
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Leo New Moon July 2019

   The New Moon culminates at 11:11pm  tonight as the Moon joins the Sun in his rulership of fiery Leo. Leo - the sign of the king, is regal and strong, fierce and fun-loving, dramatic and playful. When the Sun is at home, the ego and the will are accentuated, as are the ability to love and be generous. This is the backdrop of the current lunar phase beginning tonight and ending at the Virgo New Moon on August 30th.

   People on vacation during the next 4 weeks, can only think of their fun. They want you to have fun also, but only so long as their enjoyment comes first. Watch out for fallen crowns and tiaras hidden in a golden mane as those demanding to be center-stage let you know how important their agenda is. The loving warmth of Leo is shown to their families and friends through generosity and playfulness. This is a time for sharing and enjoying the creative ways in which joyfulness can be expressed.

   This New Moon feels somewhat erratic due to a challenging aspect to quirky Uranus. Uranus is uncontrollable energy that shows up like a bolt out of the blue. The challenge here is to avoid over-reacting to outside stimuli that feels urgent. Maybe there is some new helpful information that comes in, or a situation suddenly arises that needs our attention, but our response doesn't need to be drastic or dramatic. Even when faced with sudden change, we still need to exhale before taking in a new breath!

   With both loving Venus and healing Chiron also in harmonious relationship to the Sun and Moon, we can be caring and compassionate with others - those we are already in relationship with and those who are drawn to us for our unique gifts. Shortly before midnight, Mercury in Cancer stations to move in direct motion once more. Consider what you've learned during the last three weeks about nurturing yourself and others and begin to apply your caring efforts as Mercury moves through his shadow phase, entering Leo on August 12th, offering new ways of expressing ourselves through love and creativity.

   Remember, not everyone is on vacation, but we can be kind to those who are and considerate of those who aren't! In the meantime, keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground~

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