
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Monday, August 3, 2020

Full Moon in Aquarius

   Hang on to your hats people, because we're in for a bumpy ride and an unexpected turn of events under this Aquarian Full Moon that culminates today at 11:58 am EST! While Aquarius is the sign of groups, technology and independence, its' ruling planet, Uranus, is squaring off with both the Sun and Moon, highlighting a time of surprises, quirky behaviors and upheaval.

   This is definitely not a run-of-the-mill Full Moon! With the Sun in his own sign Leo, there's a lot of energy around self-expression and willfulness. Watch out for overt egos to be declaring that it's their way, or the highway. On the other hand, leaders and authority figures with big hearts can be shining a light on the needs of those whom they are responsible for. Reach out to benevolent persons in key positions that can assist you. And, if you are one of those loving people, thank you for using your strength and courage to stand against tyranny, abuse and neglect.

   With yesterday's Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus, we are challenged not to insist on having our own way at the expense of others, or to refuse to budge and meet others halfway. This may not be the time to lock down certain protocols or institute new overarching programs, but it could be the moment of seeing the light coming through the cracks where the greatest changes are needed. If you need to stand firm in your ability to express yourself, don't let anyone take that away from you.

   Adopting a wait-and-see attitude while the repercussions of this week's shake-ups become apparent, can put you in a better place to make decisions after Mercury enters Leo tomorrow. Aggressive Mars wants to push us into something, but it would be wise to avoid his impulsiveness just now, as he is being the bully on the playground and challenging the biggest kid out there, Jupiter, who will mix it up with him, no matter the outcome. Don't make mountains out of molehills!

   While Venus is getting ready to exit Gemini, where she has been since April 3rd, we need to ask ourselves... what has our communication and interactions with  those nearest or dearest been saying about our intentions? Venus is making some minor aspects to the key players today - Sun, Moon and Uranus, and her subtle influences behind the scenes may go unnoticed with all the upheaval surrounding us. However, I feel it is important for our self-worth to be clear and honest with ourselves about what we are doing amidst all the changes. Can we feel uncomfortable and still align with our conscience to raise awareness of the corrections needed? Or, do we cave into self-doubt and fear?



  1. Thank you, Suzanne. So well-put, and I appreciate the down-to-earth advice.

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