
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Leo New Moon Today!!

   This Balsamic Phase, or the "dark side of the Moon", has been especially interesting with the Sun in Leo and the Moon creeping up to join him there later today, at 6:42pm EST, you can feel the joy starting to break out even though you cannot see the waning crescent moon any longer and it will be another couple of nights until we see the waxing crescent moon appear! Giant Jupiter, conjunct the Moon just prior to it joining the Sun, adds to the sense of euphoria or larger-than-life emotions.

    The challenge is to enjoy oneself and ones' loved ones... see how that word is repeated... one... and remember that we are all "one", whether connected by blood or water (emotion). The bigger challenge is to avoid going overboard emotionally. This can appear as having too much fun or being willful and stubborn. Leo is the sign of drama and the King, and while Leos want their friends to have fun with them, they generally like to have it their way! Having Sun, Moon and Jupiter all together in Leo ratchets up the childlike awe and joy of life. Choose to be the fun-loving child, not the petulant child wanting their way, and you'll enjoy your friends and family more.

   Moving into opposition on Monday are Venus in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn, which brings awareness to your financial picture, values and what is breaking down or needing to be re-built. This celestial polarity can be quite revealing as it puts stress on the weak spots and shows us where our strength lies. Tune into your intuition and really identify what is important and what either needs to be let go of or where you can build anew!

   Staying focused on your joy, creativity and expressing what gives you pleasure, while not hurting others, is the main function of the Leo New Moon cycle playing out over the next four weeks. Positive keywords are enthusiasm, creativity, drama, generosity and dignity. Negative traits are willfulness, entitlement, snobbery, dogmatic and patronizing. They are both available in bucket-loads in August... choose wisely how to best express your inner or outer Leonine personality and have as much fun as you can while including your loved ones!!

   Remember to keep your head in the stars and get your feet in the sand while basking in Leo's warmth~

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