
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Monday, September 24, 2018

Full Moon in Aries

   Tonight's Full Moon at 2 degrees of Aries is also known as the Harvest Moon. It is the first Full Moon after the Autumnal Equinox and it shows us how we've done preparing for this season of plenty. While the Moon is in Aries, it is opposed to Libra, reminding us that we are not alone. Out individual efforts matter when taken into account with how they affect the others in our lives.

   Do we speak out for ourselves because we need to, or because someone else needs us to be brave and stand up for ourselves, or for them? Chiron, a Centaur, represents a holistic approach to understanding how we  hurt and how we heal, hence the name sometimes given him, the Wounded Healer. This maverick teacher has a particularly poignant effect now, being aligned with the Aries Moon in this Full Moon chart. Past relationships and imbalances of power, or lack of harmony  may be highlighted now so that we can see where the healing needs to take place. Sometimes, we have to be open-minded to see another point of view in order for wholeness to be restored.

   The biggest challenge in this Full Moon chart are the squares between The Sun in Libra and the Moon in Aries and stern Saturn in Capricorn. Necessity may cause authority figures to make us feel limited in some way. Our plans may not be unfolding as quickly as we would have liked, but there are things to take care of first. Be clear about your responsibilities and  make sure you have a viable plan with the important people involved, so that steady steps can be taken to achieve your goals.

   Mars in early Aquarius  forms a favorable and potentially productive aspect to the Moon that can lead to success if you act assertively now. Energy and confidence add to self-assurance when you consider that the Sun is also harmoniously aligned with this mover and shaker.

   Remember not to push anyone into your way of thinking or acting. Remember to play fair. Remember to listen and share your thoughts when it's your turn. And remember... keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Adjusting Under A Virgo New Moon

 The Moon joins the Sun in Virgo at 2:01pm EST, setting the stage for organization, discrimination and critical thinking. Virgo assimilates, not just ideas, but as ruler of the intestines, has a lot to do with the foods we put into our bodies.This lunar month is a great time to clean off your desk or clean out your pantry and dump toxins from your body. Heck, the more you organize, the better you'll feel! Virgo's "M. O" (mode of operating) is to want to change everything... now... today... don't! Take it easy on yourself and others. Being super-critical won't help with the changes you want to make. It's better to flow into your new version of your best self and allow others to do the same.
   Mercury also moved into Virgo a few days ago, one of the two signs (s)he has rulership over - the other being Gemini. Lending its powers of discernment to this earthy sign, Mercury helps us to adapt our bodies and our minds to what we need for our health and well-being. We're reminded that we can make a choice to eliminate negative habits and substitute positive ones. For example, say you would like to cut down on your sugar intake and you put 4 teaspoons in your coffee every morning; by choosing each day to cut back to three teaspoons every day for a couple of weeks, you'll begin to get used to the taste and not need so much sugar; in another month, you could even cut down to two teaspoons. Just don't try and change everything all at once... start small and be consistent!

   Back to the New Moon chart... Opportunity is a keyword now, thanks to applying sextiles -aspects of growth, between the Sun and Moon in Virgo, to expansive Jupiter in Scorpio. Think little step forward for an expansive future. Plant your seed ideas in the fertile and watered soil provided by Scorpio. It takes earth and water to make seeds grow and now is the time to start moving forward with your goals. Commitment in partnerships and drawing on the wealth of a larger pool of resources will see you through as long as you put in the necessary work on your end, to get started.

   There's something else to consider about Mercury at this time, as it forms harmonious aspects with hard-working Saturn and ingenious Uranus. Mental actively is strong now, minds are active and this is good for making plans, communicating with others and sharing original ideas. Just don't wait too long to get out of your head and engage in productive dialogue with like-minded people, or you could miss a wonderful opportunity to build your future on.

  The topping on the cake here (gluten-free, tasty carrot cake of course...) is a not-seen-often-enough positive alignment of Jupiter with Pluto. Collaboration and open-mindedness can be very productive tools for expansion at this New Moon. As you organize, weed out and make your plans, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!