
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Last Full Moon of 2020

   Welcome to the last Full Moon of the year, highlighting the Cancer/Capricorn polarity, or domestic concerns vs. big business. We have already seen so much action in these two signs this year, that this is familiar energy! 2020 started off with a January 10th Lunar Eclipse in Cancer and the Sun in Capricorn, followed by the June 21st Solar Eclipse with both the Sun and Moon  at 00 degrees of Cancer,  then another Lunar eclipse on the 4th of July, this time with the Moon in Capricorn and the Sun in Cancer. That's a whole lot of Cardinal water - emotions, home and family, facing off with Cardinal Earth - business, responsibilities and institutions.

   To me, this is a snapshot of what the year has been all about... safety vs. security, nurturance vs. restriction, families vs. financial constrictions and feelings vs. reservations. The covid virus alone was enough of a deterrent, but the major issues stem from pre-existing planetary aspects. The BIG one is powerful Pluto in Capricorn since 2008, deconstructing infrastructures... remember the Housing Market Crash?! People in positions of responsibility misused their power for their own purposes - feathering their own nests while taking away the only nest of many families. Those who influence or set the laws and are still holding the reins, aren't willing to let go of their control if it means they have to re-distribute resources they covet. This problem is still being uncovered and addressed while Pluto remains in Capricorn until the start of 2024.

   Alright, let's focus on what we can do to ride the undercurrents of change brought in by the Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius on the Winter Solstice. Hopefulness lies in the abilities of individuals to be effective agents of reform and transformation. That means stepping up in our communities and local governments to represent the populace and make sure their needs for food, shelter and jobs are addressed. Individuals coming together with like-minded and informed others to plant seeds for growth leads to the changes necessary to ensure that the needs of the many are more important than the desires of the few.

   Looking at the chart of tonight's Full Moon at 10:28pm, we see the Moon opposing not just the Sun but also Mercury. This creates a dilemma between head and emotions, making it difficult to know whether to go with one's gut or thoughts. It would be important to speak your feelings out loud by saying them to someone else, or write them down, then read aloud to yourself, in order to hear them before you decide on a course of action. Mercury is known as the Messenger of the Gods and it's important to be receptive to Divine inspiration when interacting or communicating your needs at this time.

   Things can come to a head at the Full Moon and allow us to see what needs to be discarded in order to move forward. This is especially true now with the Moon getting an assist from insightful Uranus and the Sun also harmonizing with this maverick planet of change! Thinking outside of the box, using your ingenuity and a friendly, cooperative approach to solving your pressing issues, is a benefit of this Full Moon energy. Wanting things to change is normal, the path to getting there can be fraught with obstacles are more easily overcome with cooperation and a new approach. It's time to let go of the old one!

   As you contemplate those things you are aware of and want to take action on, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.



Sunday, December 20, 2020

The Great Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn in Aquarius at the Winter Solstice

   As expansive Jupiter and conservative Saturn edge ever closer to their Grand Conjunction in the Air Sign Aquarius tomorrow, we are feeling the excitement of building structures that have room for enthusiasm and freedom and all the possibilities this alignment can bring!

Now, wait just a moment...!! The Winter Solstice occurs first, at 5:02am EST tomorrow, Dec. 21st, marking the moment the Sun enters Capricorn. This yearly event acts as a touchstone for the year ahead, giving us a focus for what we might expect to see evolving throughout the year.

The Solstice chart, cast for Washington, DC, shows the Sun in Capricorn exactly aligned to Mercury and its' energy of communication and interaction. The Sun's vitality in this Cardinal Earth sign wants to build structures and experience some success out in the world. Add to that, Mercury's input of information and connecting, and we can envision many months ahead of learning, talking, listening and planning.

There are other notable aspects in this chart, namely the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction, which I'll get to in a minute... and a challenging square from aggressive Mars to powerfully transforming Pluto. We have felt the build-up of this energetic, between these co-rulers of Scorpio, which is the sign in charge of the chart Ascendant. Think of pressure building up and needing an escape valve. I would like to see people put this to positive use, but then not everyone is waking up.

An underlying aspect is an inconjunct from Venus, ruler of Taurus to rebellious Uranus in her home territory of Taurus. This is like being blind-sided, something coming up out of the blue, possibly affecting our stability or finances. Big gains as well as losses are likely. Along with that, Venus has a difficult relationship to Mars who is acting out as I mentioned above. Could this possibly have to do with earth changes through quakes or volcanic action? All, or some, of these planetary energies are apt to take place over the coming months ahead.

Now... to the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius taking place at 1:20pm on the Winter Solstice as well. Here is where the hopefulness comes in! For the last 200 years, the largest two planets in our solar system have been aligning in the Earth element. Now they begin a 200 year cycle of meeting every 20 years in Air! Instead of being dictated to by leaders and authority figures, we now get to begin the process of meeting on an equal footing with our peers and making decisions that are in the best interest of all concerned. Are we on the cusp of the Age of Aquarius? Some would say yes, I say... if not, then we are certainly at the threshold! What does that mean to me?

Looking at the past year, 2020 will be remembered for restrictions worldwide; that is Saturn's effect of limitation in his own sign Capricorn, where he hung out for over 3 years with Pluto. Breakdown of decaying structures is Pluto's job, so that a rebuilding may occur. Add Jupiter's journey through Capricorn from Dec. 2019 to the present and we have events being escalated on a global scale in business, government and structurally. Saturn left his rulership of Capricorn and moved into Aquarius on the 17th, with Jupiter following suit yesterday, the 19th. I've been watching them get closer and closer in the Southwestern sky since July. They get so close tomorrow that we will see them as almost one unit. Jupiter is closest to the Earth and Saturn will be behind him by about 456 million miles.
How do these two planetary archetypes affect us on the Earth? Saturn calls for limitations and restrictions, saying there's not enough. Expansive Jupiter says there's more than enough and to prove it, he makes a BIG deal out of everything he comes in contact with. So in Capricorn, it was a lot of confinements and suffering to get needs met, all on a worldwide scale. Neptune in the wings played a role in spreading the virus. Now that the major players are in the Fixed Air sign of Aquarius, lines of communication, new technologies, networking and large groups are about to be activated for the good of all. I said for the good of all... not just those in power... this won't sit well while Pluto is still in Capricorn, for 3 more years. And yet, change is never easy especially when the few control the many and their hands have to be pried out of their pockets just to get them to do something for someone else.

Aquarius has to do with lines of communication on a large scale, also nerve pathways in the body, reminding us that we are all connected. The hope is that this new paradigm is one of science and technology for the greater good. The f.e.a.r. is that technology will cause us to experience even more restrictions through underhanded control of the greedy. If we are to survive as a species on this planet, without completely destroying it, we need to come together in groups of like-minded and concerned individuals to brainstorm, uncover, formulate and employ ingenious approaches to living together harmoniously. That includes nature and the rest of the denizens of this planet. That is where Jupiter and Saturn can have the most effective influence in 2021.

While you're looking for the crack in everything to let the Light in, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the Earth!  

