
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Last Full Moon of 2020

   Welcome to the last Full Moon of the year, highlighting the Cancer/Capricorn polarity, or domestic concerns vs. big business. We have already seen so much action in these two signs this year, that this is familiar energy! 2020 started off with a January 10th Lunar Eclipse in Cancer and the Sun in Capricorn, followed by the June 21st Solar Eclipse with both the Sun and Moon  at 00 degrees of Cancer,  then another Lunar eclipse on the 4th of July, this time with the Moon in Capricorn and the Sun in Cancer. That's a whole lot of Cardinal water - emotions, home and family, facing off with Cardinal Earth - business, responsibilities and institutions.

   To me, this is a snapshot of what the year has been all about... safety vs. security, nurturance vs. restriction, families vs. financial constrictions and feelings vs. reservations. The covid virus alone was enough of a deterrent, but the major issues stem from pre-existing planetary aspects. The BIG one is powerful Pluto in Capricorn since 2008, deconstructing infrastructures... remember the Housing Market Crash?! People in positions of responsibility misused their power for their own purposes - feathering their own nests while taking away the only nest of many families. Those who influence or set the laws and are still holding the reins, aren't willing to let go of their control if it means they have to re-distribute resources they covet. This problem is still being uncovered and addressed while Pluto remains in Capricorn until the start of 2024.

   Alright, let's focus on what we can do to ride the undercurrents of change brought in by the Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius on the Winter Solstice. Hopefulness lies in the abilities of individuals to be effective agents of reform and transformation. That means stepping up in our communities and local governments to represent the populace and make sure their needs for food, shelter and jobs are addressed. Individuals coming together with like-minded and informed others to plant seeds for growth leads to the changes necessary to ensure that the needs of the many are more important than the desires of the few.

   Looking at the chart of tonight's Full Moon at 10:28pm, we see the Moon opposing not just the Sun but also Mercury. This creates a dilemma between head and emotions, making it difficult to know whether to go with one's gut or thoughts. It would be important to speak your feelings out loud by saying them to someone else, or write them down, then read aloud to yourself, in order to hear them before you decide on a course of action. Mercury is known as the Messenger of the Gods and it's important to be receptive to Divine inspiration when interacting or communicating your needs at this time.

   Things can come to a head at the Full Moon and allow us to see what needs to be discarded in order to move forward. This is especially true now with the Moon getting an assist from insightful Uranus and the Sun also harmonizing with this maverick planet of change! Thinking outside of the box, using your ingenuity and a friendly, cooperative approach to solving your pressing issues, is a benefit of this Full Moon energy. Wanting things to change is normal, the path to getting there can be fraught with obstacles are more easily overcome with cooperation and a new approach. It's time to let go of the old one!

   As you contemplate those things you are aware of and want to take action on, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.



Sunday, December 20, 2020

The Great Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn in Aquarius at the Winter Solstice

   As expansive Jupiter and conservative Saturn edge ever closer to their Grand Conjunction in the Air Sign Aquarius tomorrow, we are feeling the excitement of building structures that have room for enthusiasm and freedom and all the possibilities this alignment can bring!

Now, wait just a moment...!! The Winter Solstice occurs first, at 5:02am EST tomorrow, Dec. 21st, marking the moment the Sun enters Capricorn. This yearly event acts as a touchstone for the year ahead, giving us a focus for what we might expect to see evolving throughout the year.

The Solstice chart, cast for Washington, DC, shows the Sun in Capricorn exactly aligned to Mercury and its' energy of communication and interaction. The Sun's vitality in this Cardinal Earth sign wants to build structures and experience some success out in the world. Add to that, Mercury's input of information and connecting, and we can envision many months ahead of learning, talking, listening and planning.

There are other notable aspects in this chart, namely the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction, which I'll get to in a minute... and a challenging square from aggressive Mars to powerfully transforming Pluto. We have felt the build-up of this energetic, between these co-rulers of Scorpio, which is the sign in charge of the chart Ascendant. Think of pressure building up and needing an escape valve. I would like to see people put this to positive use, but then not everyone is waking up.

An underlying aspect is an inconjunct from Venus, ruler of Taurus to rebellious Uranus in her home territory of Taurus. This is like being blind-sided, something coming up out of the blue, possibly affecting our stability or finances. Big gains as well as losses are likely. Along with that, Venus has a difficult relationship to Mars who is acting out as I mentioned above. Could this possibly have to do with earth changes through quakes or volcanic action? All, or some, of these planetary energies are apt to take place over the coming months ahead.

