
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Monday, July 4, 2016

Cancer New Moon & The Fourth of July

   Today's new Moon just happens to fall on the Fourth of July - how awesome is that?! Fireworks, family, food, friends and fun, a wonderful prescription for summer and Independence Day. With the Lights, Sun and Moon, riding the comfortable waves of this Cardinal Water sign together, we can make time for enjoyment and really look at what gives us security in our homes. Some may be seeking a new home, while others are working to maintain or fix up their homes. Whatever your situation, your nest and comfort figures strongly between now and the Full Moon in two weeks.

   The chart for the New Moon has the Sun and Moon conjunct Mercury first, then Venus later tonight. Thinking, talking and planning for what makes you feel supported and safe is the focus of the first alignment. pay attention to dreams that may have suggested what you're seeking. Creative outlets get a lot of boost today for expressing oneself as Luna harmonizes with Neptune. Spending time in, or on, or near the water, in whatever form gets the green light, big time!! Whether it's the ocean, pool, river or lake, get your feet in the water and enjoy the sensation.

   The alignment of Mercury with the Sun and Moon sets up an aspect of adjustment to Saturn, reminding us that while we are planning for new possibilities, responsibility still looms large. Take care of business and watch the details you haven't yet ascertained fall into place.  You do your part and let others do theirs and it will all work out in the end!

   A challenging opposition from the same three planets mentioned above, to transformational Pluto can help you use your power constructively for good or destructively if you try to assert your will too fast, too soon. Baby steps will work well here; you learn to crawl first, then walk, before you can run! Watch for signs of light seeping through the cracks and know that change is inevitable. Your only course of action is to choose what path you'll take once the way becomes clear.

Happy Fourth everyone, and remember... while keeping your head in the stars and your feet on the ground, be safe out there and watch where you're going~


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