Saturday, December 12, 2020

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

   Let's get ready and look ahead to broadening our horizons at the upcoming New Moon on Monday, December 14th, when the Sun and Moon align in the fiery and forward-thinking sign Sagittarius. This is also an auspicious Total Solar Eclipse, which brings the energy to jumpstart us into the next 6 months. Have you been holding back, felt held back or just plain needed the time to pull things together? Whatever has led you to this point, get ready to set your sights on bigger vistas!

    Lunar Eclipses, like the recent one on Nov. 30th, offer a chance to discard something outworn and that has inhibited your growth. Solar Eclipses tend to push us ahead. If you're now ready to move forward , albeit step-by-step, this eclipse is the starting point. Sometimes, eclipses can act as catalysts and propel us forward with the force of a cannonball over the weeks and months ahead. Might I suggest writing your Sagittarius New Moon wish list beginning tomorrow so that by the time it rolls around on Monday, you'll have given it some thought and gotten really clear with your intentions.

   Spend some time alone, outside if possible, and connect with your spiritual center under a subtly felt Neptunian influence exhibited as a challenging passageway through which you must now pass. Connecting with your intuition and imagination is how you will recognize the next part of your journey. Avoid being drawn into self-pity or escapism; there's too much of that going around right now. 

   The Sagittarian thrust toward truth, can pull you along on an eye-opening adventure that speaks to your need for freedom, Remember to be kind to anyone going along for the ride or whom you meet along the way. Sag's tendency toward bluntness can exhibit itself as tactlessness and that won't work well with Neptune's need for compassion and understanding.

   Mercury sits on the South Node, also in Sagittarius , just a couple of degrees away from the eclipse point. Words count as much as actions at this very sensitive time which feels like destiny. Speak your truth with as much clarity and kindness as you can, all the while acknowledging that each individual you encounter has their own path and their truth may not be the same as yours. 

  As expansive Jupiter and conservative Saturn edge ever closer to their Grand Conjunction in the Air Sign Aquarius, at the Winter Solstice on the 21st of December, we are feeling the excitement of building structures that have room for enthusiasm and  freedom and all the possibilities this alignment can bring!

   Until then, stay in the moment, be true to yourself, kind to others and imagine your bright future! Oh yes, that means keeping your feet on the ground while your head is in the stars~


Sunday, November 29, 2020

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, Sunday Nov.30, 2020

    Early tomorrow morning, at 4:29 am, the applying opposition of the waxing Moon at 08 degrees of Gemini will culminate in an opposition to the Sun at 08 degrees of Sagittarius. This is a Lunar Eclipse, the first in a two-part eclipse cycle, with the second being the Total Eclipse of the Sun on December 14th. 

   Communication, especially with close relations, family or friends, is highlighted, as a need to address imbalances and misunderstandings comes to light. There may be confusion and difficulty seeing another's perspective, if you are only looking from your point of view. Consider both sides and try to find a middle ground for discussion. It's important to say what you need to say, with kindness and love and thanks to Chiron's influence,

   This the Gemini Moon makes difficult aspects to expansive Jupiter and transformative Pluto. Gemini is curious and looking for options, while Capricorn would much rather endure the status quo. Challenges arise from the structures that are breaking down, adding to the apparent angst of those formerly in positions of power... yes, on the national scene, as well as at home and locally in our communities! Jupiter's job here is to look for the things worth keeping as well as the new opportunities that are being unveiled.

   There are lots of unknowns with impending change. Stay out of fear. Embrace the possibilities that a new direction can provide and as opportunities arise around you, see if you can adjust to a new way of being. Remember, you cannot control circumstances, situations, events or people, so your only option is to take care of yourself and listen to others. As much as we may want everyone to be on an even keel, that is not possible. Each person is at their own point on their soul's journey and it is all right! Do your best and allow others to do theirs.

   It is all right... so let it be. Keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Scorpio New Moon

    In true Scorpio fashion, just 7 minutes past midnight tonight, so early Sunday, the New Moon secrets itself into position at 23 degrees of this covert water sign. The impetus here is going into things deeply and with awareness, especially as it involves joint and shared resources and creative endeavors. Mercury joins the Sun and Moon in Scorpio, adding an investigative component to this already intense energy. The end game is to get to the bottom of whatever you need to uncover. Whether it's your own or your partner's deeply held feelings, or your business associate's control of the books, it's important that everyone comes to know the values, and intentions of all involved.

   Once Mercury, the archetype of communication and interaction, went direct on election day and Mars, desire and direction, went direct just yesterday, we are set to move over already familiar territory in our efforts to gain a forward momentum. The caution here is simple... no hasty action, it's going to take time to put plans back into motion, one step at a time and in collaboration with others.

   Another consideration in the New Moon chart is Venus, currently in her rulership of Libra, wanting fairness and equality yet being confronted with the excessive forces of Jupiter, the power-mongering of Pluto and the restrictions of Saturn all in the business-like sign of Capricorn. The divine feminine is a bit tired of taking a back seat to the status quo of the old-boy network that has been in control for so long, oh right... since the founding of our country!  Gone are the days of John Wayne-like cowboys riding in to rescue the damsel-in-distress. Women are smart and know what they need and want. They are not willing to sit idly by to wait-and-see what is left for them. This New Moon accentuates that conflict and allows some positive strides to be made.

   This is the time to face your responsibilities, work hard toward gaining the respect of others and striving toward your goals.  If there are still obstacles or delays due to past situations, relationships or events that need to be removed before progress can be made, then now is the time to release them. That may involve a change of attitude or some professional help in order for the transition to happen. There are a lot of supportive energetics at this New Moon and much progress can be made incrementally as long as you and your partners are willingly to hang in there over the long haul. 

   There is much to be gained by being brave and being honest with yourself and your significant others about what you want to achieve. Strive to transform your life and be your best self by recognizing what works, what doesn't and what needs to be discarded so you can embrace the new life you so desire! All around us, people are waking up to these very insights and there's a sense of hopefulness in the air. 

   Remember while throwing out the old and embracing the new, to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~


Saturday, October 31, 2020

A Full "Boo" Moon

   Taurus Full Moon, October 31, 2020

Happy Full Moon! Happy Blue Moon! Happy Halloween!! Wow, what a mouthful and what an eventful few days we have coming up! The Full Moon at 8 degrees Taurus, is exact at 10:49am EST. And just a few minutes later, the Sun in Scorpio is opposed to that attention-seeking upstart, Uranus in Taurus. You know what that means... The Moon is directly aligned with the planet of uncontrollable energy and revolutionary activity during it's most potent phase!

People who have natal planets around 8 degrees of the Fixed signs, are more apt to be directly affected by these surprising events. Watch out for explosive behaviors, sudden upheavals and potentially life-altering incidents out-of-the-blue. Of course, these could be sudden changes for the better, not just negative situations. If you've been waiting for a sign of things to come, pay attention, you may find an opening.

As the Moon and Uranus both have to do with fluctuation and change, and they are hanging out together in the immovable Earth sign Taurus, we might expect some strong earthquake activity. That could happen anywhere along those planetary pathways around the globe, most notably in Eastern Europe, the Middle east and northern California.

Mercury is still retrograde at 26 Libra, not going direct until the afternoon of the US Election, keeping us guessing about the outcome even as it moves direct back into Scorpio, possibly stirring up secrets and misinformation. Try to remain clear in your communication with people, don't overreact or jump to conclusions in the week ahead. Staying in the moment and observing is your best means of navigating the uncertain waters ahead.

