
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Friday, December 21, 2018

Winter Solstice 2018 & The Full Moon in Cancer

   The Solstice occurs on Friday, December 21st when the Sun leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn at 5:23pm EST.  This marks the beginning of Winter and the shortest day of sunlight all year, after which the days begin to slowly lengthen with the light returning. I get very happy at Winter Solstice, even though we're going into our cold season in the Northern Hemisphere. Turning inward with a glimmer of hope is all my Sagittarian soul needs to celebrate!

   The Capricornian shift of the Sun wants to focus on more serious matters, but may feel too much pressure due to the waxing Full Moon in Cancer occurring at 12:49pm on Saturday. This Cardinal polarity between Earth/Capricorn and Water/Cancer, pulls at us and one has to decide to do one thing at a time, as considerate of others as possible, yet still taking care of our own emotional needs.

 The Full Moon increases our emotional tendencies and we may find ourselves caught in this ebb and flow. Take care of yourself first, then decide which family members or friends to spend time with. Being pulled this way and that between practical matters and feelings is indeed a common thread at holidays.

   The Moon moves into Leo on the afternoon of Christmas Eve, bringing joy and childlike delight to celebrations. Adding to the hectic time of the holiday season is a square between Mercury and Neptune on the 24th, making for some confusing conditions around commerce, shopping and travel. If you need to travel, try to do it prior to Monday. Finish up any last minute shopping on Saturday morning if possible and take Sunday off to spend at home with loved ones.

 Christmas Day finds Jupiter (expansiveness and/or excess) and Mercury (communication) both in a harmonious aspect to the Moon, increasing opportunities to share happy times with friends and loved ones. Remember that Jupiter is in his own sign of ebullient Sagittarius and decide early on to filter thoughts before they become words.

    Remember we are all connected while spinning through space on this beautiful planet, so keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground! Merrie Christmas everyone~


Thursday, December 6, 2018

Sagittarius New Moon

  Being a Sagittarian, I usually look forward to the Moon moving through my birth sign, especially at New or Full Moons. This one is a bit trickier as the personal planets are all challenging the Sun and Moon, or being pressed by outer planets to take action we're not quite ready for. To top it off, Mercury is just pivoting from retrograde to direct motion the day before and can't make up his mind yet which way to go... too soon for making big decisions.

   New Moons are the start of a lunar cycle that allows us to reset our intentions for the next four weeks given the current sign of the zodiac. In Sagittarius, we can focus on our long range goals, get in touch with our spiritual or religious beliefs and/or plan for a trip. Applying optimism in expanding our perspectives or broadening our horizons is the gift of Jupiter's influence as planetary ruler of this Fire sign. Sagittarius connects with the whole world.

    Another aspect of this New Moon, exact at 2:20am EST on Dec. 7th, urges us to take the broader view and lean into ourselves for our own truths. What do I mean? Honesty begins with the self. Being true to oneself means knowing your own values, needs and goals. Forget what others demand of you, outside of your normal, daily responsibilities of course. There's a lot of drama out there, swirling around us each day. Turn off the TV, turn off  "The News" and tune into yourself. Other people's opinions are none of your business and aren't helpful unless you ask for them, and vice-versa.

   With Mars and Neptune closely aligned in Pisces, it behooves us to put our energy (Mars) into Piscean pursuits, such as painting, dancing, meditating or making music. Active engagement in humanitarian endeavors brings out compassion for others and allows us to realize our connections with them, whether seen or unseen. Random acts of kindness and selfless acts of love are truly Piscean and what the world needs now.

Remember, while unconditionally giving of yourself, to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Gemini Full Moon

   Happy Thanksgiving and happy Full Moon! The Sun ingressed into Sagittarius early this morning, bringing our focus to the bigger picture, while optimistically searching for a  larger sense of purpose. For those of us blessed with family and friends with whom to share our day, the Gemini Moon tonight brings plenty of opportunity to engage in dialogue, share stories and enjoy some lighthearted banter.

   Just after midnight, the Sun and Moon directly oppose one another setting up a day-long  game of tag, you're it! Busy, sociable Gemini energy keeps us on our toes all day as it runs interference with Jupiter, then Mars, Mercury and Neptune! It would be wise to filter our thoughts today, perhaps holding back some of our less charitable ideas.

   Remember that Mercury is known as the Messenger of the Gods, and as the ruler of Gemini, also currently retrograde, we don't want to have to take back our words or make numerous apologies if we don't have to. Saturday finds the mood of the public somewhat more pleasant with each other, however clueless we may be.

    Neptune turns Direct Saturday night so people and agreements are apt to be confusing. If you can gather your facts and do your research before committing to anything important, that would be best until the 27th, when much more favorable planetary aspects prevail.

   Meanwhile, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Scorpio New Moon

   The inner (Moon) and the outer (Sun) joined together today at 16 degrees of Scorpio to align our personal desires with those of our partners, no matter how intense things may be. It's  usually a good idea to sit down and write a New Moon "Wish List" for the lunar month ahead. Make note of what you're striving toward and whomever else is along for the journey. Be sure to consider the following aspects being made at this time, as helpers along the way.

    As the Sun and Moon work together in Scorpio, they are separating from a harmonious aspect to the compassionate planet Neptune in its own sign of Pisces. Deep feelings have met with the flowing concern for union and reunion, bringing in a softening of emotions that can allow for understanding and compassion. Be kind to one another.

   When the "Lights", as the Sun and Moon are known, travel through Scorpio's territory, they put added emphasis on determination, power and change. Pluto has dominion over the realm of Scorpio and today he is contacted by these Lights. An opportunity arises to work together for the greater good, maybe locally, maybe on a grander scale. Decide to be active in the role of change, realizing that even small steps will make a great difference in transforming the status quo where needed.

