
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Saturday, January 19, 2019

January's Full Moon, Sun In Aquarius & The Total Lunar Eclipse

   The Sun moved into Aquarius, Fixed Air, this morning. That brings our attention to self-expression and communication, particularly by sharing information in groups. This freedom-loving sign of the Zodiac is original, inventive and friendly. Other attributes of Aquarius are being unconventional or revolutionary. The ruling planet, Uranus, is an electrical energy that acts somewhat spontaneously and often out-of-the-blue. That energy figures strongly in the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse overnight.

   You've probably been feeling the build-up to this long weekend's Leo Full Moon all around you - in the news, in the weather and in your communities and relationships. Let's just say, there's a lot going on, especially with a Total Lunar Eclipse capping it off! The Sun and Moon are aligned with the Moon's Nodes, hence an Eclipse, and all are squaring off with unconventional Uranus. That basically means expect the unexpected!

   The eclipse will be visible across North America... if we don't have cloud cover. It will also be seen across South America, Europe, the Middle East, most of Africa and northeastern Asia. The eclipse degree of 1 Leo has as its' Sabian Symbol, "Under Emotional Stress, Blood Rushes To A Man's Head". What an interesting symbol for many world leaders! In the US chart, this degree sits at the Mid-heaven, a most auspicious point for being seen out in the world. If you're dealing with a lot of stress, or someone around you is, try to use your rational mind to avoid over reacting or exploding. Take a time-out in nature or meditation to look at what is causing your own frustration and what you can do about that. Since it's an eclipse, expect the effects to play out over a period of weeks and months.

   Personally, it may be wise to use the Aquarius Sun and Leo Moon energy in a creative, kind of break-through way in the areas of your life influenced by the planets' chart positions.  Brain-storming with friends or a committee of like-minded others can lead to new insights and approaches that individuals can bring to the collective bargaining table. Venus and Jupiter are sitting together in forward-thinking Sagittarius for a much needed dose of optimism and truth-seeking. Be aware that these two planets are in a challenging aspect to Neptune, purveyor of dreams, idealism and cons. If it appears to be too good to be true, it probably is, so avoid financial or emotional speculation. Allow the Aquarian Sun to provide a detached assist.

    Don't bury your head in the sand, but do keep a low profile and remember that this too shall pass as you strive to maintain a calm demeanor while all around you appears to be in utter chaos. Here's hoping you can keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~

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