
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Monday, November 21, 2011

Expect Your Horizons to Expand!

   Here we are again, at that last week in the Lunar cycle where we get to work with the energy of the recent Last Quarter Moon, which occurred last Friday. It was a battle of the Will (Leo Moon) squaring off with emotional attachments(Scorpio Sun) - feeling strong and unstoppable, yet confronted with the passionate motivations of others and having to deal with it all! Don't you just love two fixed signs each trying to have it their way?! If you're ready to let go of expectations and attachments, you can rejoice in knowing that the Sagittarius New Moon arrives tomorrow!

   The Sun's vitality gets to express itself in the outgoing, Mutable Fire sign of Sagittarius, ninth sign of the Zodiac, beginning tomorrow at 11:08 a.m. The archer takes center-stage mid-way through our quest to shed light on the trials and tribulations experienced during Scorpio's conflicts. Sagittarius is represented by the Centaur, half man and half beast, whose purpose it is to rise above man's animal nature to a higher level of understanding and insight in our quest for meaning.

   Bows and arrows aside, the spiritual warrior still needs to keep his or her eye on the goal in order to reach their destination. The adaptable nature of Sag doesn't mean they shoot an arrow into the sky not knowing or caring where it lands, it means allowing for new pathways to unfold in the search and then bringing back and sharing the information once it's been found. The Solar Eclipse New Moon on Friday brings the lunar energy together with this Sagittarius Sun for a new direction and a new start. Before we can talk about that, there's a little matter of Mercury going retrograde on Thanksgiving day to be discussed...

    The Messenger of the Gods - Mercury, has slowed way down, getting ready to change direction on Thursday, Nov. 24th and travel in retrograde motion until Dec.13th. This takes place between 20 degrees and 4 degrees of Sagittarius; if you have any planets in these degrees of the mutable signs, (4 to 21) you will experience this cycle a bit more personally than the general populace might. I think I just heard some of you exhale and curse Mercury... no fair... he's just doing his job relaying information from the heavens to us mere mortals on the earth! Mercury gets more done with logic and reason, which requires a break now and then to assess matters.

   Mercury's job is to move quickly through the ethers/air to facilitate the communication or movement of something from one place to another. When retrograde, things like letters, responses, applications, phone calls, etc. can be delayed and moving parts on cars, computers or other machinery can break down. Why, you may ask, is this so? It is necessary to slow things down for review so that our minds don't overload, so that we may do research, or finish old projects before beginning new ones. Be careful during Mercury retrograde cycles (three per year... for practice...) to avoid important signings, new purchases and starting new ventures, so that logical perspectives don't fly out the window and come back to haunt you later!

   Now that you know the general guidelines for the upcoming weeks - making a plan, looking at the bigger picture while not agreeing to anything new and researching your options, let me tell you about the New Moon Solar Eclipse taking place in the wee hours early on Friday. A New Moon happens when the Moon joins the Sun at it's present location in the zodiac, combining instinctual behavior with the vitality of the life-giving Sun. Inner and outer come together in Sagittarius to begin the pursuit of a new path to our goals. Long-range plans, particularly involving study and travel are the seeds to plant now. Sagittarius is a freedom-loving sign that usually takes a philosophical viewpoint of the glass being half-full. Filled with aspirations of reaching great heights, these natives can sweep others up with their enthusiasm. Cautious optimism based on some solid research ought to be the keynote when the Sun begins its' trek through this adaptable sign of the zodiac.

    We look to three degrees of Sagittarius for the significance of the Sabian Symbol, which is "Two Men Playing Chess". This symbolism speaks to the need for strategy and patience, as well as adaptability and the skillfulness of planning for your opponent's moves.  Getting over-confident can end the game with your opponent winning, but careful thought and consideration can find you the winner!

   The New Moon this month is also a partial Solar Eclipse taking place at 2 degrees and 27 minutes of Sagittarius. Eclipse energy can highlight your birth chart if close to an angle or personal planet; some eclipses seem to affect us more than others and that is probably due to what it interacts with and where it takes place in your natal chart. A Solar eclipse has an effect on events and situations around us, while a Lunar eclipse has more to do with our personal growth.

   Remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground!



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