
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Cancer New Moon

    We started  today, Thursday, under a void-of-course Gemini Moon, so if things felt a bit dis-jointed first thing this morning, the Moon's lack of direction could explain it.  The Moon became active again when it entered its home territory of Cancer at 9:51 a.m. The focus shifts from thoughts and planning to feelings and caring when Luna is in her rulership. People tend toward moodiness under this watery Moon, especially in the unknown dark-of-the-moon, Balsamic phase that happens before a New Moon. When the Sun and Moon are joined together at the New Moon in Cancer, Friday at 9:17pm it starts a 4 week lunar cycle of tuning into emotions, the search for a suitable nest and all issues of nurturing.

    The chart for the New Moon shows the Sun and Moon in the 6th House of work, scheduling, and taking care of our health and well-being. People that work in Human Services, especially around the care, feeding, and housing of families and children will find more of a focus in these areas. Personal responsibilities to ourselves and those entrusted into our care are strongly felt with responsible Saturn in Aquarius in the 1st House.  Even if this isn't a current issue in your life you can ask yourself, what can I do to help those struggling in my community?

   With aspects from the Lights, that is the Moon and Sun, to Neptune and Pluto, the bigger picture needs to be addressed. Be wary of idealizing others and avoid dramas that aren't yours or that you can do nothing about. Instead, make a realistic assessment of your own limits and resources, resolving to make whatever positive contribution for change that you can. Whatever you're feeling strongly motivated to be a part of, you can find a project to direct your creativity, energy or insight towards.

   There's a sense of hope and optimism in the air, quite literally, as Mercury in Gemini interacts favorably with Jupiter in Pisces. Extend your caring out into the world by caring for yourself first, then using your faith and your words to lift up others. Kind words, a smile and a random act of kindness can go a long way and everyone benefits! If you're feeling compelled to reach out to someone but you let insecurity hold you back, you'll never know what a difference you might have made in their life.

   Enjoy nesting, cook your favorite comfort food, nurture yourself, practice self-care and reconnect with your inner knowingness at the New Moon.  Write a New Moon Wish List of the things you need to do for yourself. Then, when you're full-up, let your cup of kindness overflow to others. Remember to keep you head in the stars and your feet on the ground~





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