but are having trouble knowing what to do about it, you don't need to do anything today.  However, if you find the missing piece of the puzzle and are certain about your next move, take it before someone or something is taken out of your hands the beginning of June at the transit of Venus across the Sun. Venus will be going retrograde on May 15th until June 28th and we'll have 6 weeks to ponder and decide these important issues if they don't become clear in the next day or two - more on this later; I will post another Blog addressing this upcoming retrograde and the Venus transit of the Sun.

   Stay tuned, and in the meantime, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!