
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Friday, July 23, 2021

Aquarius Full Moon

 The Moon in Aquarius opposes the Sun in Leo at 10:37pm EST tonight. This polarity of Fixed Air and Fixed Fire seeks balance between one’s thoughts and one’s expression - the yin and the yang of creativity and sharing your talents and gifts for the benefit of the collective. The Sun in Leo is strong in the chart of this lunation. Being placed as it is in it’s own home territory of the 5th house, self-expression abounds. While the Moon isn’t as strong in airy, rebellious Aquarius, it is placed in the 11th house of the chart where groups and humanitarian causes are supported. The battle of this Full Moon is ever with the ego and what one can do for the good of the whole.

Intensity is strongly felt during this Moon phase, which finds Luna aligned with Pluto in Capricorn, even though she has pulled away from the drama having entered Aquarius, and is asking how to pick up the pieces that need to be reclaimed or re-purposed. There are other issues with Pluto’s power dynamic happening now and they’re being pointed out by the opposing Sun in Leo and Mercury in Cancer. Obsessive tendencies are quite possible now with people hanging onto their emotions and/or their positions of power. Again, Full Moons are opportunities to see what we’re up against and strive for harmony in our lives.

Other considerations at this time are how to use our energy (Mars in Leo) without giving up the idea of peace and quiet (Jupiter in Pisces). Work, then rest… enter the fray, then retreat and reflect. If we don’t find a way to make room for both in our lives, we can burn out or miss what out inner muse is trying to say to us. Venus is in detail-oriented Virgo helping us to maintain healthy boundaries. Avoid being too critical of yourself, or others - give them their space too! Everyone is going through something and we each have our own path to follow. Allowing, listening and sharing are wonderful tools in tough times. We can’t fix someone else, but letting them know we’re there can be enough.

While navigating this Full Moon phase, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Cancer New Moon

    We started  today, Thursday, under a void-of-course Gemini Moon, so if things felt a bit dis-jointed first thing this morning, the Moon's lack of direction could explain it.  The Moon became active again when it entered its home territory of Cancer at 9:51 a.m. The focus shifts from thoughts and planning to feelings and caring when Luna is in her rulership. People tend toward moodiness under this watery Moon, especially in the unknown dark-of-the-moon, Balsamic phase that happens before a New Moon. When the Sun and Moon are joined together at the New Moon in Cancer, Friday at 9:17pm it starts a 4 week lunar cycle of tuning into emotions, the search for a suitable nest and all issues of nurturing.

    The chart for the New Moon shows the Sun and Moon in the 6th House of work, scheduling, and taking care of our health and well-being. People that work in Human Services, especially around the care, feeding, and housing of families and children will find more of a focus in these areas. Personal responsibilities to ourselves and those entrusted into our care are strongly felt with responsible Saturn in Aquarius in the 1st House.  Even if this isn't a current issue in your life you can ask yourself, what can I do to help those struggling in my community?

   With aspects from the Lights, that is the Moon and Sun, to Neptune and Pluto, the bigger picture needs to be addressed. Be wary of idealizing others and avoid dramas that aren't yours or that you can do nothing about. Instead, make a realistic assessment of your own limits and resources, resolving to make whatever positive contribution for change that you can. Whatever you're feeling strongly motivated to be a part of, you can find a project to direct your creativity, energy or insight towards.

   There's a sense of hope and optimism in the air, quite literally, as Mercury in Gemini interacts favorably with Jupiter in Pisces. Extend your caring out into the world by caring for yourself first, then using your faith and your words to lift up others. Kind words, a smile and a random act of kindness can go a long way and everyone benefits! If you're feeling compelled to reach out to someone but you let insecurity hold you back, you'll never know what a difference you might have made in their life.

   Enjoy nesting, cook your favorite comfort food, nurture yourself, practice self-care and reconnect with your inner knowingness at the New Moon.  Write a New Moon Wish List of the things you need to do for yourself. Then, when you're full-up, let your cup of kindness overflow to others. Remember to keep you head in the stars and your feet on the ground~





Friday, July 2, 2021

Fireworks, Independence and Self-Discipline

    Welcome to the first week in July and the celebration of America's independence! This is a time to enjoy our hard-fought freedoms and maintain our sense of responsibility to one another, whether in our families, our communities, or as a nation. At the start of July, we have a couple of interesting astrological aspects that when put into words can help define the energies happening around us. Some of this is seen as potential for change or enjoyment and some can have the potential to be downright scary, bringing unwanted upheaval.  And yes, it's tricky!                                         +

    With assertive Mars in Leo opposing restricting Saturn in Aquarius yesterday, the stage was set for conflict between acting out and self-discipline. I'm sure you've heard of people being overly assertive and falling into aggressive behaviors lately, then being called to task or having to pay a difficult toll. That is the energy pattern that has been building up for a few days prior, came to a head yesterday and continues today. Mars is like the gas pedal and Saturn the brake. While at odds with each other, leaping forward in haste can wreak havoc and applying self restraint can prevent an accident. 

   On the other hand, Mars in Leo is great for summer sports and outdoor activity! I'm also thinking of all the athletes who have been working their hardest at the just-completed Olympic Trials to become representatives of the US at the Olympics in Tokyo later this month. They employ the self-discipline of training for many years to get to this point, then put their heart and soul into their efforts to become an Olympian! There's an example of Mars and Saturn working together. How can you synthesize these two energies to work on your behalf?!

   In many places around the US, there won't be fireworks for the 4th of July due to planning amidst the covid pandemic. That doesn't preclude the Mars in Leo/Uranus in Taurus aspect taking place on the 3rd at 9:39pm EST, bringing a symbolic fireworks of it's own! On the optimistic level, this can be finally having fun or a sudden expression of love... maybe even being hit by Cupid's arrow!

   Also, know that this possibly explosive combination of the aggressive Mars with surprise-laden Uranus showing up out-of-the blue will carry over onto the 4th. Let's hope it's just an awe-inspiring about-face turn of events that brings a breakthrough. Just to be on the safe side, it would be best to avoid pushing anyone's buttons, being in a potentially sketchy place or jumping into a situation which presents itself suddenly over the weekend.

    In the meantime, enjoy some fun with friends and loved ones, doing something different to celebrate your freedoms. If that includes keeping your head in the stars watching fireworks, don't forget to keep your feet on the ground and watch where you're going. Enjoy~