   Today's chart shows Venus in Libra and Mars in Aquarius, both Air signs, in harmony. There is an ability to relate to others and enjoy our groups and our surroundings. Watch out for vague feelings of worry and the inability to be decisive, thanks to Mercury in Sagittarius squaring off with dreamy Neptune. Mars in Aquarius challenges Jupiter at the last degree of Scorpio. Stubborn ideas, fixed attitudes and impulsive behaviors can only lead to more problems. 

   As expansive Jupiter finishes out his year in intense Scorpio, we ought to be disentangling from problematic issues and applying self-discipline to our efforts in achieving our goals. Jupiter moves into his own sign, Sagittarius, at 7:38am tomorrow morning. I promise not to go overboard, but I'm starting to feel a tad bit optimistic!

   Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground, whether there's cause for celebration, or not~



Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Full Moon in Reliable Taurus

  Welcome to today's Full Moon, culminating at 12:45pm; we could be in for a bumpy ride! It's an interesting time, with the Sun in Scorpio, conjunct retrograde Venus and the Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus. There's a strong Venusian theme underlying this month (see sidebar) and now the Full Moon is highlighting  financial themes, with an opposition to Scorpio. Undercurrents... power... where are  the shake-ups occurring?!

   Why is this even more volatile than a normal Moon conjunct Uranus? Because the Sun in Scorpio, Moon and Uranus in Taurus, are exactly squaring the Nodes of the Moon in the other two Fixed signs, Leo and Aquarius!! That's a kind of destiny point that we'll be talking about for some time. The Moon rules the ebb and flow of emotions and a Full Moon in earthy Taurus shows the tide rising and falling with regard to our resources and financial picture. 

   This would be a good time to tighten our belts and avoid taking on more debt. Being realistic and adopting a wait-and-see attitude toward any new investments is crucial now. Expecting shake-ups in the world markets, as well as our personal finances would be wise. This is the theme of the last week in October and the first week of November. Remember, Jupiter is still in Scopio, until November 8th, making a Big Deal out of stored intense energy and hidden matters.

   With responsible Saturn making positive aspects to the Sun, Moon and Uranus, we have the opportunity... no, the necessity... to use our discipline and concentrate on what we need to focus on, without fear and without worry. Saturn has to do with limitation, which is the first step toward manifestation. If you want something on the material plane, you'd better be patient and willing to work for it. That's where we're at.

    Another aspect to consider in this Full Moon chart is the alignment of communicative Mercury with expansive Jupiter. Putting on your thinking caps and getting information for yourselves, instead of relying on the talking heads, is very important. Trust your gut, look into things affecting you and then use logic and reasoning, not emotion... to discern the best course of action for yourself.

   In the meantime, do what you can to make someone else feel better, because that'll make you feel better. And keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

New Moon in Libra

   Tonight's New Moon in Libra has Venus' energy all over it! Not only does she rule Libra, but Venus just turned retrograde in Scorpio 3 days ago, giving us an opportunity to re-envision balancing the scales in all of our partnerships. Where do you need to renegotiate your agreements , whether personal or business?

   The attraction principle of Venus allows us to review what messages we are sending about our values and what we are willing to exchange for what is important to us in our relationships. Where have things gotten out of balance? What lacks equality or fairness? What have we settled for and are we willing to remain there? This is the job of a retrograde cycle, and in Scorpio we have to ask the hard questions and be willing to dig deeper for the answers.

   This New Moon chart shows a challenge between Venus and Mars to remain patient with each other. Not pushing too much to have our way or yielding too much to please another are the cautions at this time.There's work to be done on ourselves and there are no short cuts. Mars in Aquarius wants to forge ahead and try something new, but he knows that he must wait and see how Venus feels about the deeper issues. Much can be gained with patience and understanding over the long haul.

   Really pressing the issue are squares between the Moon and Pluto and the Sun and Pluto. Drama and intense emotions arise and one has to be honest about just how much is too much and how to regain some peace and quiet. Are you being an antagonist and trying to assert your power just because you know you can, or... are you the protagonist who plays the hero and comes away feeling like you've done some good? Either way, too much is too much and a compromise is called for.

   Seek harmony and peacefulness and remember that awareness comes from listening for the answers the universe has to offer and acceptance means starting from where you are. Head in the stars and feet on the ground~


Monday, September 24, 2018

Full Moon in Aries

   Tonight's Full Moon at 2 degrees of Aries is also known as the Harvest Moon. It is the first Full Moon after the Autumnal Equinox and it shows us how we've done preparing for this season of plenty. While the Moon is in Aries, it is opposed to Libra, reminding us that we are not alone. Out individual efforts matter when taken into account with how they affect the others in our lives.

   Do we speak out for ourselves because we need to, or because someone else needs us to be brave and stand up for ourselves, or for them? Chiron, a Centaur, represents a holistic approach to understanding how we  hurt and how we heal, hence the name sometimes given him, the Wounded Healer. This maverick teacher has a particularly poignant effect now, being aligned with the Aries Moon in this Full Moon chart. Past relationships and imbalances of power, or lack of harmony  may be highlighted now so that we can see where the healing needs to take place. Sometimes, we have to be open-minded to see another point of view in order for wholeness to be restored.

   The biggest challenge in this Full Moon chart are the squares between The Sun in Libra and the Moon in Aries and stern Saturn in Capricorn. Necessity may cause authority figures to make us feel limited in some way. Our plans may not be unfolding as quickly as we would have liked, but there are things to take care of first. Be clear about your responsibilities and  make sure you have a viable plan with the important people involved, so that steady steps can be taken to achieve your goals.

   Mars in early Aquarius  forms a favorable and potentially productive aspect to the Moon that can lead to success if you act assertively now. Energy and confidence add to self-assurance when you consider that the Sun is also harmoniously aligned with this mover and shaker.

