
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Slowing Down During the Darkest Phase of The Moon

  Today's Taurus Moon allows us the time and energy to re-group while the Moon is decreasing in light and our energy wanes as well. This is a perfect time to enjoy the long holiday weekend and do some relaxing. Whether it's a barbecue with friends or family, the emphasis is on nature and gardens, as well as preserving the status quo when it comes to finances. In other words, enjoy the simple pleasures life has to offer.

  The planetary symbolism of Venus, ruler of Taurus, is beauty. Look around you and notice the lush greens and mixed colors of Springtime. If you don't have a garden or live near a lilac bush, consider visiting a local florist or market and bringing home a bouquet of flowers to enhance the beauty in your living room or kitchen. Just appreciating nature is what the next two days are all about... that and taking it slow!

 About the dark phase of the Moon... we are in the Last Quarter Phase, which can be broken down even further into what is known as the Balsamic Phase, when the waning Crescent Moon is getting smaller and smaller until we come back to a New Moon phase. The illumination of the Full Moon is past and the last Quarter has hopefully opened our eyes to what we need to take care of in preparation for the next cycle. Now is not the time to begin anything new! It is however the time to wind down, finish up and store your energies, resources, and ideas for the New Moon Solar Eclipse which will be occurring on the evening of June first.

  I am working to replenish my personal reserves of energy, whether time or money, while carving out moments of peace and relaxation before the Gemini onslaught of information, sociability and new ideas starts the next Lunar cycle. So... as short as this is, I am taking my own advice today but I'll have a lot to say in a few days!

  Until then, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!

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