
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Libra New Moon

   Get ready to explore the unknown and the excitement it can bring in trying to balance all that's going on around us! And yes, I'm talking about this afternoon's New Moon in Libra. The reason it's going to be so exciting is the opposition that the Sun and Moon aligning in Libra make to the maverick planet Uranus in Aries. An image here is riding a bucking bronco and holding onto your seat while enjoying the ride or balancing on your surfboard as you ride in the wave. However... we're not quite there yet, so read on.

   We are still in the Balsamic phase of the Moon, until the New Moon at 3:12pm EST, sometimes called the "sleep time". This began when the slim waning Crescent Moon was at 45 degrees behind the Sun, on the evening of Oct. 15th. I know several people who have expressed being very tired the last few days and thankfully listened to their bodies, allowing themselves to be more open to their dreams and intuition. Physical energy is low, while psychic energy is high in the Balsamic Phase, which lasts roughly for three and a half days. This is a great time to rest and reflect, to see if we have released everything necessary in order to begin anew. 

   Sit quiet, shut your eyes and ask your subconscious if you have to let go of anything else, clean anything up, or take care of any unfinished business before embarking on a new path. Once done, your intuition can lead the way to new creativity. Slowing down and being in the moment allows you to nurture and appreciate what you already have. The Balsamic phase is a good time to trim your hair, your nails or your lawn if you don't want them to grow back quickly.

   Now, back to the New Moon coming in in Libra and the alignment of solar and lunar energies! As Libra is an Air sign ruled by Venus, both intellect and beauty come together with the emotional need to find harmony. The groundwork is laid for a month of seeking balance and fairness or justice. Providing an assist here is the conjunction of the Sun and Moon to Jupiter, increasing an optimistic view of how things can be, with no limits on our vision of possibilities! Helping to keep things on an even keel and still be productive, is the waning square between Mars' drive and Saturn's limitation.

   Conflicts can arise from the opposition of Sun and Moon to revolutionary Uranus. Emotions are all over the place due to unforeseen circumstances arising. However, the opportunities that come with change can carry you closer to your ultimate goals... if you don't stand in your own way. Some people will fear losing their self-identity and/or their freedom (Uranus). Those with a stronger sense of self will realize that nothing anyone else says or does can take that away from them. Being mindful of others and ready to seize new opportunities for positive change is what this aspect is about. It's like being on a surfboard, waiting to catch the right wave and ride it. Cowgirl or surfer... take your pick!

  Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Aries Full Moon

   Another new lunar cycle, and in the first sign of the zodiac, ought to bring excitement and energy for beginning something new. However , the accompanying aspects of this Full Moon chart tend to point out the difficulties of current situations around the world and in our country. Instead of letting your enthusiasm wane, you could try looking at things from a new perspective.

   Aries has the energy of the self and the keywords "I Am". As self-oriented as this headstrong and temperamental sign can be, it would be wise to avoid those impulsive attempts at change that can only bring chaos and injury to the self and others. Don't bang your head against a wall or try to knock some sense into anyone else' nogin (head). It's good to begin moving in the direction you want to go in, as long as you're not forcing the issue and remember the rights of others!

   The Sun in the opposite sign of Libra highlights the need to maintain balance and harmony amid change, and can act as the counterpoint for any reckless behavior. Both the the Sun and Moon are square transformational Pluto, bringing the intensity of the situation into full view and maybe even to an impasse. Be firm and stand strong in your convictions, but please don't allow the emotional unpredictability of another to push all your buttons. 

   Venus and Mars are just beginning to separate from their alignment in Virgo. Use this aspect to help guide you to the most positive way you can improve your skills or work with others to make sense of a work or health situation. The issue isn't having to be perfect, but making steps toward forming a committed relationship. Progress not perfection!

   I guess the things to remember at this Full Moon is that we only have control of our own emotions and actions and not to inflict pain on anyone else. Also, it's okay to be who you are as long as you allow others to be themselves and neither of you is putting your expectations or impulsive behaviors on the other.

   Remember to be kind as you keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.