Mars is retrograde through November 13th in mid-Aries still creating an atmosphere of anticipation and anxiousness about beginning something new. It's best not to jump into anything you're not 100% sure of at this time, no hasty decisions or rash actions. Mars will wend his way back through the latter degrees of this Fire sign for the rest of 2020 and into the first week of 2021. This keeps everyone on the edge of their seats wanting a cure for covid-19 or a new direction in business, government or an uptick in their finances.

Neptune is interacting with the Nodes of the Moon, reminding us to focus on what we can do realistically that involves compassion, healing, spirituality or the arts. Burying our heads in the sand through escapism of any kind, especially indulgence in drugs and alcohol will only increase the befuddlement we already feel. Look to your connection with your higher self to find some peace and understanding, then act as a beacon to spread the light.

Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~

Friday, October 16, 2020

Libra New Moon October 16, 2020

    With this afternoon's New Moon at 23 degrees of Libra, it's time to seek balance in our relationships and partnerships. Have you been feeling the discord that is so prevalent everywhere  in your own relationship? Do you desire more peace and harmony at home or in the office? If you're feeling out of sorts, so too are your loved ones, family, friends, co-workers and business partners! Libra is all about equality and fairness. It rules the lower courts, as well as art galleries and museums.

   With the Sun and Moon joining together in this Cardinal Air sign, this is an opportunity to pause and reflect on how the outer picture of your life presently reflects your inner turmoil. This alignment can be used to strengthen relationships by acknowledging the polarities that exist and attempting to find common ground. Nothing and no-one is ever perfect, but it's the harmonious pursuit of an even playing field that is important. Seeking outside ourselves for someone to make us feel alright, is putting too much pressure on ourselves first and others second. 

   Librans desire being at the helm of the ship while navigating relationship waters. They don't do exploration very easily due to the unknowns. Once they realize that balance begins with the self, they find themselves at the fulcrum, keeping the soul in harmony with the personality. Think of your higher Self as your Soul and your lower self as your personality. Both have something to offer during trying times, and while seeking that still point that let's us know, it may not be perfect but now we know what we're dealing with and can make choices about how to proceed.

    Generally a very refined sign, Libra tends towards peace-keeping so as not to rock the boat. Sometimes, this can lead to indecision or needing the opinions of others in order to make up our minds about things. Taking into consideration the thoughts and feelings of our significant others is a natural thing to do, but when it becomes hemming and hawing and being unable to make a decision, then it's time to question our inner motivations and discover what we're afraid to reflect outward. Being honest with ourselves lays the groundwork for better relating and interactions with others. This may involve some professional guidance at first, so be it. Whatever you do, stay out of judgement, shame and blame, or right and wrong. Those thought processes are what initiated feelings of unworthiness in the first place. You are worthy. You deserve a loving relationship with yourself and others. You are lovable and capable of giving and receiving love. Believe it!

   While trying to keep the ship of love afloat, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet firmly planted on the deck~

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Aries Full Moon October 1, 2020

   Today is October 1st and we welcome the first Full Moon of the month, a Harvest Moon. The second Full Moon falls on October 31st, making that one a "blue" Moon, just in time for Halloween! This evening's Full Moon is exact at 5:05pm in the 9th degree of Aries. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is "A scholar creates new forms for ancient symbols."  To me, that means using our thoughts and minds to create current, unique models out of past figures in order to design new shapes that grow and develop into workable templates for the times we live in. An example: forms of society based on old conditioning that no longer fulfill their intended purpose and now need fresh new parameters. In other words, change and growth based on new reality. Think about it...

    So, how can we use the illuminating Aries Full Moon to incorporate our need to assert ourselves without blowing the "others" out of the water? By realizing first that our battle is always with the self, an internal struggle between our ego and our will. This Full Moon only makes one aspect to another planet and that's the opposition to the Sun In Libra, making this a quest for balance, first with the self, then as we project ourselves out to others.

     Aries Moon sits alongside the Centaur, Chiron, known as the Wounded Healer.  This alignment offers a strong and compassionate ability that stems from knowing one's own insecurities and wounds and having done our work, so we don't project our hurts onto others. Chiron in Aries is about healing the damaged self that may overcompensate for early hurts by reacting or pushing others away before they can hurt us too. The polarity of an Aries Moon/Chiron opposition to the Libra Sun is a tricky one, because it holds so much potential for either making inroads to healing relationships, or becoming a runaway train wreck! 

    It's all well and good to see what others need, but if we ignore our own needs, we run the risk of burnout, or worse yet, injuring someone else emotionally because we haven't started with self-care. If asking for help is new to you, maybe that's the thing you need at this time. If only asking for help and not taking steps to make the changes you need in your life is your M. O., then this Aries Full Moon can give you a new starting line. Maybe you're somewhere in the middle, with an awakening awareness of yourself that allows for loving detachment. Wherever you are, today offers new insight.

    Whatever new possibilities this Full Moon shines on for you, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Virgo New Moon September 17, 2020

    The Moon joins the Sun at 25 degrees of Virgo today, a little late to the party, but bringing healthy digestibles nonetheless! In the Northern Hemisphere, Virgo Moon wants nothing more than to harvest what's left in our earthly garden and to see how we can best use these gifts from Mother Nature.  As an adaptable Earth sign, Virgo in the Southern Hemisphere addresses what needs to be planted in the way of healing herbs and vegetables. No matter where you live, this Virgo New Moon is a time for sowing or reaping practicality, whether with health considerations or in daily service. Plant new seeds of productivity!

   With the Sun and Moon tucked away in the 12th House of inner work, confinement is a keyword here. Haven't we been dealing with this issue for the last 6 months?! Enough already! Although... it's perfect for a self-imposed time of sorting through negative thoughts, fantastical ideas and unhealthy habits, so that we can be more productive members of society. 

   This lunation forms an earth alliance with Saturn (response-ability) and Pluto (transformative power) in the Cardinal sign Capricorn. Self-confidence and knowing what your strong points are can assist you greatly in making new foundations for your future. Pay attention to those around you, especially the more vulnerable, and make sure to build structures that are inclusive, rather than exclusive. If you have the bare bones of something you started, but had to put on hold since the pandemic, it would be wise to revise your  plans into something more do-able now.

   Be practical, considerate and realistic while taking measured steps forward and make sure to gently test the terrain around you to see if it holds up to your plans. Remember that Mars is retrograde until November 14th so don't push too aggressively against the tide. We are in very rough waters right now and need to tread lightly, while compromising where our conscience lets us. Intention is more than half the battle, so learn patience and adaptability while seeing where the fruits of your labor has shown promise.

   I am reminded of two of the Norse Runes at this time: Hagalaz, or hailstorm and Hera, or harvest in one year. Pay attention to the detail/symbols all around you for guidance and insight. and kindly remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground. May you reap abundant rewards in the future~


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Pisces Full Moon September 2, 2020

   The Full Moon culminates overnight at 10 degrees of Pisces, highlighting our unseen connections to the whole world. Sensitivity, intuition and empathy are hallmarks of this water sign.  Pisces expresses energetically through love and wisdom, devotion and idealism, and asks how best to be of service in the world. Taken too far, this can manifest as radical extremism, which can promote savior complexes, either waiting for one or thinking you can save the world single-handedly.

