
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Monday, July 2, 2012

Capricorn Full Moon & Mars in Libra

  The Sun and Moon culminate their monthly dance at tomorrow's Full Moon when they oppose each other at 13 degrees of Capricorn/Cancer. The Sabian Symbol for the Moon's degree is "A Fire Worshipper Meditates On The Ultimate Realities Of Existence". Lynda Hill says about this symbol in her book, The Sabian Oracle:360 Degrees Of Wisdom, that this speaks to the sacred fire needed to be kept glowing in our homes, our hearts and our minds. She also speaks to the need to harness our personal resources as we contemplate life and its meaning to create magic.

  I am personally reminded of two things with this symbol - standing in a circle with about 20 other fire worshippers and  meditating on a large bonfire twenty-one years ago, which I subsequently walked over a few hours later when the fiery red coals were raked out. This experience freed up my mind to believe that we are more than limited human beings and it showed me the power of mind over matter as I walked unscathed across very hot coals and leaped into the air with a cry of freedom bursting from my throat. I have walked across hot coals three times, but that first time was exhilarating on so many levels! I am reminded to apply that same inner strength whenever I want to create a new reality and one of those times is now.

   FYI: Fire-walking is not to be approached without expert guidance and hours of meditation and preparation. Please do NOT think I am advocating doing this on your own, or even that it is necessary in order to gain the insight symbolized by this degree, that is not my intent. This is just my personal example of coming to a huge revelation about the reality of my existence. In lieu of that, perhaps you can do a candle meditation where you gather with like-minded others, sitting in circle and gazing with eyes half-closed at the candle's flame as you seek the wisdom of your hearts' intention. Ask yourself, what is it that I desire to achieve for myself at this time? Then listen for the answer or look for your progress to be reflected back at you in some way in your daily life. That is Capricorn's purpose - climbing upward to secure practical goals.

   The second thing I am reminded of is that Lynda Hill says Magian is another word for Fire Worshipper and can be used to denote an astrologer. I am a Sagittarian astrologer and that means I have a lot of fire to share. I share it through my belief that we are divine spiritual beings who have come to this school we call Earth to learn about our souls' journey. I also share it by writing this Blog that is meant to inspire and elevate your life. It would be my great joy to assist you with a personal reading at any time, either in person or over the phone, to help you harness your own inner resources and create the magic you seek in your life at this time.

   The degree of the Sun is 13 Cancer: "A Hand, Which Is Held Out Receptively, Is Remarkable For The Suggestion Of Character In Its Prominent Thumb". What this symbol represents is the ability to extend oneself to others with a strong sense of determination, yet receptive to accepting their grasp of the situation as well as their input. The receptivity in no way implies weakness; an inability to extend ones hand would perhaps show a lack of character and this would weaken your position.

  Mars leaves Virgo tomorrow at long last, and moves into the Cardinal Air sign Libra, directing our energies toward relationships and restoring balance in our lives. The Virgo analysis and skill-building phase is over and it's time direct our actions (Mars) in ways which support new growth and harmony in relationships (Libra). Whether your introspection and analysis over the last several months have led you to the decision to move on or to move ahead in any partnership,  it is now time to face the direction you want to move in. I think of Mars in Libra as a kind of armchair quarterback; someone with the bravado but who sits in a chair, not running plays out on the field. Mars can get bogged down in Libra only if he forgets it takes effort to make what he wants happen. Apply the effort to what you already know you want to do and let the rest of the details fall into place as you go.

 ...and remember, if you keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground, you'll make progress...


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