
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Monday, March 7, 2016

Solar Eclipse New Moon in Pisces March 8, 2016

   We are under the moonbeams today, in the Balsamic Phase of the Moon,
before the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces at 8:54 pm tonight. Cleaning up old business before beginning any major new projects, no matter how much you are itching to start something new, ought to be on your agenda tonight and tomorrow.  Put things to rest, let go of the old and be thankful for what the past has prepared you for. Then, after the Moon becomes active in Aries, at 2:40 pm tomorrow, you can start to initiate new projects.

   Now, let's talk about the New Moon and powerful Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees Pisces. Remember that eclipses are powerful times for breaking with the past and jump-starting the future, even if you're not ready. Remember that kids game of hide-and-seek when the kid counting to 100, yells "ready or not, here I come!" Well , that's what an eclipse can do for you, so get ready!

    In Pisces, the eclipse asks you to tune into your compassionate, intuitive self and recognize what you need to honor. For some, it's about making a clean sweep of past attitudes, behaviors or associations that no longer serve you as you prepare for a new you. For others, it has to do with where you can be of service and really acknowledging your inner knowingness about what makes you happy. Is it self-worth or making money to put in the bank that fires you up? Everyone needs to make a living, but are you just living to make money or are you enjoying your life everyday, doing something fulfilling?

   These are the kinds of questions that can bring insight into the ending of one phase and the beginning of something new and exciting. Let go of what isn't working for you, be kind to yourself and go easy on those around you who may or may not get it. Search within for your answers, be still and listen to that small voice that knows your dreams. Then, when you're ready to break with the past, start planting seeds for having your dreams come true. I heard once, from someone far wiser than myself, that if I couldn't imagine it, I couldn't have it. 

Make your wish list tonight after you've connected with your divine self. And remember that the Moon is void immediately after it contacts the Sun, so don't start anything new until the Aries Moon tomorrow afternoon.
Sweet dreams~
Oh, and remember to keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground.

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