   When positively demonstrated, Piscean energy shows up in compassionate caring or artistic and/or spiritual endeavors. When acting negatively, the mutable energy of Pisces lacks boundaries, confuses fantasy for reality, and can overindulge in drugs or alcohol. Listening to one's inner muse is the stuff dreams are made of, channeling creativity into beautiful works of art, engaging films and music that speaks to our souls.

   In the chart of the Full Moon, we see some difficult aspects between the planetary archetypes that necessitate careful consideration, beginning with the opposition of the Sun in Virgo and Moon in Pisces. Immediately there is the pull between what is real and what is not. Virgo's specialty is organization and that requires clarity, yet the opposing Moon in Pisces lacks boundaries and doesn't know if it's seeing an illusion and what it wants to see or something concrete.

   Add to that, the Moon's applying to Neptune, planetary ruler of Pisces, and one runs the risk of projecting needs and wants onto others. A remedy is to sit this one out while communing with your inner muse or spiritual beliefs. Time spent in solitude, or in nature are effective ways of getting clarity about what is most important at this time. This is an opportunity to connect with our higher selves or better angels, while ignoring the the lure of instant gratification and hidden promises of things too good to be true.

   Keeping your head in the stars and your feet on the ground, can help with this delicate balancing act of the here and now, dreams and reality.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Pathways Astrology: August New Moon in Leo

Pathways Astrology: August New Moon in Leo:    I'm not sure where you are, but here on the island, the wind and rain has abated, letting the sun shine, just in time to celebrate to...

August New Moon in Leo

   I'm not sure where you are, but here on the island, the wind and rain has abated, letting the sun shine, just in time to celebrate today's Leo New Moon! The Moon joins the Sun at 28 Leo, coming together tonight at  10:41pm EST.
Sitting alongside the Lights, is communicative Mercury. This collaboration in Leo brings the mind and heart together making it easier to express our true feelings. A loving and caring ease is brought to any conversation now, as long as the Leo ego is set aside. The courageous will of the lion can roar mightily in defense of self, children or loved ones.

   While the Sun in Leo is filled with life force and vitality, desiring to express itself in a dramatic outgoing way, the Moon here is borrowing courage to take a risk and allow its innermost feelings to see the light of day. The power of these two archetypal energies aligned in fiery Leo can work together to make bold declarations of love, creativity and necessary change. Where are you needing to tap into your inner strength and ignite a spark?

   Mars in Aries is forming a trine to the threesome in Leo, animating whatever is coming to life with a burning intensity that will continue to grow throughout this lunar month. Just know that all this fire energy requires a good dose of self-discipline and adjustment. Thankfully, Saturn is in the picture to apply the brakes to all this martian energy, while the Sun, Moon and Mercury are all in a quincunx aspect to Saturn helping us to regulate or fine-tune whatever we are adapting to.

   I like the image of a kite in the chart for this New Moon, formed by the Grand Trine of Fire between Mars in Aries,  the Sun, Moon and Mercury in Leo, aand the South Node in Sagittarius, connected by sextiles to the North Node in Gemini. This aspect pattern speaks to possibilities and inspiration, trust and faith which is inherent at this time, especially with words and interactions that support and encourage others. Perhaps it's the audacity of hope and change that I'm feeling. I hope you feel it too!

   While finding time to enjoy the last weeks of summer, remember... keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.


Monday, August 3, 2020

Pathways Astrology: Full Moon in Aquarius

Pathways Astrology: Full Moon in Aquarius:    Hang on to your hats people, because we're in for a bumpy ride and an unexpected turn of events under this Aquarian Full Moon that cu...

Full Moon in Aquarius

   Hang on to your hats people, because we're in for a bumpy ride and an unexpected turn of events under this Aquarian Full Moon that culminates today at 11:58 am EST! While Aquarius is the sign of groups, technology and independence, its' ruling planet, Uranus, is squaring off with both the Sun and Moon, highlighting a time of surprises, quirky behaviors and upheaval.

   This is definitely not a run-of-the-mill Full Moon! With the Sun in his own sign Leo, there's a lot of energy around self-expression and willfulness. Watch out for overt egos to be declaring that it's their way, or the highway. On the other hand, leaders and authority figures with big hearts can be shining a light on the needs of those whom they are responsible for. Reach out to benevolent persons in key positions that can assist you. And, if you are one of those loving people, thank you for using your strength and courage to stand against tyranny, abuse and neglect.

   With yesterday's Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus, we are challenged not to insist on having our own way at the expense of others, or to refuse to budge and meet others halfway. This may not be the time to lock down certain protocols or institute new overarching programs, but it could be the moment of seeing the light coming through the cracks where the greatest changes are needed. If you need to stand firm in your ability to express yourself, don't let anyone take that away from you.

   Adopting a wait-and-see attitude while the repercussions of this week's shake-ups become apparent, can put you in a better place to make decisions after Mercury enters Leo tomorrow. Aggressive Mars wants to push us into something, but it would be wise to avoid his impulsiveness just now, as he is being the bully on the playground and challenging the biggest kid out there, Jupiter, who will mix it up with him, no matter the outcome. Don't make mountains out of molehills!

   While Venus is getting ready to exit Gemini, where she has been since April 3rd, we need to ask ourselves... what has our communication and interactions with  those nearest or dearest been saying about our intentions? Venus is making some minor aspects to the key players today - Sun, Moon and Uranus, and her subtle influences behind the scenes may go unnoticed with all the upheaval surrounding us. However, I feel it is important for our self-worth to be clear and honest with ourselves about what we are doing amidst all the changes. Can we feel uncomfortable and still align with our conscience to raise awareness of the corrections needed? Or, do we cave into self-doubt and fear?


Sunday, July 19, 2020

Pathways Astrology: Second Cancer New Moon of the Summer!

Pathways Astrology: Second Cancer New Moon of the Summer!: Happy New Moon at 28 degrees of Cancer! The second Cancer New Moon of the summer is tomorrow at 1:32 pm EST. What's the difference betw...

Second Cancer New Moon of the Summer!

Happy New Moon at 28 degrees of Cancer! The second Cancer New Moon of the summer is tomorrow at 1:32 pm EST. What's the difference between this one and the first one, you might ask... plenty!

While this Moon does indeed join the Sun again in this somewhat moody water sign, the New Moon on June 21st was a Solar Eclipse at 0 degrees of Cancer. In other words, the Sun had just passed the Solstice point when the Moon joined it, kicking off a lunar month of emotional ups and downs. The solstice also aligned with an eclipse and intensified everything! That was a month ago and several things have changed to make this a less moody New Moon, perhaps more personal, as it sets the stage for a lunar month ahead that can include feeling like we're beginning to swim with the tide, instead of against it.

