
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Saturday, June 11, 2011

First Quarter To Full Moon And Everything Inbetween!

   Apropos of a First Quarter Moon, which happened on Wednesday, I've been busy this week working on better methods of communicating, beginning with a new cell phone and switching all my email contacts from one provider to another. This month's solar eclipse in Gemini, the sign of communication, which happens to rule my seventh house of others, planted the seed for increased connections with people. However, if I was out of touch with you, when you thought I ought not to be... we can chalk it up to the demise of my cell phone and having to switch to a new email provider.

  The First Quarter Moon in Virgo brought up the challenge of how to organize our thoughts and our lives with our out-going energies. Was it difficult getting things moving in the direction you wanted them to go since the New Moon... did you have to face facts and make a necessary change in order to move along without the encumbrances of the past? Good for you if you made the necessary adjustments! If you didn't overcome your obstacle(s), expect to be dealing with them throughout the remainder of this lunar phase and be kind to yourself as you deal with the increasing energy leading up to the Full Moon next week.

  Venus, Goddess of love, beauty and gentle persuasion, entered sociable Gemini Thursday where she'll stay for the next month. The power to create cohesive bonds is possible through art, inspiring words and the enjoyment of music and other festivities. Harmony, balance, friendship and appreciation are all keynotes of Venus' planetary attributes which can be expressed with friends, siblings or co-workers. Feminine energy is highlighted and whether a man or a woman, you can get more in touch with your own needs for pleasure, harmony and an aesthetic environment. Just watch out for Venus' tendency to overindulge, especially if it's bending a friend's ear with all of your needs and not listening to theirs'.

  The planet Saturn, storing the energies of discipline, responsibility and limitation, is about to turn stationary direct late Sunday night. If you've been feeling held-back from career or business goals in the last several months, now is the time to re-focus your resources and call up the reserves to begin to manifest what you are seeking. In other words, where you direct your time and attention is where you will begin to see results probably mid to late September. So roll up those sleeves and apply yourself to what you want! Another thing to remember about Saturnine energy is that things take time... so, patience, diligence and discipline while keeping your eyes on the goal!

  Sunday and Monday are under the sway of a Scorpio Moon, which is about passion and secrets, tending to bring out suspicions and jealousy. People feel quite intense with these energies and often wonder, if I give a little bit of myself or my resources, will they try to take more?!  There may be a lot of discussing of shared values Sunday night between siblings or friends, in person or over the phone. Whatever the topic, you can be fairly certain it'll be a deep discussion and someone may be feeling moody. Try to avoid getting sucked into negativity and aim for what will work, not what hasn't!

  The Moon becomes VOC (void-of-course) on Monday at 1:43 p.m. and doesn't enter upbeat Sagittarius until 10:38 p.m. where it will stay for the next two days. This is Jupiter's territory... optimistic, out-going, storytelling and hard to pin down! Sagittarius sees the bigger picture and wants to move forward not backwards, making this a perfect time for long-range goal setting, vacation planning or looking at ways to expand both your spiritual and physical horizons.

  While Luna is still in fiery Sagittarius Tuesday, you can accomplish a lot toward the goals you set for the month at the New Moon. Be careful not to fritter away your time talking about inconsequential topics that morning or you may be playing catch-up all day! This forward-thinking energy works brilliantly with Saturn's about-face in Libra, making it possible to work well in tandem, particularly in the late afternoon on Tuesday. All this expansiveness bodes well for Wednesday's Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 4:14 p.m. when the Sagittarius/Gemini polarity is illuminated and eclipsed at the same time!

  The Full Moon phase of the lunar cycle highlights our out-going efforts since the New Moon two weeks earlier. The affect of a full moon on us humans, is that of an opposition between the inner self and the outer world. In this case, the polarity is between Gemini and Sagittarius, bringing our interaction with our smaller circle(s) into focus with the larger world. You might say it illuminates what we say and how we interact with those closest to us in our everyday life by projecting it onto the larger world stage.

   A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Full Moon is behind the Earth as it lines up with the Sun, preventing the Sun's light from reaching the Moon. I like to think of Lunar Eclipses as having an effect on us personally through our feelings about ourselves and our relationships. When the light goes out, so-to-speak, we have an opportunity to reflect on our progress with self-growth, change, whatever... as we get ready to let our light shine out in the world. Meditations, alone or in small groups, are desirable for focusing one's intentions for moving forward. It's a great time to be honest with ourselves about where we are headed!

  As always, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!



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