   Remember not to push anyone into your way of thinking or acting. Remember to play fair. Remember to listen and share your thoughts when it's your turn. And remember... keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Adjusting Under A Virgo New Moon

 The Moon joins the Sun in Virgo at 2:01pm EST, setting the stage for organization, discrimination and critical thinking. Virgo assimilates, not just ideas, but as ruler of the intestines, has a lot to do with the foods we put into our bodies.This lunar month is a great time to clean off your desk or clean out your pantry and dump toxins from your body. Heck, the more you organize, the better you'll feel! Virgo's "M. O" (mode of operating) is to want to change everything... now... today... don't! Take it easy on yourself and others. Being super-critical won't help with the changes you want to make. It's better to flow into your new version of your best self and allow others to do the same.
   Mercury also moved into Virgo a few days ago, one of the two signs (s)he has rulership over - the other being Gemini. Lending its powers of discernment to this earthy sign, Mercury helps us to adapt our bodies and our minds to what we need for our health and well-being. We're reminded that we can make a choice to eliminate negative habits and substitute positive ones. For example, say you would like to cut down on your sugar intake and you put 4 teaspoons in your coffee every morning; by choosing each day to cut back to three teaspoons every day for a couple of weeks, you'll begin to get used to the taste and not need so much sugar; in another month, you could even cut down to two teaspoons. Just don't try and change everything all at once... start small and be consistent!

   Back to the New Moon chart... Opportunity is a keyword now, thanks to applying sextiles -aspects of growth, between the Sun and Moon in Virgo, to expansive Jupiter in Scorpio. Think little step forward for an expansive future. Plant your seed ideas in the fertile and watered soil provided by Scorpio. It takes earth and water to make seeds grow and now is the time to start moving forward with your goals. Commitment in partnerships and drawing on the wealth of a larger pool of resources will see you through as long as you put in the necessary work on your end, to get started.

   There's something else to consider about Mercury at this time, as it forms harmonious aspects with hard-working Saturn and ingenious Uranus. Mental actively is strong now, minds are active and this is good for making plans, communicating with others and sharing original ideas. Just don't wait too long to get out of your head and engage in productive dialogue with like-minded people, or you could miss a wonderful opportunity to build your future on.

  The topping on the cake here (gluten-free, tasty carrot cake of course...) is a not-seen-often-enough positive alignment of Jupiter with Pluto. Collaboration and open-mindedness can be very productive tools for expansion at this New Moon. As you organize, weed out and make your plans, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!



Sunday, August 26, 2018

Pisces Full Moon

   The Pisces Full Moon at 7:56am EST on Sunday, reminds us of the vulnerable process of healing. Virgo identifies the specifics of what needs to be healed in an earthy way and Pisces lets the feelings flow around the wound, whether physical, emotional or psychic. It's hard to imagine being open in the way Pisces wants us to be and not feeling wounded all over again, but we must... in order to wash it and release the hurt. Remember that old saying about salt water healing everything? Get in the ocean if you can, or fill a tub with salts and climb in. Be intuitive about what you need to release and immerse yourself in the letting go.

   There are two supporting players in this cosmic dance that help to identify the necessity of this letting go process. One is Saturn in Capricorn offering us the chance to own our shortcomings, failures or wounds by sextiling the Pisces Moon in order to do this compassionate work. Uranus in Taurus  also sextiles the Moon to show us where we can be free of past hurts by acknowledging a way out of negative habits. These two planetary energies in Earth signs are harmonizing with the Sun to create a flow of practicality and thinking outside the box. This doesn't happen often, so be sure to utilize the possibilities that this Full Moon offers.

   The Sun in Virgo is experiencing some friction with Venus at the same time that the Moon is having to find a way to come to terms with Venus need for peace, harmony and balance. That can show up as financial struggle or a simple need to balance your checkbook. Interestingly enough, this chart shows the Moon in the same aspect to Pluto as the Sun to Venus and the same aspect to Venus as the Sun is to Pluto. Moon aspects involving Pluto are more internal and this one can offer a toehold for understanding your own motivations. The Sun/Pluto aspect is externalized and speaks to the lack of control we may be feeling in the world. While we can balance the checkbook, we don't have a lot of say about how the government is being run today or how politics is affecting finances worldwide.

   Remember to breathe through the moments of your day, trust in your intuitive ability to know the next right step and keep on keeping on! Oh yes, also remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~


Saturday, August 11, 2018

Leo New Moon & A Partial Solar Eclipse

   We are two-thirds of the way through eclipse season, meaning there's one more eclipse and that's tomorrow, August 11th. Not visible in the US, we will still feel the effects of this Solar Eclipse and I will look at that shortly. First, I want to explain why I didn't write about the Aquarian Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on July 27th. I generally write my blogs the day before a New or Full Moon.

   On July 26th, I was traveling off island to be in Boston early the next morning at MGH (Mass General Hospital) to prep for a lumpectomy on Friday, the 27th. Yes... I was eclipsed by the Full Moon and having surgery to remove cancer from my right breast. I can report that just today, I received a call from the Pathology Dept. saying my margins were clean on the area removed and the lymph removed showed no cancer... yay!! Next step is a meeting with my oncology team to discuss upcoming treatment. Because the tissues (2 spots) removed were small, the diagnosis is good and I anticipate minimal treatment.  I am very lucky to have caught this early and feel blessed that my situation is manageable, with an optimistic outlook! In the meantime, I am healing and dealing with a pinched nerve that started the week before surgery and has incapacitated my right hand. Massage, chiropractic and polarity therapy are helping somewhat, but writing is very difficult and picking things up is practically impossible.