The current New Moon is at the end of the Sun's journey through Cancer and the Moon has made a complete revolution through all the signs of the zodiac, coming back around to rejoin the Sun for new starts involving home or real estate, family, feelings and how we nurture ourselves and others. This is a second chance to make things right, where previously we may have felt thwarted at every turn, internalizing our feelings and not expressing our true needs. Why was it so hard and what has changed? Both Venus in Gemini, the planet of values, and Mercury in Cancer, the planet of communication, were retrograde. Now they are both moving forward. We get to take what we learned about our motives and apply our intentions towards the future, not the past.

This current astrology, both the Sun and Moon in Cancer, oppose retrograde Saturn representing authority figures, restraint and limitation. Saturn has rejoined Pluto (power of transformation) and Jupiter (expansion of the mind) in Capricorn. We are in the process of death and rebirth as individuals and as a nation. Surrounded by drama, intensity and the need for change, the outmoded power structures of the old status quo recognize their immanent demise and will not go quietly. It is up to each individual to recognize what family, security and compassion mean to them, and to act with integrity as they proceed in the direction that their hearts and minds tell them to go. No acting rashly or reacting out of fear will deliver us safely to a calmer shore. It will take bravery, strength and perseverance to rebuild our self esteems, our relationships, and our republic, along with compassion, communication and acceptance.

Mars, the action planet, is in his home territory of Aries, giving us the get-up-and-go we've been needing. But he comes with a warning. All around us, we see levels of frustration at being blocked, or anger at situations outside of our control causing aggression and hostility. This sense of powerlessness is rampant. Assertion is needed when people are feeling it's time to take their power back. Being assertive is standing one's ground while still allowing others to listen and offer their opinions. Whereas, aggressive or hostile behavior is based on old habit patterns and is completely non-productive. It's also part of the me or you, us or them mentality, which doesn't serve to mend emotional fences. Mars will go retrograde in September and turn direct in November, not leaving this fiery sign until January 2021. We have almost 6 more months to decide whether we will act assertively, taking steps however small towards our goals, or react aggressively to the world around us in blaming others, perhaps creating more barriers and delays to the progress we seek. It's a daily choice, whether to let others push our buttons, or to remain calm in the face of upheaval while continuing to put one foot in front of the other.

We've got our work cut out for us. Remember... head in the stars and feet on the ground~

Friday, July 3, 2020

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn

   Welcome to the third eclipse of the season at the Capricorn Full Moon, which happens to be sitting very close to the United States Solar return. The US is having a Solar return at 4:59 pm on July 4th, and the Full Moon Eclipse culminates at 12:44 am on the 5th. It feels like we've been having fireworks since the 1st eclipse on June 5th, so let's hope this Full Moon isn't as eventful. Many Fourth of July festivities are cancelled in a lot of communities, and that might be a good thing given the underlying currents that Jupiter has been exacerbating along with Pluto in Capricorn.

   The chart for this Full Moon shows the Sun at 13 Cancer and the Moon at 13 Capricorn. We're still on that axis of safety and security/home and business. The covid virus and dirty politics definitely bring that polarity into full view! We've been on a roller coaster ride of trying to keep our bodies and our homes safe, while figuring out how to get back to work.

   Neptune aligns positively with the Sun and Pluto now to increase opportunities for intuition, creativity and spirituality. Powerful insights can help you make lasting strides in your daily life and yet there is a caution against self-deception,  false prophets and the like. Tune in to your higher self through meditation and listen to your body's reaction to know your own truth.

   Everything feels a bit off  this year for celebrating our national holiday with the virus decimating the health of our country and the world. And yet, the virus is an apt metaphor for the institutional racism built into the foundation of our nation, always lurking beneath the surface to erupt into bigotry, hatred and prejudice whenever the white status quo feels threatened. Just as we seek the answers from science for a cure or a vaccine, so too do we need to look deeply within our own minds and hearts and root out the biases lurking there.

   Let's celebrate the rights of all men, women and children, of all colors and creeds, whatever nationality they may be and the positive efforts being made so that all may one day enjoy the safety of a home, the security of a job and the dignity of a healthy life well-lived. And let's remember to keep our heads in the stars and our feet on the ground.



Thursday, June 4, 2020

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

   Welcome to the first Lunar Eclipse at the start of the summer season! Tomorrow, June 5th, the Full Moon at 15 degrees of Sagittarius and the Sun at 15 Gemini, kicks off eclipse season at 3:12 pm EDT; unfortunately, we won't be able to see it in North America. It will be followed on June 21st by a Solar Eclipse New Moon, with both the Sun and Moon at 00 degrees of Cancer, one day after the Summer Solstice. This is the official beginning of Summer! As an added bonus, another Lunar Eclipse, Full Moon in Capricorn occurs on July 5th. And you thought things weren't exciting enough?!

   The chart for this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, clearly points out the struggles caused by squares to militant Mars and dubious Neptune from the Sagittarius Moon and Gemini Sun. Angst and confusion, uncertainty and an urge to move forward, but in what direction? No need to rush forward and create more problems. There's enough anger being spewed around as it is. Besides, Mars in Pisces (Neptune's home), needs to learn patience while focusing on his spiritual warrior identity. Instead of directing slings and arrows at "them", whoever they may put blame on, Mars' job here is to uncover the hidden truth that we are all connected and when one person suffers, we all suffer. Don't you get that already?!

   Now... there's a lot more love being spread around than hate, if you just look for it! The news and social media focuses on division, so cut back on your daily dose of fear-mongering. Yes, Venus is retrograde in Gemini, so we do need to be flexible and adaptable while practicing our listening skills. Actually, this is a good time to reflect on what's important to us, who and what we value and where we feel good about ourselves. As the esoteric ruler of Gemini, Venus wants to spread love to everyone she comes in contact with. Sometimes that takes the form of loving detachment, knowing when to keep our mouth shut or walk away from a person, or a situation that can be harmful or doesn't serve a higher purpose.

    Look at that, I almost forgot to talk about the Sagittarian Moon! Full Moons always highlight how we're doing with the energies that started at the New Moon two weeks prior. With the Sun in Gemini, sharing ideas, planning and connecting is still the focus. The Moon in Sagittarius will reflect those ideas onto the bigger screen to see where we might move out into the world. Instead of thinking only about our little reality, we can begin to recognize that there are a lot of other realities and somehow, they're all connected. This is a future-oriented sign and tends to be inclusive, rather than exclusive.

   The Moon in this optimistic and out-going Fire sign, is greatly needed to keep inspiring us to look ahead, and yet it will be eclipsed by Gemini Sun's duality, pushing our emotional natures all over the place until we just want to run away. But we can't... besides, where would we go... rocket launches currently only take two people at a time off the planet.

   Speaking of which, there are Russian and American cosmonauts living and working together on the International Space Station 200 miles above the Earth. They live in a highly technological environment, orbiting their home planet every hour and a half. Don't you think they occasionally look down and marvel at beauty of this planet and wonder how human beings can choke the life out of  each other as well as pollute the air they breathe and the water they drink, all to line their pockets at the expense of mankind? Perhaps this Lunar Eclipse will show us a new direction for our higher minds, so we can become our better selves.

    Look up to the heavens, head in the stars and be grateful for the ground you walk on.