Now... to the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius taking place at 1:20pm on the Winter Solstice as well. Here is where the hopefulness comes in! For the last 200 years, the largest two planets in our solar system have been aligning in the Earth element. Now they begin a 200 year cycle of meeting every 20 years in Air! Instead of being dictated to by leaders and authority figures, we now get to begin the process of meeting on an equal footing with our peers and making decisions that are in the best interest of all concerned. Are we on the cusp of the Age of Aquarius? Some would say yes, I say... if not, then we are certainly at the threshold! What does that mean to me?

Looking at the past year, 2020 will be remembered for restrictions worldwide; that is Saturn's effect of limitation in his own sign Capricorn, where he hung out for over 3 years with Pluto. Breakdown of decaying structures is Pluto's job, so that a rebuilding may occur. Add Jupiter's journey through Capricorn from Dec. 2019 to the present and we have events being escalated on a global scale in business, government and structurally. Saturn left his rulership of Capricorn and moved into Aquarius on the 17th, with Jupiter following suit yesterday, the 19th. I've been watching them get closer and closer in the Southwestern sky since July. They get so close tomorrow that we will see them as almost one unit. Jupiter is closest to the Earth and Saturn will be behind him by about 456 million miles.
How do these two planetary archetypes affect us on the Earth? Saturn calls for limitations and restrictions, saying there's not enough. Expansive Jupiter says there's more than enough and to prove it, he makes a BIG deal out of everything he comes in contact with. So in Capricorn, it was a lot of confinements and suffering to get needs met, all on a worldwide scale. Neptune in the wings played a role in spreading the virus. Now that the major players are in the Fixed Air sign of Aquarius, lines of communication, new technologies, networking and large groups are about to be activated for the good of all. I said for the good of all... not just those in power... this won't sit well while Pluto is still in Capricorn, for 3 more years. And yet, change is never easy especially when the few control the many and their hands have to be pried out of their pockets just to get them to do something for someone else.

Aquarius has to do with lines of communication on a large scale, also nerve pathways in the body, reminding us that we are all connected. The hope is that this new paradigm is one of science and technology for the greater good. The f.e.a.r. is that technology will cause us to experience even more restrictions through underhanded control of the greedy. If we are to survive as a species on this planet, without completely destroying it, we need to come together in groups of like-minded and concerned individuals to brainstorm, uncover, formulate and employ ingenious approaches to living together harmoniously. That includes nature and the rest of the denizens of this planet. That is where Jupiter and Saturn can have the most effective influence in 2021.

While you're looking for the crack in everything to let the Light in, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the Earth!  

Saturday, December 12, 2020

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

   Let's get ready and look ahead to broadening our horizons at the upcoming New Moon on Monday, December 14th, when the Sun and Moon align in the fiery and forward-thinking sign Sagittarius. This is also an auspicious Total Solar Eclipse, which brings the energy to jumpstart us into the next 6 months. Have you been holding back, felt held back or just plain needed the time to pull things together? Whatever has led you to this point, get ready to set your sights on bigger vistas!

    Lunar Eclipses, like the recent one on Nov. 30th, offer a chance to discard something outworn and that has inhibited your growth. Solar Eclipses tend to push us ahead. If you're now ready to move forward , albeit step-by-step, this eclipse is the starting point. Sometimes, eclipses can act as catalysts and propel us forward with the force of a cannonball over the weeks and months ahead. Might I suggest writing your Sagittarius New Moon wish list beginning tomorrow so that by the time it rolls around on Monday, you'll have given it some thought and gotten really clear with your intentions.

   Spend some time alone, outside if possible, and connect with your spiritual center under a subtly felt Neptunian influence exhibited as a challenging passageway through which you must now pass. Connecting with your intuition and imagination is how you will recognize the next part of your journey. Avoid being drawn into self-pity or escapism; there's too much of that going around right now. 

   The Sagittarian thrust toward truth, can pull you along on an eye-opening adventure that speaks to your need for freedom, Remember to be kind to anyone going along for the ride or whom you meet along the way. Sag's tendency toward bluntness can exhibit itself as tactlessness and that won't work well with Neptune's need for compassion and understanding.

   Mercury sits on the South Node, also in Sagittarius , just a couple of degrees away from the eclipse point. Words count as much as actions at this very sensitive time which feels like destiny. Speak your truth with as much clarity and kindness as you can, all the while acknowledging that each individual you encounter has their own path and their truth may not be the same as yours. 

  As expansive Jupiter and conservative Saturn edge ever closer to their Grand Conjunction in the Air Sign Aquarius, at the Winter Solstice on the 21st of December, we are feeling the excitement of building structures that have room for enthusiasm and  freedom and all the possibilities this alignment can bring!

   Until then, stay in the moment, be true to yourself, kind to others and imagine your bright future! Oh yes, that means keeping your feet on the ground while your head is in the stars~