   Now, let's look at the New Moon in Leo and tomorrow's Solar Eclipse chart. The Sun and Moon come together with communicative Mercury in Leo, allowing strong emotions to come to light, and be spoken about. These can be feelings of love or the need for creative self-expression. They may involve children, a love interest or a deeply felt passion that needs to see the light of day. Sometimes, these issues are best dealt with in a therapeutic setting. Wherever Leo resides in your chart, is where you can be strong, without exerting too much of your will, be playful and express yourself!

   Take some time to make a very important New Moon Wish List that involves those things you would like to manifest in your life. Remember to include all the resources that could be helpful, as well as the influential people (Leo/king...) you are connected with, to assist you on your journey to getting your needs met. Don't be afraid to dream BIG!!

   Aspects from the Sun, Moon and Mercury to exuberant Jupiter and powerful Pluto bring a sense of optimism and a can-do spirit. Overindulgence can misinform you about the possibilities if you let it. There is a lot of possibility with this Solar Eclipse that can give you the inner strength to achieve your goals. Just remind yourself that Mercury and Mars are still retrograde and pace yourself. The eclipse energy will move in a six month cycle, beginning with awareness, opportunity to act, challenge followed by a time of balance and harmony, then adjustment and finally a clear look at where you will be standing six months from now. If you can imagine your best-case scenario, the future looks bright. If you imagine the worst, you will see only a dim, unfulfilling road ahead.

  Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse

  Welcome to the start of Eclipse season! Beginning with tonight's New Moon Solar Eclipse, followed in two weeks by the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the27th, and finishing up with the August 11th, Partial Eclipse of the Sun in Leo, we are entering some powerful change flows. Eclipses only happen when the Sun and Moon line up exactly with the Lunar Nodes. Solar eclipses take place on New Moons, when the Sun and Moon align at the same degree of a sign and Lunar eclipses occur precisely at the Full Moon with the "Lights" in direct opposition to each other. Thank goodness these exact alignments with the Lunar Nodes don't happen at every New and Full Moon... or we'd have eclipses  twice every month.

   This Cancer New Moon Eclipse, earmarks a time of great potential for personal growth and/or major advancement both personally and professionally. Being a water sign, Cancer speaks to us from our emotions. Thoughts are not as important as feelings, especially as they involve home or family and emotional needs. Are you feeling supported, or are you still seeking the kind of love and acceptance that allows you to feel good about yourself and the direction you want to head in? This sense of needing something better can be experienced at work as well. Is your job fulfilling and stimulating, offering you opportunities for advancement, or are you feeling stuck because you can't express your talents? Look to where you feel the need for support and ask yourself how you can get it.

   On a larger scale, the news is filled with stories involving issues of refugees coming ashore everywhere in the world, with hungry children and fathers and mothers who just want to nourish and take care of their families, keeping them safe. This is just one example of where the changes reflected by this lunar cycle can flow. How are you affected by these concerns? What can you do... what will you do... to take care of yourself, your family or others'?

   The changes that societies and countries need to make around the compassionate care of all people... where we need to have the courage of our convictions and stand up for what is right, are boiling over and blatantly in our faces at this New Moon. The eclipse can help to jump-start major changes in attitudes if we each do our part in speaking up and saying "this is unacceptable". Courage, strength and inner fortitude are the tools to use for ushering in significant change.

   The chart for this New Moon shows a close opposition between the Sun and Moon with Pluto in Capricorn. That is not an easy aspect. One can feel powerless in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles coming from authority figures. It is necessary here to act responsibly in your own behalf, instead of just reacting to outside forces. Indeed, the changes you may need to make can be originating from within, with exterior reflections showing you your greatest tasks for claiming your own power. Outer circumstances usually teach us something valuable about ourselves and where we need to make changes. What may seem like someone else trying to take your power may be just the opportunity to realize where you've given it away.

   Another aspect to consider is the unseen, but felt beneath the surface, urge to let your creativity show itself. This is a Neptunian influence that can find expression once you've made some headway identifying what you can do, on whatever scale you can. Use your voice, your art or your music to uplift others and, at the risk of sounding cliche here... be the change you want to see in the world today!

   And remember, while keeping your head in the stars and your feet on the ground, that loving kindness always wins out in the end~



Wednesday, June 13, 2018

New Moon In Gemini

  Prepare for a very busy few weeks as the Sun and Moon align in the airy sign of Gemini! Writing projects,  studies and planning all thrive under this cerebral sign's influence. This is the time for writing projects, studying and planning, while the Sun is still in Gemini and the New Moon begins a 4 week lunar cycle of connecting and communicating. As an Air sign, "the twins" can be very sociable, talkative and wanting to be everywhere, all at once. It's important to focus on one thing at a time in order to accomplish your to do list.

   Mercury, ruler of Gemini aligns positively today with Uranus, his higher octave. This is good for thinking outside the box, brainstorming with committees or groups as well as meeting new people and sharing ideas. We also have a "mutual reception" between the Moon and Mercury which makes it easier to talk about feelings. That's because the Moon is in Mercury's sign and Mercury moved into Cancer yesterday, the Moon's sign. It's like being out of your element staying at a friend's house, while they are at your home - you will both look out for each others' home and be able to relate more comfortably due to a better understanding of how they live.

   Another ingredient of this New Moon is Venus leaving watery Cancer and moving into the Fixed Fire sign Leo tonight. Venus likes comfort and while in Cancer, she settled into her emotions... now she wants to express herself in outgoing Leo! Am I saying we might see some drama queens... possibly. However, I think it's more likely that people will be more magnanimous, caring for others and being helpful, especially when it comes to children. There is a strong desire for attention, recognition or romance with Venus here. Look to see where you have Leo in your chart to see what you may attract.

