
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Friday, October 10, 2014

"Days of Distribution" Of The Full Moon's Illumination

   Yes, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse was the day before yesterday and I couldn't finish writing my Blog due to a painful injury to my right index finger. So, I am now modifying the post I started, to discuss what is called "the days of distribution" while trying not to type with the splinted finger! Hopefully, you got to read someone else take on the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, but I will paraphrase my thoughts on how these energies can affect us as while under the influence of the days of distribution.

   As you are no doubt aware, this was a powerful Full Moon with some very positive, as well as challenging, aspects still playing out on planet Earth! The enlightenment on the Aries/Libra access is about balance, fairness and harmony, especially in our significant relationships. Whether you are in a one-on-one personal partnership or not, you still have others in your daily life... family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc. So, what realizations have you come to regarding the need for compromise or diplomacy in your key partnerships?

   With the Aries Full Moon in close proximity to unstable and surprising Uranus, and both opposite the Sun (life force) conjunct Venus (values, needs, money, love) in Libra, it is hard not to jump into action over what we perceive as necessities to right the ship in the area of imbalances. While indecision or inaction is often a Libran characteristic, the ability to weigh out the pros and cons is a good thing before taking action, especially when feeling pressed to do something while Mercury (communication, agreements, etc.) is in retrograde motion!

    The chart of the Full Moon held a Grand Trine in Fire between ebullient Jupiter in Leo, action-oriented Mars in Sagittarius and the Moon/Uranus conjunction in Aries. That's a lot of inspiration, hope and desire to flow with positive and forward-moving conviction in the direction of our goals! This Grand Trine also included the polarity of the Sun/Moon opposition, making another favorable aspect called a kite, with the apex of the kite being the Libra Sun. Look for your opportunity to make headway in relationships that are supportive and balanced.

    The other planetary aspects of the Full Moon chart still sending out underlying vibrations and cause for concern are four stressful squares from transformative Pluto to the Sun, Moon, Venus and Uranus, denoting the obstacles to our growth and where we need to focus our efforts to make positive changes to help bring these disparaging forces together! Let the Moon's light illuminate what is most important to you and who or what you need to either let go of, or bring along, as you move in the direction you choose to go. Just make sure you're not hitting your head against an old wall, as you look for the doorway to your renewed harmony. Trying to make something happen or control the actions, thoughts or feelings of another is strictly off-limits!

    A reminder here that we are just in the first week of Mercury retrograde, which doesn't go Direct until the 25th. That means, do your research, finish up old projects and don't start important new things for several weeks. This is the time to slow our thoughts down for introspection, not to go hurrying off in a new direction!

   In the meantime, remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground! 




   The two days following

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