
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." - Carl Gustav Jung

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Pisces Full Moon

   This is a good day to lay low and follow through on things. With the the Full Moon illuminating the more sensitive side of humanity, our feelings of compassion and connection are at the forefront. The Moon in Pisces opposed the Sun in Virgo at 3:03am EST. This is the axis of cleansing and healing. Time to really batten down the hatches and organize your own stuff before taking on anyone else's!

   Pisces ruling planet, Neptune, is closely aligned with this Moon and adding the qualities of artistic urges, escapism and dreaminess to the day. If you can take the time to be creative or just listen to soothing or classical music today, do so. It's better to allow your energy to flow in that direction, rather than self-pity or drugs and alcohol. (Alcohol is a drug too, as well as a depressant.) Another aspect of Neptune/Pisces is the animal kingdom; perhaps your efforts could go to that realm.

  The Sun in Virgo is ruling the Full Moon chart, due to Leo Rising, and acting as a very strong polarity to the Moon and Neptune's pull.  With a harmonious connection to Uranus in Aries, also aligned with Mars and Saturn, the urge to fix something, or someone is very strong. You may get the insight along with having the energy to do this, however, it would be prudent to really think carefully about how your actions would affect everyone involved.

   There is certainly enough disconcerting weather swirling around us, both actual and emotional, so make sure you're feeling supported and stable enough before you go helping others. Take stock of your own reserves emotionally and physically and if you have enough to keep body and soul together, then you can assess how much or how little you can offer to others. Be as kind to yourself as you are to them.   

   Mercury, once again Direct as of Sunday, has been hanging out around the New Moon Solar Eclipse degree (29 Leo) of two weeks ago. Insights and original ideas may now surface that could be ahead of the curve, just in time to give humanity a boost of hope.

   Remember to keep your feet in your galoshes and on the ground, while your head is in the stars~


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