
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Virgo Full Moon

    Welcome to an insightful time at this Virgo Full Moon! While Virgo is the sign of organization and perfection, I would caution you not to be too hard on yourself or others... given that the Sun in the opposite sign of Pisces is also conjunct Neptune. What a wonderfully creative time this can be, especially in the arts - painting, music and photography are highlighted. Imagination and time spent with your inner guidance will help you sort out what needs to be done. Be aware that the downside of a Sun/Neptune alignment can show up in escapism, whether binge-watching TV or numbing-out under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Burying one's head in the sand, knowing you need to take steps toward self-healing, would be a self-defeating exercise now.

    The polarity between adaptable Virgo, an Earth sign and adaptable Pisces - Water is the healing axis of well-being. It's important to take/make some time for oneself for introspection and contemplation before making decisions. It's also necessary to realize that the Sun in Pisces is making a push to retreat, meditate or just go with the flow until clarity begins to break through. Once you've recognized what you already knew you needed, but had buried it for whatever reason... fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of having no control... (f.e.a.r. = false evidence appearing real...) then it's time to visit the Virgo end of the polarity and acknowledge, write down and begin to take steps toward reaching your goals.

   Remember the Wish List you made at the Aquarius New Moon Solar Eclipse two weeks ago? How are you doing moving in that direction? Networking, friends and acquaintances all figure strongly in the chart of this Full Moon, given that the Moon is lodged in the 11th House. Loyalties may shift because every individual has her own concerns and the Moon is fickle after all. She's also adaptable! You have a larger pool of acquaintances to call on to help you reach your goals. Chose wisely who to align with, preferably persons not too emotionally attached to outcomes, and don't let ego, yours or someone else's... get in the way of taking care of yourself.

   Another thing about this Full Moon chart is the Libra Ascendant being ruled by Venus, quietly directing things from behind the scenes. Venus loves nature, beauty and harmony, as well as having the resources to enjoy them. With the communication energy of Mercury in the same sign and vicinity as Venus, you can be a caring listener for partners needing uplifting. Venus is also  moving toward a positive alignment with enthusiastic Jupiter in Scorpio, which brings opportunity for deeper connection and the healing of old wounds. Venus is moving away from a challenging aspect to Mars, co-ruler of Scorpio, reminding us not to let impatience or irritating circumstances get in the way of possible healing. This is a good time for uncovering resources, both imaginative and hidden.  Let the magnetism of the harmonious union of Venus with Jupiter act as a healing balm for all involved.

   Remember, keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~

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