   The end of June finds action-oriented Mars  turning retrograde in Aquarius the day before the Full Moon in Capricorn on the 27th. This is a BIG turn of events and will have a strong affect on how you are able to direct your efforts, or not... this summer. Mars will be retrograde for all of July and most of August, backing into Capricorn on August 12th before turning direct on the 27th. Patience in looking at your goals is important this summer. Don't be in a hurry, because while you may know what you want, others have their own ideas. Being part of a group while maintaining your individuality is the challenge here... try not to burn too many bridges, unless they have long needed to come down.

  Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

It Is A Very Full Moon In Sagittarius~

This is going to be short and sweet and hopefully filled with some nuggets for you to contemplate. That's because I am in Chicago at the once-every-four-to-six-years United Astrology Conference, with about 1500 other astrologers!! So here are some key words for Sagittarius:

Travelers... education... higher mind... aspiration... adaptability... inspiration... expansive... encouraging... open-minded... outgoing... philosophical... excitable... enthusiastic... sincere... fun-loving and optimistic!!

Don't forget the less than stellar attributes that can emerge with Sadge, like... procrastination, tactlessness, dogmatism and at times, promising more than they can come through with.

In general this is a time to be buoyant, optimistic and allowing others as much freedom to be who they are... as you want. It's a great time to get outside and explore a new place in nature, or take a run, kick around a football or just be adventurous and discover something new about this great big, wide world we live in.

Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Monday, May 14, 2018

The Very Exciting Taurus New Moon of 2018

   Yes folks, Taurus New Moon isn't just placid any more - thanks to the revolutionary Planet Uranus entering this solid Earth sign less than 4 hours post New Moon!! While a New Moon is still all about new beginnings, this one can be about an unexpected change coming into your life, whether for good or ill. Be on your toes and have a Plan B, as well as a Plan A. In other words, focus on your Taurean wish list for the lunar month ahead, moving in the direction you hope to achieve regarding love or money, or both... then let go of your expectations and see what the Universe has in store for you.

   This is where free will meets those situations outside of our control. The key here is to stay calm and look at your options -- you have plenty! Whatever you do, don't give in to despair. Things will change and situations are evolving. Remember that nothing happens without some context to our past and what brought us to the present. We know what we need to do and forging new pathways through tried and true connections with the opportunities presented can be liberating indeed.

   The Moon is exalted in this Fixed Earth sign of Taurus, so whatever feels like stability and where our resources can grow is what we want to cultivate now. Practicality and security are just two of the enduring attributes of Taurus. The chart for the New Moon at 7:48am EST also shows Mars (energy)  in Capricorn (ambitious) and in a very positive aspect to the Moon. The perseverance of this combination can help carry the day and build strong new foundations for securing your future well-being. The ruler of Capricorn, Saturn (common sense), is at home here and applying to a harmonious alignment with Mercury (planning) for focusing and concentrating our resources in a practical manner. There is much to be thankful for as we let go of the past and move into exciting new territory.

   Here's the cautionary tale in this unfolding drama... Mars, representing aggression, is challenging Uranus as he enters Taurus. This can cause upheaval, accidents, and shocks to individuals as well as to Mother Earth. This alignment will be exact on the 16th, also as Mars moves into Aquarius and is being felt already. Like any aspect involving an outer planet, the effects can be felt for days and even weeks. Mars needs to be directed so that his actions can be controlled and focused on working with others, especially in groups. New approaches that utilize the courage to make change happen, will be most effective, so long as they benefit the greater good and not just the individual.

    Helping to soften the upheaval is magnanimous Jupiter's waltz with caring Neptune, bringing emotional support of others, creativity and an abundance of kindness. If you care or can help someone in some small, or large way, don't be afraid to show it. In all of the potential presented by the universe now, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~



Sunday, April 29, 2018

A Productive Scorpio Full Moon

   Tonight, at 8:59pm, the Full Moon in Scorpio opposes the Sun at 10 degrees of Taurus. These Fixed signs of the zodiac are known for their creative abilities: manifesting resources in Taurus and co-creating deeper relationships in Scorpio. Since Scorpio is a Water sign and the Moon is all about feelings, things could get intense. Avoiding aggressive, moody people is a must, as well as staying away from suspicions and jealousy! On the other hand, the depth offered by the Scorpio Moon can help reveal hidden assets, skills or talents necessary for moving ahead with a joint project.

   Scorpio is also the sign on the ascendant for this chart, making the co-rulers, aggressive Mars and power-hungry Pluto, quite important players in any unfolding drama. Interestingly enough, these two rabble-rousers are hanging out with each other and only aspecting one other planet - Venus (love and/or money) in a difficult pattern known as a sesquiquadrate. This configuration has to do with the formation of a relationship between the two planetary bodies involved that results in a crisis requiring definitive action. So, ask yourself, did I just take on too much debt? What are you promising that you can't come through with? It's time to make a plan of action (Mars) to turn things around (Pluto).

   There are several really welcoming things going on at this Full Moon that will enlighten us if we look honestly at our role in what's happening.  The first thing is the Moon's conjunction with Jupiter in Scorpio, enhancing our kindness quotient and ability to be positive. The second is the Moon's sextile with Saturn, helping us care for those we have responsibilities to. Saturn represents authority figures and whether we're being one or answering to one right now, we had better own it! As ruler of the pragmatic Earth sign Capricorn, Saturn says use your resources wisely, take one step at a time and be patient... you will see progress!

   There is so much going on behind the scenes, literally and figuratively, that's it's hard to make definitive plans right now. However, it's very important to know who you are aligned with, what your common goals are and what the next step is. I haven't seen a chart like this one in a long time, with so many aspect patterns, including a Grand Square pulling in all the Fixed signs, a Grand Triangle in Earth signs, morphing into a Kite pattern via sextiles to tonight's Full Moon in watery Scorpio, and a Yod, otherwise known as a Finger of God, that asks you to not over-identify with the group and instead to clarify your own course of direction. Allow, observe and be willing to take action when you see a clear path ahead.

