
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Monday, September 17, 2012

Virgo New Moon... Business As Usual? I Think Not!

   The moon joined the sun in Virgo on Saturday night for a New Moon focus on integrity, organization and child-like innocence. How does Virgo equate with child-like innocence, you ask...?! Think "out of the mouths of babes... truthfulness and purity of thought... or, no ulterior motives"... We can all relate to Virgo's propensity for cleanliness and analyzing but it's harder to get back to the beginning of a thought, when it started out pure, before everyone started adding their trappings, before we tried to make it "new and improved" and ended up mucking it up with attachments, whether physical, mental or emotional.

    So, this month can be about clearing out the cobwebs in your mind, or the clutter in your closets, or the dark shadowy places in your heart. A way to begin doing this is to get quiet and ask your Self, what do I need to let go of? You'll recognize the answer when it comes, but try not to bury it under another thought or sweep it under a rug. Denial and darkness will help it grow into a BIG fat resentment, an ache or a pain somewhere, or maybe... it could win you a guest spot on a Hoarders show!

   Besides the New Moon influence in Virgo, we have some other planetary movement that will impact your world, which is a good reason to de-clutter and organize your environment, so you know where everything is and where you stand with others. First of all, that moody, distant and dark planet, Pluto, turns around tomorrow and begins moving in Direct motion at 6 degrees and 57 minutes of Capricorn. To give you an idea of how slowly Pluto moves, it has been at the same degree and minutes since September 13 and will remain there through September 22nd - that's ten days of smoldering plutonian energy! The energy indicated by Pluto is of the nature of transformation and regeneration. It is symbolized by decay, destruction, disease and /or elimination. Being in Capricorn, the ruler of practicality and necessity, Pluto is facilitating the breakdown of business and structural foundations that are not working. We are already aware of the need for change in our government and financial institutions in this country and in others.

    Wherever Pluto is transiting in your personal chart, you are experiencing a gradual decline, decay or breakdown in what you thought was the foundation of your personal identity, relationships, work, goals, etc... this is a necessary process for you to re-build in that area where you are ready for change. Just remember that Pluto works gradually! The fly in the ointment is the challenge that is coming from the square to revolutionary Uranus. Because these are both "outer" planets with a long orbit around the Sun, they will interact in this manner six more times, (for a total of seven squares; the first time was the end of June) starting tomorrow, Wednesday, the 19th. Expecting challenges, sudden changes of plans and revolutionary events outside of one's control would be the indicators of what is reverberating under these major planetary energetics!

   My suggestion for working with these energies, is not to react to button-pushing so as not to escalate a potentially volatile situation, nor to allow bullying from anyone who wants to take your power away. The second one is harder because bullies perceive themselves as entitled to all the power, including yours, so they generally react badly when someone they perceive to be weaker stands up for themselves. Another suggestion is to rely on the old adage of "strength in numbers". Groups of like-minded individuals with the same goal or needs have more power than one individual. However... in all of these uncertain times, what is often most effective is to adopt a wait-and-see attitude and/or to allow situations to unfold with a watchful eye to what your next move might be. Avoid over-reacting, assuming and jumping into things to try and affect a change prematurely!

   That's enough information for several weeks, not just one or two, so let's stop here. Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!

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