Friday, May 22, 2020

New Moon in Gemini - May 2020

  The Gemini New Moon is exact today, May 22nd at 1:38 pm EST. Leading up to this time for a new beginning, we've had squares from both affectionate Venus and inquisitive Mercury to nebulous Neptune, muddying the waters and our thought processes. One minute we think... this, the next minute... that, then we succumb to lethargy. Well, now here comes the Moon and Sun combining our inner and outer energies in the curious sign of Gemini, stimulating our interests and desires.

   Yes, I know... covid is causing us to be careful and being safe is a necessary factor of life right now. Just because the sun is shining and people are out and about doesn't mean it's time to relax our safety standards! Use that sense of curiosity to explore new ideas, new places to walk, new skills to work on. By utilizing our minds and our hands, we can avoid boredom and honor the Gemini sense of connection.

   Another facet of this New Moon chart is that both Lights are being challenged by Mars, the archetype of energy and aggression. Pushing our own agenda too forcefully onto others could create roadblocks in communication rather than making new inroads for discussion.  Plant the seed for a new approach, then lead by example, also watching to see what others are offering up at this time. There are many exciting new ways of offering services, providing take-out foods and being a participant in small group get-togethers. What unique approach can you come up with for keeping yourself engaged and moving forward in this strange time period? 

   I've been thinking of metaphors for masks and there is one that shows up in this New Moon chart for the United States, that I feel is worth sharing. Virgo is rising and as the sign on the Ascendant, represents the mask we wear for the world. I may lose a few of you here, but I want you to know that as the chart ruler, Mercury, which also rules Gemini, is currently placed in its home sign of Gemini. In esoteric Astrology, Venus is the soul-centered ruler of Gemini and also currently placed there. With both of these planetary energies together in the sign of communication and planning, talking and interacting with one another, especially loved ones, requires a modicum of self-restraint and a heavy dose of love. That is the mask we all need to wear, literally and figuratively, as we go out into the world and interact more with each other.

   So, while venturing outside yourself to connect in new ways or on new pathways, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Pathways Astrology: Scorpio Full Moon In The Time Of The Covid19 Pande...

Pathways Astrology: Scorpio Full Moon In The Time Of The Covid19 Pande...:    The Full Flower Moon culminates at 6:45 tomorrow morning, in the Fixed Water sign of Scorpio. This is also the highly celebrated Wesak M...

Scorpio Full Moon In The Time Of The Covid19 Pandemic

   The Full Flower Moon culminates at 6:45 tomorrow morning, in the Fixed Water sign of Scorpio. This is also the highly celebrated Wesak Moon in Buddhist tradition when the spirit of the Buddha is said to return to the Earth.
We know that Full Moons can be overwhelming and we know that Scorpio tends to be very intense, so the amount of emotional energy behind this Moon looks to be all-encompassing.

   Scorpio Full Moon is highlighting two main things - death and finances. That's its' realm, along with creation, regeneration and transformation. In the chart for Washington D.C. which as the Capital of the United States, shows the picture of primary concern, and challenges or opportunities, we find Taurus Sun in the 12th House opposite Scorpio Moon in the 6th. This is the healing axis, as well as daily schedules and where we experience confinement, such as in hospitals and prisons, or where we work to adjust to changing situations.

   What is everyone consumed with right now... opening businesses and getting back to making money, as opposed to people dying from an unseen yet potent enemy, the Covid 19 virus. That speaks to the Full Moon rather succinctly! With the Sun (leaders) in Taurus (Fixed Earth) in the 12th house of healing or un-doing, opposing the Moon (public sentiment) in Scorpio (deep emotions)  in the 6th house of daily life, you have to ask yourself, what is most important right now? Let's try to be more respectful of each other, even when we don't have all the information about others' lives and motivations.

   Instead of becoming fearful of what we can't control, we have the option to be loving and work together to get to the bottom of this pandemic's hold on our daily lives. I've said it before, many times... there are two basic emotions - love and fear. If you're not coming from one, you're coming from the other. What do you chose? Watch out for anger arising in reaction to situations or people pushing each others buttons. With both the Sun and Mercury making an harmonious aspect to Neptune, there's an opportunity to interact with others out of compassion and understanding. Healing can take place.

   This chart also shows the very recent movement of the Lunar Nodes from the Cancer/Capricorn axis to Gemini/Sagittarius for the next 18 months. We go from the emotional need for security (Cancer) and the focus of the status quo (Capricorn) to acquiring knowledge and being flexible (Gemini), along with the wisdom of seeing the bigger picture (Sagittarius). That's an elemental change from Water and Earth into Air and Fire. I will write more about that in a separate blog.

   In the meantime... remember to wear a mask around others, keep a social distance of 6 feet, and let's all try and be more respectful of each other. Then we can truly say we have our heads in the stars and our feet on the ground. Many blessings until next time~



Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Taurus New Moon & A Breath of Fresh Air For Mother Earth

   The Taurus New Moon is exact on Wednesday, April 22nd at 10:26 pm EST. The Moon is exalted in Taurus and this Sun/Moon conjunction is also in alignment with the revolutionary planet Aquarius, which will remain in Taurus through 2026. So what does that all mean? Currently, the focus is on the Earth and stabilizing our effect on this planet, but Uranian energy is the opposite of stability. Let's look at that.

   We can see how the covid-19 virus has affected our impact on the air and water quality of Mother Earth. But can we also feel the vibrational impact we are having on her as she shudders to renew herself this Spring, breathing in and breathing out?! While we're worried that we may breathe in the deadly virus, the Earth is still taking in toxic chemicals every day. Yes, we've taken a time-out, gone to our rooms and stayed out of our cars, planes, trains and ferries for over a month now and she's been able to breathe more freely. How long will we - humanity, maintain a healthy respect for her?

   These are the true questions we need to be asking ourselves right now, because we need to make a big difference in how we live on the Earth. We need to stop taking our resources for granted. We need to be smarter and less greedy about our real necessities, like clean air, clean water and healthy soil to grow our food in. I believe we CAN make a difference. I believe we can make changes in our lives every minute of every day, if we consciously consider our choices and choose, or become, leaders that represent those priorities as well.

   Mercury, the planet of communication, thoughts, planning and commerce, is in Aries, the sign of new beginnings. In 3 days, Mercury will run into Pluto (transformation) and then Jupiter (expansion), really pushing us into finding new ways of growing and building new structures. If we rush into things too fast, we run the risk of repeating the past or creating systems that don't move us forward in a better way. We need to take our time, be patient and incorporate the knowledge available to us in this new reality.

   So, while we crave finding some kind of stability and financial security (Taurus), Uranus here reminds us to stay flexible and be in the moment, while staying focused on our goals. Let's use the innovative and disruptive qualities of this resourceful and unconventional energy to connect with others. Let's avoid the narrow-minded tendencies that can come with Taurus, no matter how well-meaning, and adopt a more objective view to the unknown possibilities of living in present moment awareness!

   This has been a big wake-up call ... how many more do we need before the Earth says enough already? Look up, keeping your head in the stars, and walk gently, with your feet on the ground, leaving only footprints.



Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Libra Full Moon in the Time of Uncertainty

   Tonight's Full Moon at 18 Libra is a reminder to take all things with a grain of salt... moderation is key to not going overboard and jumping to conclusions or  rushing off in some new direction out of fear. It is also timely to consider how we affect others and others affect us - as in... we're all in this together so we might as well be considerate of one another.

