
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Pathways Astrology: Second Cancer New Moon of the Summer!

Pathways Astrology: Second Cancer New Moon of the Summer!: Happy New Moon at 28 degrees of Cancer! The second Cancer New Moon of the summer is tomorrow at 1:32 pm EST. What's the difference betw...

Second Cancer New Moon of the Summer!

Happy New Moon at 28 degrees of Cancer! The second Cancer New Moon of the summer is tomorrow at 1:32 pm EST. What's the difference between this one and the first one, you might ask... plenty!

While this Moon does indeed join the Sun again in this somewhat moody water sign, the New Moon on June 21st was a Solar Eclipse at 0 degrees of Cancer. In other words, the Sun had just passed the Solstice point when the Moon joined it, kicking off a lunar month of emotional ups and downs. The solstice also aligned with an eclipse and intensified everything! That was a month ago and several things have changed to make this a less moody New Moon, perhaps more personal, as it sets the stage for a lunar month ahead that can include feeling like we're beginning to swim with the tide, instead of against it.

The current New Moon is at the end of the Sun's journey through Cancer and the Moon has made a complete revolution through all the signs of the zodiac, coming back around to rejoin the Sun for new starts involving home or real estate, family, feelings and how we nurture ourselves and others. This is a second chance to make things right, where previously we may have felt thwarted at every turn, internalizing our feelings and not expressing our true needs. Why was it so hard and what has changed? Both Venus in Gemini, the planet of values, and Mercury in Cancer, the planet of communication, were retrograde. Now they are both moving forward. We get to take what we learned about our motives and apply our intentions towards the future, not the past.

This current astrology, both the Sun and Moon in Cancer, oppose retrograde Saturn representing authority figures, restraint and limitation. Saturn has rejoined Pluto (power of transformation) and Jupiter (expansion of the mind) in Capricorn. We are in the process of death and rebirth as individuals and as a nation. Surrounded by drama, intensity and the need for change, the outmoded power structures of the old status quo recognize their immanent demise and will not go quietly. It is up to each individual to recognize what family, security and compassion mean to them, and to act with integrity as they proceed in the direction that their hearts and minds tell them to go. No acting rashly or reacting out of fear will deliver us safely to a calmer shore. It will take bravery, strength and perseverance to rebuild our self esteems, our relationships, and our republic, along with compassion, communication and acceptance.

Mars, the action planet, is in his home territory of Aries, giving us the get-up-and-go we've been needing. But he comes with a warning. All around us, we see levels of frustration at being blocked, or anger at situations outside of our control causing aggression and hostility. This sense of powerlessness is rampant. Assertion is needed when people are feeling it's time to take their power back. Being assertive is standing one's ground while still allowing others to listen and offer their opinions. Whereas, aggressive or hostile behavior is based on old habit patterns and is completely non-productive. It's also part of the me or you, us or them mentality, which doesn't serve to mend emotional fences. Mars will go retrograde in September and turn direct in November, not leaving this fiery sign until January 2021. We have almost 6 more months to decide whether we will act assertively, taking steps however small towards our goals, or react aggressively to the world around us in blaming others, perhaps creating more barriers and delays to the progress we seek. It's a daily choice, whether to let others push our buttons, or to remain calm in the face of upheaval while continuing to put one foot in front of the other.

We've got our work cut out for us. Remember... head in the stars and feet on the ground~

Friday, July 3, 2020

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn

   Welcome to the third eclipse of the season at the Capricorn Full Moon, which happens to be sitting very close to the United States Solar return. The US is having a Solar return at 4:59 pm on July 4th, and the Full Moon Eclipse culminates at 12:44 am on the 5th. It feels like we've been having fireworks since the 1st eclipse on June 5th, so let's hope this Full Moon isn't as eventful. Many Fourth of July festivities are cancelled in a lot of communities, and that might be a good thing given the underlying currents that Jupiter has been exacerbating along with Pluto in Capricorn.

   The chart for this Full Moon shows the Sun at 13 Cancer and the Moon at 13 Capricorn. We're still on that axis of safety and security/home and business. The covid virus and dirty politics definitely bring that polarity into full view! We've been on a roller coaster ride of trying to keep our bodies and our homes safe, while figuring out how to get back to work.

   Neptune aligns positively with the Sun and Pluto now to increase opportunities for intuition, creativity and spirituality. Powerful insights can help you make lasting strides in your daily life and yet there is a caution against self-deception,  false prophets and the like. Tune in to your higher self through meditation and listen to your body's reaction to know your own truth.

   Everything feels a bit off  this year for celebrating our national holiday with the virus decimating the health of our country and the world. And yet, the virus is an apt metaphor for the institutional racism built into the foundation of our nation, always lurking beneath the surface to erupt into bigotry, hatred and prejudice whenever the white status quo feels threatened. Just as we seek the answers from science for a cure or a vaccine, so too do we need to look deeply within our own minds and hearts and root out the biases lurking there.

   Let's celebrate the rights of all men, women and children, of all colors and creeds, whatever nationality they may be and the positive efforts being made so that all may one day enjoy the safety of a home, the security of a job and the dignity of a healthy life well-lived. And let's remember to keep our heads in the stars and our feet on the ground.