
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Aries Full Moon Oct. 2022

 The Aries Moon culminates in an opposition to the Sun in Libra at 4:55pm EST on Sunday, Oct.9th. This Full Moon feels like a reset or a do-over, an opportunity for a new beginning, especially as it relates to the healing of relationships. The Sun's influence in Libra can shine a light on partnership, beautification, harmony or lack thereof. There's a can-do spirit of independence that allows individuals to take a stand for themselves, especially in relationship. The caution here is not to be so impulsive or argumentative that you cause more of a separation.

Libra is the sign of fairness, equality and socializing. In general, these natives are gracious, kind and want to please others, which can cause them to take care of the needs of others and neglect their own needs. The imbalances that Libras experience are often because of the difficulty they have seeing both sides of a situation and being honest with themselves about how to achieve inner peace. This adheres to the Sun's transit through Libra also.

 This Full Moon is all about going not going overboard in our mind or emotions. The Moon in Aries is conjunct the centaur Chiron, otherwise known as the wounded healer or the rainbow bridge, because it's path around the Sun is between Saturn, representing necessity and the body, and Uranus, signifying uniqueness the rights of the individual. The Moon is making a harmonious aspect to Saturn, allowing us a window of opportunity to meet our responsibilities to others, while also taking care of our personal needs.

A Full Moon also begins the Third Quarter phase of the lunar cycle letting us see where we are, and how we're doing in the scheme of things from the Libra New Moon 2 weeks ago. (Reread my Libra New Moon Blog.) This is the period of aligning our efforts for achieving our plans and bringing them to fruition.

With the Sun halfway through Libra, we have the opportunity to look at where we are out of balance in our personal lives and work to re-align ourselves over the next 2 weeks. We get an assist from loving Venus, and her attracting power, as she sits alongside the Sun in the sign she rules. Find ways to enjoy the people you're with and really listen to each other.

 Mercury is direct now and will enter Libra on the 11th for only two and a half weeks, so make the most of your loving and kind words and love the ones you're with! This is the lead-up to Mars in Gemini going retrograde for the remainder of the year. Avoid making mountains out of molehills or letting others push your buttons. The real purpose of Mars in Gemini is to spread love wherever you go, so remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground and watch where you're going!

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