    Libra Moon wants us to look as who the important people are in our lives and where a relationship might be out of balance. Are we listening to each other, taking turns, or does the same scenario play out each time this situation, question or issue comes up? Here's an opportunity to take the viewpoint of our partner for a change and see things from their perspective.

   With the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Libra, the polarity is all about myself and others. Is it "me, me, me", or "us, us, us" all the time? Either way, there needs to be a balance between only seeing oneself in the context of a relationship or only seeing ones own needs in a relationship... got that? Libra is an Air sign and words float through the air to another's ears. Do you need to communicate better? Do you need to change how you put your thoughts into words so that you're not putting shame or blame on the other. 

   Yes, you can say "I feel this way"... as opposed to, "You make me feel." It's good to share your feelings, but not to give your power away by making someone else responsible for how you're feeling. Acceptance of your partner and their feelings, or anyone else you have a relationship with, is as important to them as it is to you to feel heard. So, listen, share when appropriate and remember to tell your ego to take a back seat if necessary, or to speak up if that's what is needed.

    Sharing enjoyment together, even at a distance, is possible if that's where we put the focus. Energy follows thought, so by telling yourself to focus on the positive things in a relationship, can lead to a greater appreciation of one another and what you have going for yourselves. And in this time of uncertainty, the first relationship we need to appreciate is the one we have with ourselves.

   Stay safe, keep your respective distance, do look up at the night sky and the Full Moon and make sure your feet are firmly planted on the ground~


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Aries New Moon 2020

   The New Moon in Aries arrives at 5:28am EST. If you truly needed a jump-start, here it is! With both the Sun and Moon in this energetic Fire sign, a much-needed dose of enthusiasm and courage appears at just the right time. Closely aligned with the maverick centaur Chiron, also in Aries, a new course of action is possible now. Chiron is the embodiment of painful experiences from which we grow through healing, first ourselves, then others.

   These three planetary bodies, the Sun, Moon and Chiron, also square the Nodes of the Moon, making this feel like a karmic time for dealing with our wounds in order to move forward and create safer structures for ourselves. Yes, it's a tall order, but the universe is offering us a chance for a new beginning now.
Nothing will change overnight, but we can be well on our way to embracing a novel approach once we do a bit of exploration. Think of this time as perfect for embracing various modes of healing, understanding and compassion.

   With Mars, the ruling planet of Aries having just conjoined powerful Pluto at 24 degrees of Capricorn, our individual energy needs be directed at self-healing, first and foremost, in order for a transformation to take place. Mars will make his way into Aquarius on the 30th, then join Saturn there at 1 degree of this innovative Air sign. Do you feel the shift from so much Water and Earth to include some Fire and Air now? We still have to work with the Earth energy of making structural changes to those systems that are breaking down in the body, our communities and governments, but I feel a fresh breeze blowing in through science and technology to combine with innovative intelligence and that makes me feel hopeful!

   Venus in Taurus is taking her pleasant and loving attitude around to harmonize with Mars, Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn and make working solutions that can be beneficial for the financial picture. It isn't a big reset for the overall state of affairs in business, but it may be your opportunity to find a creative way to sustain yourself in these difficult times. Be still, go within and listen to what your higher self is trying to tell you.

   As always, remember to keep your head in the stars and one foot in front of the other as you wend your way along the present path.



Thursday, March 19, 2020

Spring Equinox 2020

This is Thursday, March 19th, 2020 and the Sun leaves Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac tonight, moving into Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac. Aries is Cardinal Fire, which means it courageously jumps into life, by going, being and doing whatever it feels passion for. The Sun, ruler of fiery Leo, is said to be "exalted" in Aries, another Fire sign. Leaving watery and somewhat lethargic Pisces and entering bold, outgoing Aries, is a big transition for any planet to make, especially the Sun.

Think of it this way, the Sun in Pisces shines across the top of the water, broken up by currents moving it to and fro with multiple compassionate sensitivities. But in its' own element in Aries, it has the chance to shine and thrive. Passion and growth build and enthusiasm returns after a seemingly emotional time-out.

The problem right now is that the whole world is still on a time-out and all the energy being generated after the Equinox tonight needs to be funneled somewhere. How about we look at new ways of connecting with our families, communities and the world that acknowledge we all have the same needs for health and well-being, namely food, shelter, medical care and purpose?!

Yes, we definitely need to isolate our physical bodies, but not our intentions or our minds. We can still connect through prayer, meditation, on-line meetings, and phone calls or texts. Staying in touch is so important now. Share your ideas and enthusiasm for how to heal and help restore new life in the world.
The Sun is aligned closely with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, reminding us that we all hurt and we can recover and grow beyond our differences as long as we accept each other.

The Sun rules Leo, the sign of the Heart and entering Aries now, the sign of the Head, we can spend the next month bringing our heads and hearts together. The Moon is in Aquarius today, accentuating groups, networking, Astrology, ingenuity and technology. Where will you direct your healing abilities to bring greater cohesiveness and renewal this Spring?

Remember, while opening your heart, to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground... by getting outside for walks, vitamin D and fresh air. I'm wishing every person, creature and the whole Earth a season of renewed courage, strength and regeneration!

Monday, March 9, 2020

Pathways Astrology: Full Worm Moon in Virgo

Pathways Astrology: Full Worm Moon in Virgo:    The Full Worm Moon is exact at 1:48pm on March 9th in the 19th degree of Virgo. The polarity of the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Virgo e...

Full Worm Moon in Virgo

   The Full Worm Moon is exact at 1:48pm on March 9th in the 19th degree of Virgo. The polarity of the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Virgo emphasizes an awareness of what needs to be healed or let go of. Virgo is good at helping to assess the details and figure out what needs weeding out or being let go of.

   Virgo discerns what's important and Pisces intuits the path to healing. Sometimes it's as simple as making space around us, whether cleaning up our pantry, organizing paperwork or letting go of carbs and eating lighter. The Sun conjunct Pisces' ruler, Neptune, adds an element of fantasy or imagination that opposes Virgo Moon, making confusion more likely than clarity. It would be best to take practical steps and avoid obsessive behaviors based on fear of change.

   Mercury goes from retrograde to direct motion at 28 Aquarius, nine hours after the Full Moon culminates. This placement can bring a lot of ideas quickly, or news from the web, or, over radio waves, that feels unsettling. The news may also include possible reasons for hopefulness around stemming the spread of the corona virus, but that is unlikely! It is more likely that the virus is declared a pandemic and we see it blossom.

   Fear-mongering, panic and spinning our wheels only exacerbates the physical, emotional and financial suffering being felt around the globe at this time. It's important to take precautionary steps in your daily life, extra Vitamin C and avoid places where the virus is more likely to be contagious. Be smart and aware and let go of fear.

   In the meantime, remember... keep your sneeze-free head in the stars and your feet on solid ground~ 


Sunday, February 23, 2020

Pisces New Moon

  Today's New Moon in Pisces, culminating at 10:31am EST, brings our awareness to our dreams, subconscious feelings and sensitivity. It is important that we take time to explore these more subtle aspects of ourselves and the world around us during this lunar cycle, in order to become cognizant of what it is that our higher selves are helping us to realize.

