
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Happy New Moon in Leo

   Last night's New Moon in Leo begins a lunar phase of enthusiasm and creativity that will play out over the next four weeks. The Sun and Moon came together at 5:51 pm, which began a very long void-of-course Moon period lasting until 11:57 pm tonight, when the Moon moves into Virgo. So, while New Moons are about new beginnings, you do not want to start anything during a void Moon if you want to be assured of the outcome. Therefore, clean off the desk, clear out your mind and get rid of clutter to make space for renewed activity on Thursday!

   Today could be a difficult day of push me, pull me energy with giant Jupiter in watery Cancer opposing transformative Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto starts out destructive, ridding us of decay, contamination and infection for a cleansing or healing catharsis. It's job is always to transform, and in Capricorn, it's tasks begin with breaking down the old worn out structures or status quo which are not working. As Cancer and Capricorn are opposite sides of the same Cardinal coin, and both like to be in charge, we are dealing here with safety and security issues triggered by emotions (Cancer) and practical, everyday necessities. If someone, or something, seems to be a threat, ask yourself what it may be time to let go of. Are they just present in your life now to act as a catalyst for growth? What do you need to let go of in order to heal? Only you know the answers...

   Mercury leaves Cancer on Thursday, where s/he was treading water and retrograde for a time all of June and July..., for a two week vacation in Leo before moving on into Virgo on the 23rd. That's a whirlwind of activity in a short span of time! First, let's consider Mercury (communication and interaction) in fiery Leo; talk about romance, drama and risk-taking!! Saying what's on your mind without putting your foot in your mouth is the goal here, and saying it from the heart, lovingly, is how to do it. If declaring your love for someone for the first time, you may be concerned about rejection, but coming from the heart will help everyone to express themselves appropriately. Talking to the boss or loan officer at your bank (Leo) about what you need could be timely now as those in charge want to help when the Sun and Mercury are in regal Leo.

   When Mercury goes into mutable Virgo later this month, we need to be very discerning in our choices. Look at your options and get all the information to make informed decisions before acting on anything. Since Virgo rules the intestinal tract, it's also a really good time to change up your dietary habits, replacing non-nutritional "comfort" foods with food that's closer to the source (live, grown locally and organic, as opposed to boxed with preservatives from who-knows-where...). Let nature put it's bounty to good use in your body and help you feel healthier! Watch out for a tendency to obsess and over-analyze that can lead to worry and sleepless nights. Do what you can and leave the rest alone.

   Venus has been in Virgo for two weeks now, putting the financial focus on decisions and boundaries, meaning budgets and have-to spending, not "want it" indulgences. Take care of business and try not to be too self-critical or judgmental of others. Then, when Venus moves into her airy rulership of Libra on the 16th, the spotlight is on harmonious relationships, socializing and beautification projects. Sweetness and light prevail with a tendency toward people-pleasing so don't go overboard, just try not to rock the boat too much. If you're making helpful decisions in your life now, you ought to know your limits and be just fine.

  Until next time, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~


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