   In the meantime, say little, be kind to one another and remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.





Sunday, April 15, 2018

The Exciting Aries New Moon Of Spring

   Tonight's joining of the Sun and Moon in the first sign of the zodiac is about the promise of Spring, new life and new starts. Aries is an action sign and this New Moon will bring plenty of energy during the next lunar cycle to take action and direct our efforts forward. Bringing an innovative, and possibly surprising, assist to the Sun and Moon, is their coming together in the same sign with that rebel planet Uranus. A willful, yet resourceful energy, Uranus can now help with new solutions to breaking old habits and solving problems.

   My excitement over this New Moon comes from its' potential for positive change and growth in a kind of out-with-the-old and in-with-the-new momentum. We can all use a change now and then and that's what the rebel planet can provide. Even though we don't always know what is coming and may not like what is presented to us, I believe on some level, we're ready for the shake-up. At this New Moon, ask yourself what do I need to begin and what direction do I want to move in? Then look for the appearance of a silver lining - this may be your chance to do something you've been wanting to do.

   There are two cautionary notes here. The first is Mercury's stationary position today as he begins to turn in direct motion in Aries Keep in mind that we have had to slow down our thoughts, plans and communication over the last three and a half weeks while the Messenger of the Gods has been retrograde. Proceed with caution using any insight into yourself that you have gained during that time. As Mercury leaves its' shadow phase on May 3rd, you ought to have a pretty good idea of what plans merit your attention. You may find yourself entertaining several ideas, but remember you are in a trial phase and not all ideas will stick. In a months' time, Mercury joins Uranus at the last degree of Aries, giving you an opportunity to assess how you're doing with new starts and getting ready to focus your resources on just one or two; in the meantime, you're relying on research to see where you might get your toes wet.

   The second thing to be aware of is that both the Moon and the Sun are coming out of an intensely challenging time, (a square to Pluto) that involves deep emotions, power and drama. It would be best to let go of the struggle and channel your pent up feelings, emotions and energy into a creative project, so that you don't alienate others. Power struggles are out, cooperation is in, and creativity is on the rise!

   Remember to make a wish list of steps to take for ushering in the New Moon, as you keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!

Friday, March 30, 2018

Seeking Balance At The Libra Full Moon

The Full Moon is exact at 8:37a.m. EST Saturday in the partnership sign of Libra. What gets highlighted is people's sensitivity and their need for others. All relationships, whether friendship, business or marriage need attention now. Note where things are off-kilter or seem unfair and carefully approach a conversation with your partner in order to bring more harmony to the relationship.

In the chart for this Full Moon, we see Taurus rising above the horizon, putting added emphasis on the planet Venus, as she is ruler of both Libra and Taurus  - in Taurus, her job is that of gentle persuasion and in Libra, tactful grace. Difficulty can arise due to Luna's square to Mars, the planet whose energy is contrary to sweet Venus, followed by her square to taciturn Saturn.

Venus just moved into her earthy home territory of Taurus, emphasizing practical matters, nature and financial security. This Fixed sign doesn't change easily, preferring to maintain the status quo. However, the need for compromise is strong at the Full Moon and it would behoove us all to pay attention to each other. Listening, taking turns and creating peaceful environments around us, are all ways to bring harmony into our key partnerships.

Challenging  aspects brought to light by the Full Moon, include taking care of responsibilities and taking things in moderation at the start of the work week. Prioritize, do your best and let go of what you cannot get done.  Clarity around what to do in a key relationship situation,  can present itself thanks to the Sun in alignment with Mercury.
Underlying this need to keep things on an even keel is a Vesta/Chiron aspect. These two asteroids are concerned with the ability to  heal and the fundamental  reasons for the partnership as it relates to wholeness.

Remember to keep you head in the stars and your feet on the ground~

Saturday, March 17, 2018

The Intuitive and Kind Pisces New Moon

  When the Sun is joined by the Moon in this watery and sensitive Sign, we feel at One with others. Pisces creates a flowing, emotional state of being that allows us to get in touch with deeper feelings of connection. Being very receptive and impressionable, this can also feel like a vulnerable time. A positive use of these energies is to connect with our compassionate self through spirituality, music, poetry or in service of some kind for those in need.

   Another thing to remember about Pisces, it's the last sign the Sun visits on his journey through the Zodiac. When the Moon and the Sun align in this Mutable Water sign, we are wrapping things up, clearing out the recesses of our hearts, minds and sanctuaries. We have the next few weeks to spend in contemplation, service to others and getting our sacred spaces ready for new energy, when the Lights will align once again in Aries/Cardinal Fire and the first stop on the Zodiac's continual wheel through the universe.

   Put some time aside today, from your busy hectic life in this noisy world, to reflect on how far you've come in the last year and to really get in touch with what makes you happy... and what does not. Then write down a list of steps to take to clear out the obstacles on your path. (wait until later this afternoon to take the first step) Resolve, under the intuitive guidance of Pisces lunar cycle, to use the next few weeks and let go. Are you suffering over your suffering? Once you recognize how worry, anger and fear only holds you back, you can let go, free to move forward once more! This isn't an inactive time just because it's under Piscean influence. Actually, the more time you can spend in peace and quiet, the more you'll be able to connect with your Higher Self, to hear messages from your subconscious and to recognize the symbols presented in your dream state.

   The Vernal, or Spring, Equinox happens on Tuesday, the 20th as the Sun moves into Aries midday. It feels like a renewal no matter what the weather is presenting to us in the Northeast. Two days later, that communication and movement director, Mercury, goes Retrograde until the next New Moon in Aries on April 15th, (we will be hitting the ground running then, so enjoy this down time!) Hmmm... what will you be reviewing or redoing during the current phase? I think it's best not to make hurried decisions for the time being. Do some research and as you let go of one thing, the universe can provide you with the next right thing for you, all in good time.

   Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground and be kind toyourself and one another~ 


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Virgo Full Moon

    Welcome to an insightful time at this Virgo Full Moon! While Virgo is the sign of organization and perfection, I would caution you not to be too hard on yourself or others... given that the Sun in the opposite sign of Pisces is also conjunct Neptune. What a wonderfully creative time this can be, especially in the arts - painting, music and photography are highlighted. Imagination and time spent with your inner guidance will help you sort out what needs to be done. Be aware that the downside of a Sun/Neptune alignment can show up in escapism, whether binge-watching TV or numbing-out under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Burying one's head in the sand, knowing you need to take steps toward self-healing, would be a self-defeating exercise now.

    The polarity between adaptable Virgo, an Earth sign and adaptable Pisces - Water is the healing axis of well-being. It's important to take/make some time for oneself for introspection and contemplation before making decisions. It's also necessary to realize that the Sun in Pisces is making a push to retreat, meditate or just go with the flow until clarity begins to break through. Once you've recognized what you already knew you needed, but had buried it for whatever reason... fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of having no control... (f.e.a.r. = false evidence appearing real...) then it's time to visit the Virgo end of the polarity and acknowledge, write down and begin to take steps toward reaching your goals.

   Remember the Wish List you made at the Aquarius New Moon Solar Eclipse two weeks ago? How are you doing moving in that direction? Networking, friends and acquaintances all figure strongly in the chart of this Full Moon, given that the Moon is lodged in the 11th House. Loyalties may shift because every individual has her own concerns and the Moon is fickle after all. She's also adaptable! You have a larger pool of acquaintances to call on to help you reach your goals. Chose wisely who to align with, preferably persons not too emotionally attached to outcomes, and don't let ego, yours or someone else's... get in the way of taking care of yourself.

   Another thing about this Full Moon chart is the Libra Ascendant being ruled by Venus, quietly directing things from behind the scenes. Venus loves nature, beauty and harmony, as well as having the resources to enjoy them. With the communication energy of Mercury in the same sign and vicinity as Venus, you can be a caring listener for partners needing uplifting. Venus is also  moving toward a positive alignment with enthusiastic Jupiter in Scorpio, which brings opportunity for deeper connection and the healing of old wounds. Venus is moving away from a challenging aspect to Mars, co-ruler of Scorpio, reminding us not to let impatience or irritating circumstances get in the way of possible healing. This is a good time for uncovering resources, both imaginative and hidden.  Let the magnetism of the harmonious union of Venus with Jupiter act as a healing balm for all involved.

   Remember, keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

New Moon Solar Eclipse

  The Moon comes together with the Sun at 4:05pm tomorrow in the 27th degree of Aquarius. We know that this is called a New Moon and it also happens to be a Partial Eclipse of the Sun, which we won't be able to see in North America. Why doesn't an Eclipse occur at every New or Full Moon? Because the Moon doesn't always cross the nodal point on the ecliptic at exactly the same time each month!

   When the inner (Moon) and outer (Sun) energies, otherwise known as "the Lights" join together, they can work harmoniously toward a similar goal. The New Moon in Aquarius sets up a lunar month  focused on connections, networking and groups. As a Fixed Air sign, Aquarius lives up to its' reputation for friendliness, independence and thinking outside the box. The Eclipse heightens the  opportunities for change to happen sooner and more intently. Use this energy wisely. Be careful what you wish for!

  The detached manner of this 11th sign of the Zodiac expresses itself by loving freedom, speaking up for the rights of individuals and being unconventional. However, Aquarians can get stuck in thinking that because they care about the group as a whole, they don't have to change their minds! Usually, when the Sun travels through Aquarius, we have the energy to focus on our goals and who can help us reach them. Progressive brainstorming and logical thinking come to the forefront in the lunar month ahead.

   Looking at the chart for this New Moon, we see that Mercury, planet of communication and inquiry, aligns closely to the Moon and the Sun. Mercury is comfortable in Aquarius and brings the added ability to study and do research. All three of these planets are leaving a challenging aspect to Jupiter (expansion) in Scorpio (intense emotional connections), where we've been asking the question, just how much do I have to give of myself in order to get my needs met?! Another separating aspect they're making is a more positive sextile to Uranus, planetary ruler of Aquarius. Did you recently, last day or so... have an opportunity to make new connections or realign your focus for obtaining your own goals? 

   There's a thread here folks, one that requires you to look with fresh eyes at what may at first appear to be daunting, but in fact, leads to fulfillment of some of your hopes and dreams. You need to be honest with yourself first about anything that holds you to the past. Review tonight and into tomorrow, so you can let go of stuck thinking. Then make a new wish list of what you envision for yourself in the future. Then, after the New Moon tomorrow afternoon, you can begin (baby steps) to make connections, set up a website, take a class in technology, or join a group or committee where you can work with like-minded others for the good of the whole, whether it's an organization, a community or a special interest group.

   Remember to keep your mind open... while your head is in the stars and your feet are on the ground.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Full Moon... Super Moon... Total Eclipse of the Moon...

   Also referred to as a Blue Moon, as in once in a blue moon... meaning a Full Moon twice in one month, or a Blood Moon, because of the reddish appearance of the Moon as Luna passes through the Earth's shadow.. And yes, it's a Super Moon, meaning it's at perigee or closest to the Earth, so we know the affect of the Full Moon is even stronger, tides are higher and emotions are deeper. The Eclipse happening now is like the icing on the cake, just topping it all off and highlighting what there is to be seen or felt.

