
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Taurus New Moon & A Breath of Fresh Air For Mother Earth

   The Taurus New Moon is exact on Wednesday, April 22nd at 10:26 pm EST. The Moon is exalted in Taurus and this Sun/Moon conjunction is also in alignment with the revolutionary planet Aquarius, which will remain in Taurus through 2026. So what does that all mean? Currently, the focus is on the Earth and stabilizing our effect on this planet, but Uranian energy is the opposite of stability. Let's look at that.

   We can see how the covid-19 virus has affected our impact on the air and water quality of Mother Earth. But can we also feel the vibrational impact we are having on her as she shudders to renew herself this Spring, breathing in and breathing out?! While we're worried that we may breathe in the deadly virus, the Earth is still taking in toxic chemicals every day. Yes, we've taken a time-out, gone to our rooms and stayed out of our cars, planes, trains and ferries for over a month now and she's been able to breathe more freely. How long will we - humanity, maintain a healthy respect for her?

   These are the true questions we need to be asking ourselves right now, because we need to make a big difference in how we live on the Earth. We need to stop taking our resources for granted. We need to be smarter and less greedy about our real necessities, like clean air, clean water and healthy soil to grow our food in. I believe we CAN make a difference. I believe we can make changes in our lives every minute of every day, if we consciously consider our choices and choose, or become, leaders that represent those priorities as well.

   Mercury, the planet of communication, thoughts, planning and commerce, is in Aries, the sign of new beginnings. In 3 days, Mercury will run into Pluto (transformation) and then Jupiter (expansion), really pushing us into finding new ways of growing and building new structures. If we rush into things too fast, we run the risk of repeating the past or creating systems that don't move us forward in a better way. We need to take our time, be patient and incorporate the knowledge available to us in this new reality.

   So, while we crave finding some kind of stability and financial security (Taurus), Uranus here reminds us to stay flexible and be in the moment, while staying focused on our goals. Let's use the innovative and disruptive qualities of this resourceful and unconventional energy to connect with others. Let's avoid the narrow-minded tendencies that can come with Taurus, no matter how well-meaning, and adopt a more objective view to the unknown possibilities of living in present moment awareness!

   This has been a big wake-up call ... how many more do we need before the Earth says enough already? Look up, keeping your head in the stars, and walk gently, with your feet on the ground, leaving only footprints.



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