   The Messenger of the Gods, Mercury, is standing very close to the Sun and Moon, giving us an opportunity for this knowledge to come into the conscious realm and assist us as individuals and for humanity. Yes, Mercury is still retrograde... and what better time to reflect on recent events, behaviors or thoughts that no longer serve us. With these three archetypes in Neptune's realm of the unseen, we are asked to have faith, and challenged not to dive into fantasies based on unreachable or unobtainable expectations. I've said it before (quoting an old advertisement)... "is it real, or is it memorex?"

   The enthusiasm of this New Moon chart can be carried through the month ahead if we take our new-found enthusiasm and self-assurance and apply it to actual steps forward. Being assertive is necessary now in order to use the ingenuity of the ideas we've been presented with. We just need to realize that we're in a preparation mode that requires deep inner connection and release of old patterns, thought-forms and habits before jumping blindly into the fray! Otherwise, we have the possibility of sabotaging ourselves and our goals in the future.

   Moderation is key to succeeding with our desires at this point. While we don't have to allow authority figures to tell us what to do every step of the way, becoming our own authority involves a mindful approach to others, especially those who are our allies and partners. Compromise in working within organizations and large groups is crucial now. The empathy we want others to have for us, has to reciprocated!

   What can you do in the weeks ahead to be in touch with your inner muse? Start with turning off the TV or radio and listening to the sounds around you. Walk by the ocean and hear the waves lapping on the shore, or take a hike through the woods and fields and hear the birds chirping in the trees. In other words, you can quiet your mind and all the chatter so that your intuition and/or subconscious can express itself and you'll actually be cognizant of the messages.

   While you are enjoying this lunar cycle of reflection and restoration, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground. 



Saturday, February 8, 2020

Leo Full Moon

  The Moon has been in sunny Leo since Friday night and will catch up to the Sun at 22 degrees of Leo early Sunday morning, making this an exceptional weekend of fun, love and creative self-expression. After the week we've had, some enjoyment is well deserved!

   The full Moon likes to go big, and in Fixed Leo the dramatic factor is enhanced. Leo is ruled by the most powerful planet in our Solar system - the Sun, which gives this Fire sign it's dignity, determination and strength. The drive for recognition or admiration can be quite noticeable and some egos may be more emboldened than others. For everyone to have a good time, egos must be checked at the door!

     Where do you have this degree of Leo in your chart? That's where you can shine and perhaps get the recognition for your efforts that haven't really been acknowledged. However, don't be doing something just to be noticed, do it because it feels good to express yourself in a way that includes others.

    The Moon is contacting her own node points which makes this feel somewhat fated, especially around home and family. If you recognize the scenario as it's playing out, remember that a lesson learned doesn't have to be repeated. Maybe this is a turning point in a close relationship that allows the love to come through. Venus and Chiron, known as the wounded healer, come together in Aries, making this an excellent time to mend fences. Painful experiences from the past don't need to define you. If your efforts aren't reciprocated, perhaps it's time to move on.

   Leo Moon interacts with active Mars in Aries, another Fire sign, bringing self-confidence to higher levels and helping one to step up to the challenge they're facing. It's a great time to enjoying planning for the future, looking at higher education or making travel plans for that exciting trip you've always wanted to take.

   Before you take off for distant shores, whether metaphorically or in reality, remember, while keeping your head in the stars, to keep your feet firmly on the ground! 



Friday, January 24, 2020

Aquarius New Moon 2020

   We have the Aquarius New Moon at 4:41 pm EST today. This means the start of a Lunar month focused around inventiveness, intellectual pursuits and group concerns. Aquarian energy is unique, rebellious and independent. When the two Lights come together in this Fixed Air sign, much can be be accomplished through the sharing of ideas that are new and different, leaving behind outmoded thinking that no longer serves the greater good.

   The fact that the Sun and Moon at 4 degrees of Aquarius are forming a square aspect to Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, at 2 degrees of Taurus, speaks to the possibility of sudden changes in how we view what's right in front of us. The challenge is not to be so locked up in one's own sense of self and need for security that we overlook the rights of others to also feel secure, financially and physically. Once we have stepped outside our own comfort zone and surveyed the situation we're dealing with, from a fresh perspective, then we can rely on our intuition to lead us to "right action".

   Pay attention to your thoughts and how you word things when talking with others. You can make some real headway because your thinking is clear right now, allowing yourself to more easily express your feelings. Just watch out for a tendency to be impatient!

   Romance, creativity and beauty are all enhanced by a Venus/Neptune encounter. Fantasy is a strong possibility under this influence, so check in with reality to make sure you aren't going down a rabbit hole.  If you listen to your muse , you could express yourself through an artistic past-time, like photography, painting or writing poetry. If none of these appeal to you, try visiting a museum or art gallery. At the very least, a romantic or nostalgic movie will fit the bill.

   For now, enjoy this new lunar energy that imprints the month ahead and remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Pathways Astrology: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer

Pathways Astrology: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer:    Welcome to the 1st Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of 2020, coming on the heels of December 26th's New Moon Solar Eclipse, and landing 2 day...

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer

   Welcome to the 1st Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of 2020, coming on the heels of December 26th's New Moon Solar Eclipse, and landing 2 days before the culmination of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction!! Wow, what a lot of energy that is to focus on.

   The Full Moon occurs on Jan. 10th at 2:21pm in the 20th degree of Cancer, opposing the Sun at 20 Capricorn and Mercury, also at 20 Capricorn. Not to be left out, this Full Moon is also opposed to both Saturn and Pluto, as they inch within minutes of each other at 22 Capricorn! Neither Venus, nor Jupiter are within orb of any other planets. However, just to add an element of excitement to the day's serious tone, the revolutionary planet, Uranus is turning Direct tonight, after four and a half months in retrograde motion! I wonder what surprises are in store?!

   You're probably wondering... what does it all mean? Actually, astrologers, myself included, have been talking and writing about much of these planetary influences for weeks, even months now. So, to paraphrase: the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will bring light to bear on our homes, legacies, roots or careers. We've all been experiencing the need to let go of, or purge ourselves of unwanted or unnecessary emotional and/or daily stress, as we move toward our desired outcome. The Eclipse can help us with that!

    This is the time frame in which we get to see how well we're doing taking care of ourselves. Is everything going to get better overnight? Hardly! But if we've been vigilantly honest with ourselves and begun the process of removing the dead wood that has been holding us back, whether attitudes, habits, relationships, jobs or living situations, then we can assess where we are at and what the next step is. It is after all, the time to get serious about being in charge of our own safety and security.

   An important alignment, and one not to be overlooked during this Full Moon phase, is Mercury conjuncting Saturn and Pluto, bringing clarity, logic and reason to bear as we express our needs in meaningful ways. No apologies or excuses needed, just say what you mean and become the authority in your own life by giving voice and applying effort to your intentions. The important people in your life will notice.

   In the meantime, let Neptune's soothing balm help inform you, through your intuition or artistic creativity, as you become more aware of the needs of others you encounter along your path. Avoid any feelings of martyrdom or putting others on pedestals, as they have their own paths to follow, and you, yours.

    Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~