
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Friday, February 26, 2021

Virgo Full Moon


      The Full Moon culminates overnight at 3:17am EST in the 8th degree of Virgo, highlighting the need for organization and discernment. Another concern of this polarity of the Virgo Moon with Pisces Sun is the need for healing and wholeness. By allowing intuition to inform you of your current needs, you get to pick your priorities and chose what to work on. Just remember, Virgo relies on honesty and boundaries.

     There is an element of just wanting to indulge in daydreams and fantasy while Venus is aligned in Pisces with the Sun. However, the Sun highlights its flow into those hidden places and Virgo Moon will nag at your insecurities, asking you what needs to go, what needs to be worked on, or fixed? Do the inner work of clarification in order to know what needs purifying or cleansing, then the process of healing can begin.

     With communciative Mercury sitting in between Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius, there's a lot to educate ourselves on regarding humanitarian and group concerns. There's an electricity in the air surrounding the sharing of new ideas leading to ingenious solutions that address old stuck patterns. 

   We are in a time of shifting realities and total awareness of unique opportunities to change things for the better is closer at hand than ever before. Do your research - there's plenty of resources available on the internet, in libraries and educational institutions that can help provide possible answers. Not everything can be fixed all at once and not everyone will agree on the best course of action, but talking, listening and brainstorming is a heck of a lot better than burying one's head in the sand or conjuring up conspiracy theories based on falsehoods.

   The need to focus on our responsibilities to the planet we live on is also taking center stage now and throughout the year as restrictive Saturn in Aquarius squares off with revolutionary Uranus in Taurus. These two Fixed signs create tension and something has to give. What is it going to be... science and ingenuity, or the same old ways of dealing with growing climate crises? Fossil fuels are polluting  the air we breathe, the water we drink and the foods we eat. We are running out of time and Mother Earth is reminding us. There are much worse storms, including hurricanes, tornados and typhoons, not to mention rising temperatures and sea levels, and yet we continue to plod along while greed and politics take center stage, distracting us from our need to act to save our planet!

   I didn't know what form this Blog would take until I was in the middle of writing it. As astrologers, we say the devil is in the details and that'sVirgo. Pisces can be illusion, fog, film, drugs and alcohol, or the feeling that we are all one, all connected and all living in this dream... or is it a reality? We need to wake up before it's too late.

    Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~