
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Full "Strawberry" Super Moon

   Welcome to the first Full Moon of the Summer in Capricorn, highlighting the need for a feeling response, Sun in Cancer, to make a necessary change for the greater good! This "Strawberry" Moon is the harbinger of Summer, coming as it does on the heels of the Summer Solstice 4 days ago. Go to your local farm and pick some strawberries, then share your favorite jam or pie with loved ones! Mercury in Gemini is now in Direct motion, but the shadow phase lasts until July 9th, so bite your tongue until then, if you don't have anything kind to say. 

   The Sabian Symbol for 4 degrees of Capricorn is "a group of people outfitting a large canoe at the start of a journey by water" . This implies a feeling response by a group of people with a common will and consensus to make a necessary change in response to a specific situation. It is the group activity that is important. With the Sun tuned into to emotional undercurrents in polarity to the Moon in this pragmatic Earth sign Capricorn, it is a great time to ask yourself where you can make a difference.

   With the Moon sextile Jupiter, there's a feeling of optimism in the air. The Sun trine to expansive Jupiter brings a sense of well-being and generosity to the fore. If you're a boss, what can you give to let your employees know they are appreciated, and if you are the head of the household, how can you share your caring with your loved ones? On the other hand, if there's something you need, what  practical steps can you take now to engage with those in a position to make a difference?

   The monthly opposition of the Sun and Moon brings into play ego vs. emotion and empathy vs. assertion. This Full Moon chart plays out on the stage of the people opposed to organization, whether that highlights political or socio-economic situations. Cancer represents the people, emotions and public opinion, while Capricorn is authority and current structures. There is a cautionary note here involving aggressive Mars who is very active at this Full Moon. Self-restraint and self-discipline are needed here if you want to move toward your goals. Missteps and accidents are possible due to an alignment of Mars to revolutionary Uranus. Watch out for carelessness and recklessness if you want to avoid trouble.

   All the angles for this Full Moon chart set in Washington DC are at 00°s of the Cardinal signs, with the Ascendant being 00° Libra. That means Venus is the planetary ruler of this moment in time that affects us where we live, how we want to be seen in the world, and who we chose to associate with. Lovely Venus in late degrees of Cancer is in an opposition to powerful Pluto at 26° Capricorn, which can bring drama into relationships or escalate into a battle between love and desire... if allowed. What is really going on is a chance to let go of the old ways of reacting and to generate a new response. Giving up the struggle could allow a creative path to healing, perhaps initiating a whole new form of relating where one doesn't have or take total power over the other.  

   Enjoy the sunshine, spread love, look to the stars and stay grounded~

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Solar Eclipse New Moon

    Tomorrow's Solar Eclipse New Moon in Gemini is a potent reminder of the power of our thoughts and words. When the Moon joins the Sun at 19 degrees, 47 minutes of Gemini, both will be closely aligned with retrograde Mercury in its own sign. This makes for a whole stew of thoughts and ideas, information and plans to be tossed around. Choices abound around what to do and who to associate with. Gemini is a very sociable, somewhat ambiguous Air sign, and after more than a year of practically zero face-to face connections, catching up and interacting are high priorities for most families and friends. Because Mercury is retrograde until June 22nd, there is added emphasis on research and restraint before leaping forward with big plans or projects. 

   In the New Moon chart, we find the Lights and Mercury in Gemini residing in the 12th House, squaring off with its' ruler, Neptune in Pisces up in the 10th House. The Twelfth House focus is on the unseen, or subconscious motivations. This area of life relates to what's hidden, what holds us back or where our ability to connect with spirit lies. In our Natal charts, it may have to do with secrets, restraints - like hospital stays, or where we seek refuge from the world. At any rate, sometimes we need to dig deeper here to uncover hidden talents or abilities. Imagination, fantasy, muddled thoughts and confusing information is apt to be the name of the game during this Solar Eclipse.

   Another consideration at this Solar Eclipse New Moon, is the harmonious relationship of the Sun and Moon to Saturn in the Fixed air sign of Aquarius.  The Moon's concern here is feeling comfortable with responsibility to the larger group, while the Sun brings self-confidence in its organizational abilities. Saturn lends consistency to building a solid foundation for the future. I am cautiously optimistic that positive strides are being made to renew open lines of communication in our government. At the same time, I have serious doubts about that being the intention of the majority of those politicians who refuse to be responsible to the people of this country and not to their bank accounts.

I set this this chart for Washington, DC and as lovely as the aspect between The Sun, Moon and Saturn could be, we are dealing with a divided country of separate interests which may or may not create an even larger socio-economic split than what we are currently experiencing. It may take Venus' attracting power of love and harmony in Cancer, working compatibly with Uranus in Taurus, the planet of sudden reversals, at this Solar Eclipse to bring an opportunity for reconnection based on our democratic principles of freedom for all, to turn the tide. Venus in Cancer is close to the United States Sun which bodes well for our self-worth as a nation, if it's not too late and we've already sold our collective soul to the devil of greed, or not... 

   In the meantime, focus on what you can do in the here and now to stay on track for achieving your personal goals, be patient and realistic, and maintain your sense of self, while keeping your head in the stars and your feet on the ground. I pray for Light and Love to restore Harmony on the Earth.