    This Full Moon takes place at 8:27am EST in the 12th degree of the Fixed Fire sign Leo. With the Sun opposite in Aquarius, Fixed Air, what is illuminated is how well we're doing bringing our talents and creativity out to connect with the larger group, our community. The buildup from New Moon to Full can bring fulfillment if efforts have been positively directed, but if negativity has ensued, then worry and confusion can prevail. Is it time to let go of the shackles of the past and move toward your goals?

    Leo's influence is wanting to enjoy life, to love and be loved, to freely express one's talents in a bold way that encourages others. The warmth of this strong sign is greatly enhanced at the Full Moon, causing people to seek recognition, romance or affection, sometimes in very dramatic ways. As the Moon aspects Venus later in the day, the need for give and take is highlighted so that your needs and the needs of others don't become a challenge. Expressing one's passion for a person, a project or a belief is all well and good, as long as the ego isn't in the drivers seat.

   The Sun in Aquarius is the polarity to Luna in Leo and reminds us of our connections to others. Be sociable, get out there and meet new people and remember at all times to let your own light shine. Instead of comparing yourself to another, you could try to identify similar needs or goals, never losing sight of your individual intentions. Each person is on their own path and our paths will always cross. As you express more clearly who you are and what you want, don't lose sight of your own path.

     Having the added influence of a Lunar Eclipse can bring greater insight or revelations that have a profound affect on an individual. It would be wise to carve out some alone time, going inward in meditation or thought for a brief look at your intentions before expressing your innermost desires to the outer world. You can still share your goals, once clear of what steps to take for yourself, as long as you are keeping your expectations in check. The influence of an eclipse has a way of working itself out over the weeks and months to come and effects can be felt for a long time.

   Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the earth~

Monday, January 15, 2018

Capricorn New Moon

  Tomorrow's New Moon takes place at 9:17pm in the 27th degree of Capricorn. There are 6 planets (energies) in this one Cardinal Earth sign (state of being). Cardinal Signs like to begin things, they are active and want to be in charge. For instance, Capricorn is the Earth sign that expresses itself best in practical matters pertaining to business and career. This Zodiac sign is symbolized by the mountain goat, always climbing to achieve it's goals. Capricorns are hard workers and make efficient bosses and are very good, usually, at running their own business. Just don't expect a Capricorn to be in touch with the emotional pieces of relationships, they're more business oriented.

   So, what does this mean for those of us who are not Capricorns? It means, you have this energy somewhere in your birth chart and can utilize it to get moving on a project, goal or business that you've been thinking, dreaming or slowly moving toward for the last couple of years. The Sun and Moon aligned in Cap, are getting an assist from positive aspects to Mars (action) and Pluto (change),  to direct your efforts toward what you want to make happen. While you probably won't see overnight success, it's important to keep on keeping on because you will eventually see results!

   Mars and Jupiter are both in the Fixed Water sign Scorpio at this New Moon adding passion and perseverance to your focus. Mars aligns with the Sun and Moon like a watering can to help grow your ideas, while Jupiter increases your opportunities or knowledge of what to invest in with Pluto's transformational talents. Stay alert for hints of what direction to move in. If you face obstacles, don't push too hard, instead, allow them to dissipate on their own and wait for your chance to make a move.

   New Moons allow us to look inward. This one can benefit from positive sextiles to Chiron from both the Sun and Moon. Chiron, known as the wounded healer, can bring an opportunity to put things right. This "centaur" also trines Mars and Jupiter, meaning that the insight one gains along the way, may not only bring about a catharsis, but allow you to move in a new direction as well. 

   I hope you direct your efforts well in moving toward what you hope to achieve this year. Persevere, conserve your hard-earned resources and hang in there! Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~



Monday, January 1, 2018

Supermoon Full Moon January 2018

   Happy New Year Everyone! This is the closest (perigee) the Moon will be to the Earth all year. The next Supermoon is on January 31st, and it will also be a Total eclipse of the Moon. Tonight's Moon is very powerful, being in it's own sign of watery Cancer, a Cardinal sign that likes to get things done, especially as it involves home and family. A lot of people are gathering with friends and family for celebration that involves wonderful dishes deriving from many cultures, some prepared to ensure good luck in the year ahead. Some are wondering how they are going to be able to continue feeding their families.

   The chart for the Full Moon shows it opposite the Sun, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn and just past an opposition to Saturn, newly arrived in his home territory. With a heavy emphasis on pragmatic Earth energy, it might be easy to overlook the Moon's influence. I doubt however that will be possible, given the emotional nature of the Moon and her interaction with Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces... that's a grand trine in Water signs. Feelings and our need to nurture and be nurtured, as well as protect our loved ones, is strongly influencing where people are coming from right now.

   Watch out for getting carried away or caught up in any hype that Mars and Jupiter may be stirring up in Scorpio. By that, I mean fear and suspicions that either come out of confusing situations or cause more confusion. The Grand Water Trine can be very helpful for letting feelings flow which may be overdue. However, we don't have to act on all our feelings or even express them all to everyone... we just need to get them out without devastating our loved ones! When actions are driven by emotion and Mars, the God of War is aligned closely with larger-than-life Jupiter (Thor) it can lead us down a path of destructive behavior if we aren't watching out!

   Tomorrow's Direct Stationing of the revolutionary planet Uranus can suddenly lead us in a new direction, hopefully for the better. I think I will adopt a wait and see approach and not go running off after some new adventure. with all the heart strings being pulled right now, we don't need to react in haste to anything. That transformer Pluto will feel the challenge of anything coming from change-maker Uranus, seeing as how he deals with the underworld. If you need to release past hurts, sorrows or wrongs, do it gently with some kind of ritual that allows you to leave the past behind and prepare for the challenge of new adventures.

  Remember, as you start the New Year with hope in your heart for the months ahead, to experience joy every day and share it with your loved ones. Oh yes... and remember also, to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~