
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Saturday, October 31, 2020

A Full "Boo" Moon

   Taurus Full Moon, October 31, 2020

Happy Full Moon! Happy Blue Moon! Happy Halloween!! Wow, what a mouthful and what an eventful few days we have coming up! The Full Moon at 8 degrees Taurus, is exact at 10:49am EST. And just a few minutes later, the Sun in Scorpio is opposed to that attention-seeking upstart, Uranus in Taurus. You know what that means... The Moon is directly aligned with the planet of uncontrollable energy and revolutionary activity during it's most potent phase!

People who have natal planets around 8 degrees of the Fixed signs, are more apt to be directly affected by these surprising events. Watch out for explosive behaviors, sudden upheavals and potentially life-altering incidents out-of-the-blue. Of course, these could be sudden changes for the better, not just negative situations. If you've been waiting for a sign of things to come, pay attention, you may find an opening.

As the Moon and Uranus both have to do with fluctuation and change, and they are hanging out together in the immovable Earth sign Taurus, we might expect some strong earthquake activity. That could happen anywhere along those planetary pathways around the globe, most notably in Eastern Europe, the Middle east and northern California.

Mercury is still retrograde at 26 Libra, not going direct until the afternoon of the US Election, keeping us guessing about the outcome even as it moves direct back into Scorpio, possibly stirring up secrets and misinformation. Try to remain clear in your communication with people, don't overreact or jump to conclusions in the week ahead. Staying in the moment and observing is your best means of navigating the uncertain waters ahead.

Mars is retrograde through November 13th in mid-Aries still creating an atmosphere of anticipation and anxiousness about beginning something new. It's best not to jump into anything you're not 100% sure of at this time, no hasty decisions or rash actions. Mars will wend his way back through the latter degrees of this Fire sign for the rest of 2020 and into the first week of 2021. This keeps everyone on the edge of their seats wanting a cure for covid-19 or a new direction in business, government or an uptick in their finances.

Neptune is interacting with the Nodes of the Moon, reminding us to focus on what we can do realistically that involves compassion, healing, spirituality or the arts. Burying our heads in the sand through escapism of any kind, especially indulgence in drugs and alcohol will only increase the befuddlement we already feel. Look to your connection with your higher self to find some peace and understanding, then act as a beacon to spread the light.

Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~

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