
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The 1st New Moon of 2021 in Capricorn

     Happy New Year everyone! Yes, there are, and will be, even more reasons to be both cautious and optimistic in the year ahead. The first New Moon of the calendar year is always in hardworking Capricorn when the Moon joins the Sun and that happens tonight at 12:01a.m. Capricorn is somewhat of a serious sign, ruled by the responsible and restrictive planet Saturn, also known as the Lord of Karma, reminding each of us that we reap what we sow! And this is doubly emphasized as the Sun and Moon are conjoined with Saturn. 

   What do you want to initiate at this New Moon? Think about your goals and the seeds you need to plant now in order to reap the rewards later. Focus on the most important thing you would like to manifest in the month ahead in order to help you reach your highest potential. Capricorn is symbolized by the sea-goat, a creature that emerges from the depths and brings with it the ability to climb the rocky cliffs to attain the recognition or success it desires. Some of the attributes to utilize are persistence, pragmatism and industriousness.

   The Sun and Moon are also conjunct Mercury, the planet of agreements and interactions, putting a more focused attention on what we say and how we say it. Are you being overly cautious and not truly expressing yourself, or are you acting like you'd better listen to what I say, because it's more important?! Self-discipline is perhaps the most desirable trait to call on while trying to build foundations and work with others. No one I've ever heard of built a business, career or reputation all on their own.

    That self-discipline will come in handy when dealing with the difficulties presenting themselves over the next week while aggressive Mars connects with rebellious Uranus. Try to harness your energy and drive for moving in a new direction when you see the possibilities, the openings... as they present themselves. Avoid destroying the old without identifying what really will hold you back and needs to be let go. Then take what you need as you move cautiously forward, and leave the rest behind!

    As you enter this new lunar phase, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.