
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Friday, December 23, 2022

Winter Solstice & Capricorn New Moon December 2022

 The Winter Solstice on December 21st at 4:48pm EST marked the Sun's entry into the Cardinal Earth sign Capricorn. Capricorn is the sign of achievement, career, foundations, legacies and traditions. That includes building a business or a family... whatever defines success for you and is where you focus your efforts. Planets in Capricorn take things seriously and are willing to do the work necessary to accomplish their goals. This begins the season of active planning and growth.

The Moon left Sagittarius on Thursday when it began an overnight VOC period, before entering Capricorn early on Friday morning, when it then joined the Sun at 5:17am in the first degree/ 1°Capricorn 33'. This New Moon reminds us of the importance of respecting our bosses and authority figures as an extension of our values. If you can't do that, then it may be time to look for a position where your abilities and attributes are encouraged and respected.

This New Moon fosters positive growth for building new foundations that work for you! What are you trying to achieve and what are the steps necessary to move in that direction? Patience and hard work are two of the attributes you need for making this happen. Jupiter's recent move into Aries, the sign of courage, entrepreneurship and beginnings, is your support system. Look for opportunities that may previously have seemed unattainable but very desirable and apply some daring-do while taking a risk for yourself!

With five planets in Capricorn - the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Pluto, this is a great time to seriously consider your business plan, your home restructuring projects, or your path to building better family solidarity. Saturday, the 24th supports your efforts all day. Do keep in mind the fact that Mercury in Capricorn will go retrograde early on the 29th of December until January18th, overlapping with the final 2 weeks of Mars retrograde in Gemini. Best plan is not to sign on the dotted line or make promises you can't keep until these energies are both moving in direct motion, then it's full-steam ahead... Hooray, it's feeling like new beginnings are possible!!

Christmas is on Sunday and with an Aquarius Moon, it's a wonderful time for reaching out to others and incorporating some philanthropic or humanitarian activity into your day.

May this Holiday season bring you health, happiness and prosperity in the New Year!